What is the Church Growth Movement (CGM)?

Some Christians are aware that Satan is forming a world government (New World Order) which he plans to rule from modern Israel through the coming false Jewish Messiah (the anti-Christ). What most Christians don’t know is that the apostate Church will not only be a partner in this New World Order, but is even now working toward its creation.

“Evangelical churches will be the chief instrument to bring the New World Order to birth.” 1.

The purpose of the church growth movement is to facilitate the transition of Christians and churches into the New World Order. The starting point for the New World Order is a political ideology known as Communitarianism.

Communitarianism, Amitai Etzioni, and the Kabbalah

Communitarianism is a “Third Way” compromise between Capitalism and Communism.  Communitarianism is not Fascism nor is it Communism, but a synthesis of these opposing ideologies which preceded it. It draws government-business partnerships from Fascism and employs group decision-making from Communism.  Communitarianism will resemble a corporate state (Fascism) in which the elite will work under capitalist rules to continue generating wealth while the working class will be controlled by Communist model laws. The Communitarian synthesis incorporates not only elements of Fascism and Communism, but also Globalism.

The impending economic collapse of the United States along with the financial markets of the world will create the conditions necessary for a global Communitarian society.  U.S. President Barack Obama is a Communitarian whose Cabinet and staff will function as a Third Way governing board.  It is significant that Barack Obama’s base as a “community organizer” was Chicago’s churches:

“President Obama began his career on the South Side of Chicago, working with a coalition of churches to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods. During the election, people all across the country talked about feeling a new sense of civic engagement and got involved in politics for the first time. Now, President Obama and Vice President Biden are counting on Americans from all walks of life to serve the nation and help address the problems we face—and they’re committed to building the infrastructure and providing the resources that will make it possible.” 2.

Shortly after he took office, President Obama signed an Executive Order establishing the White House Office for Faith-Based and Community Partnerships. Churches who sign on with this faith-based initiative will be required to compromise in many ways, such as refraining from sharing the Gospel and employing non-believers in their programs. It appears there will be serious legal consequences for refusal to employ whomever may apply, even Muslims, Satanists, homosexuals, transgenders and pedophiles.

Update, March 2017: “How the HRC and Gay Lobby Have Been Empowered by White House Faith-Based Partnerships

“Obama’s overriding reason for establishing this office is because he believes that ‘our problems require an ‘all hands on deck’ approach, and that the federal government should enlist effective faith-based and community groups to help solve them.’ Of course, Obama’s strong support of faith-based and community partnership initiatives stems from his early years as a hands-on community organizer on Chicago’s South Side…

“The President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships…will be overseen by a 25-member advisory board of ‘religious and secular leaders and scholars from different backgrounds’ appointed to one-year terms. The Faith-Based Advisory Council will be headed by Rev. Joshua DuBois, the 26-year-old Pentecostal pastor who served as director of religious affairs for Obama’s Presidential campaign. Included on the influential Council are [Evangelical and Baptist ministers including]… Rev. Jim Wallis, President & Executive Director, Sojourners…, Dr. Frank S. Page, President emeritus, Southern Baptist Convention…” 3.

The following description of Communitarianism from the Rockefeller expose, Thy Will Be Done; The Conquest of the Amazon, shows how central the apostate church will be in the coming Communitarian global government: “…communitarianism, a system of church-centered community ownership of property that vaguely would include private ownership of homes and land.” 4. Authors Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett documented the tragic outcome of communitarianism in Latin America — a genocidal campaign conducted by death squads that were funded by Evangelical churches in the United States. (“Antipas: CIA Connections”)

According to Niki Raapana, co-founder of the Anti-Communitarian League, “The leader of the unheralded transition to a communitarian system in the U.S. is the Israeli Zionist founder of the Communitarian Network, Dr. Amitai Etzioni.” 5. Amitai Etzioni, born a German Jew named Werner Falk, is a former member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), the founder of American Communitarianism, the founder and director of the Communitarian Network, and possibly the most influential man in American politics today.

According to Amitai Etzioni, “Nationalism must be ended. It is a creed that has come to burden the expansion of globalism.” 6. “The communitarian agenda is to eliminate all nations and establish an all-powerful, central global government.” 7.

Amitai Etzioni was a student of Martin Buber at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. 8. Martin Buber was a German Zionist Jew and a Kabbalist who embraced the teachings of Hasidism. “In addition to studying Kabbalah with Gershom Scholem, Etzioni worked with Buber himself…” 9. “…he [Amitai Etzioni] studied the Kabbalah and the Hegelian dialectic.” 10.

Why did Werner Falk change his name to Amitai Etzioni? Niki Raapana explains: “The Kabbalah is often described as The Truth Tree or The Tree of Knowledge (Amitai Etzioni means Tree of Knowledge from Zion).” 11. “Communitarian legal theory is based in part in the Kabbalah.” 12.

“Etzioni’s new communitarian idea of ‘community spirit’ is based in the Talmud, Hegel, and the theosophical ideas expressed by Madame Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley. They, along with many other gurus, introduced Americans to the worship of Lucifer as the ultimate ‘light being.’ One Thousand Points of Light is a whole program based on Satanic ‘community oriented’ principles.” 13. The Talmud is the textbook of Jewish Rabbis and the basis of Judaism. The Kabbalah is the “blood and bone” of the Talmud.

The Talmud and the Noahide Laws

Niki Raapana wrote in “The Role of Religion in the Communitarian Synthesis”: “The theory of Communitarianism has its own Law, its own guru, its own theoretical basis, and another set of laws based in the Talmud, which is being taught to American lawyers and judges at the Judaic Law Institute in Washington D.C. Communitarian and Talmudic Law supersedes all other national and religious laws.” 14.

“…in a communitarianized Amerika, we’ll all be required to bow before a court enforcing Talmudic, communitarian laws.” 15. “U.S. lawyers and judges are being retrained to base decisions on Talmudic Law.” 16.

“Israeli Jews claim to have developed ‘a system of courts for non-Jews adhering to the Seven Laws of Noah…’” 17. The Noahide Laws correspond with the Sephirot or path of initiation taught in the Kabbalah. “…the seven Noahide commandments …are arranged in the sefirotic structure familiar to students of Kabbalah. . .” 18. The sefirotic structure is called the Kabbalist “Tree of Life,” which is the meaning of Amitai Etzioni’s first name.

The Noahide Laws will be administered by a restored Sanhedrin. “[Archaeologist Dr. Vendyl Jones] is working with the Sanhedrin to establish a system of courts for non-Jews adhering to the Seven Laws of Noah, which the Torah obligates all of humanity to follow.” 19. “One of those laws is to establish courts of justice. A high court has been established by the Sanhedrin for such purposes, and a subsidiary of that court will soon be established in the United States as well.” 20. In 1991, Chabad-Lubavitch in cooperation with President Bush established the observance of Education Day, USA [Public Law 102—14 (H..J. Res. 104]: March 20, 1991), “to return the world to the moral and ethical values contained in the Seven Noahide Laws.” 21.

According to the Talmud, “One additional element of greater severity is that violation of any one of the seven laws subjects the Noahide to capital punishment by decapitation. (Sanh. 57A)” 22. One of the 7 Noahide Laws prohibits idolatry. True Christians, under these Noahide Laws, will be considered idolaters for their faith in Jesus Christ and will be beheaded.

In the model communitarian villages of Guatemala established and supported by American Evangelicals in the 1980s, the World Zionist Organization conducted espionage, interrogation by torture and genocide which involved beheadings. (“Antipas: CIA Connections”)

“But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before the rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them.” Mark 13: 9

“And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the Word of God and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years.” Rev. 20:4

Judeo-Freemasonry & The Kabbalah

The Kabbalah is the “blood and bone” of Talmudic Judaism, which is Babylonian Pharisaism, and its Gentile front, Freemasonry.

The chief Rabbi of Great Britain, J. H. Hertz, wrote in the Forward to the first English translation of the Babylonian Talmud: “The beginnings of Talmudic literature date back to the time of the Babylonian exile in the Sixth pre-Christian Century.” 23. Rabbi Louis Finklestein, former head of Jewish Theological Seminary of America, wrote of the “The Pharisees”: “Pharasaism became Talmudism…But the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered.” 24.

The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia of 1943 states: “The Jewish religion as it is today traces its decent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees…The Talmud…is essential for any real understanding of Pharisaism.” 25. The Lord Jesus Christ called Pharisaism the “Synagogue of Satan” (Rev 2:9, 3:9). (Mystery Babylon: Catholic or Jewish?)

Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise, a major figure and pioneer of Reform Judaism in America, stated in 1855: “Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end.” (Heeding Bible Prophecy: New Israel) The Jewish Tribune stated in 1927, “Freemasonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left?”

Albert Pike stated in Morals and Dogma, “The Kabalah is the key of all Masonry and the occult sciences…” 26. “It is, in fact, the Cabalistic elements in Freemasonry that act as the main driving force in the envenomed and aggressive opposition of the later to Christianity, and its never-flagging efforts for the undermining and destruction of the Christian organization of society.” 27.

Edith Starr Miller wrote in Occult Theocrasy, “The Kabbalah teaches magic or the art of intercourse with spirits and supernatural beings” 28. Elizabeth Dilling wrote in The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today, “Kabbalah, means ‘tradition,’ and it is the tradition of the paganisms of Babylon, Egypt, and the pagan philosophers, enshrined in the Jewish religion.” 29. “The Jewish Cabala is a library of literature, all on magic and spiritism, and based on sheer pantheism.” 30. “The Hasidist branch of Judaism specializes in the Cabala.” 31. Recall that Martin Buber, who taught Amitai Etzioni, embraced Hasidic Judaism and became a practitioner of Kabbalah.

Peter Drucker, the Kabbalah, and Total Quality Management (TQM)

Communitarians refer to the creation of a world government as the effort to create a “healthy society.” The goal of the church growth movement (CGM) is to manipulate Christians and churches into this healthy society. “Health-based” language is sometimes used in the CGM. Some church growth leaders desire “healthy churches” and “healthy congregations” made up of “healthy Christians.” A healthy church would be one in which all members are willing to compromise the Word of God for the common good.

Communitarians believe that attaining a healthy society involves the successful merger of the 3 sectors of society. It requires a merger of the government sector, the private sector (business) and the social sector (which includes the churches). This merger is also known as “Drucker’s 3-legged stool,” named after its main proponent, Peter Drucker, who is considered to be the “father of modern management.” Peter Drucker, like Amitai Etzioni, was a Communitarian and was also a student of the Kabbalah.

According to Roger Oakland’s “Bob Buford, Peter Drucker, and the Emerging Church,” Peter Drucker, like Amitai Etzioni, shared a bond with the Kabbalist, Martin Buber. Roger Oakland stated, “Drucker felt a strong bond…with a panentheist/ mystic named Martin Buber (1878-1965), who embraced the teachings of Hasidism (Jewish mysticism).” In his book, “Between Man and Man” (New York, NY: Routledge Classics, 2002, first published in 1947), p. 219, Buber states, ‘Since 1900 I had first been under the influence of German mysticism from Meister Eckhart [a mystic] … then I had been under the influence of the later Kabalah [Jewish mysticism] and of Hasidism.’” 32.

Drucker, who developed the community-based global management system, was under the influence of the Kabbalist Martin Buber, who also taught Amitai Etzioni, the Israeli Zionist Communitarian leader in the U.S. and founder of the Communitarian Network. Roger Oakland, quoting Michael Schwarz’s “Early Influences upon Peter Drucker’s Perception of ‘the Public Interest,’ stated, “Drucker was a student of Buber’s at the University of Frankfurt.” 33. John E. Flaherty, author of Peter Drucker: Shaping the Managerial Mind, wrote that Drucker “[drew] upon the wisdom of the philosopher Martin Buber.” 34.  Note: Peter Drucker’s father, Adolf Drucker, was a Grandmaster of the Austrian Freemasons. (Peter Drucker Society)

Peter Drucker was very interested in getting churches involved in the implementation of the world government. Drucker, who once lamented that there were “still many unhealthy churches,” 35. was not only an occultist, but an organizational guru. It was his involvement in the Jewish Kabbalah that inspired him to create an organizational model that would transform churches into agents of Satan. This organizational model today is called Total Quality Management (TQM). “Total” stands for “totalitarian.” It was Drucker’s vision that all organizations, including church organizations, within the 3-legged stool (Communitarian system) be run on TQM. He considered churches not conformed to this TQM model to be “still unhealthy.”

Today, Drucker’s vision has become reality as organizations across all 3 sectors of society have been conformed to a TQM-style organizational model. This organizational model is called Total Quality Leadership in the military, Community Oriented Policing (COPS) or DARE in civilian law enforcement, Outcome-Based Education (OBE), and School to Work (STW) in politics.

Perhaps the main organization manipulating the churches into this Communitarian partnership (New World Order) is the Leadership Network (www.leadnet.org). The Leadership Network was founded by an entrepreneur named Bob Buford. Buford also founded the Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management (now called The Leader to Leader Institute). In the dedication to his book, “Halftime”, Buford referred to Drucker as “the man who formed my mind.” 36. The Leadership Network is in the business of marketing and promoting church growth. The Leadership Network trains church leaders how to implement congregational transformation. “The Mission of the Leadership Network is to ‘Accelerate the emergence of the 21st-century church,’ and that the (emerging) ‘paradigm (of the 21st century church) is not centered in theology, but rather it is focused on structure, organization, and the transition from an institutionally based church to a mission-driven church.’” 37. Listed among the recent contributors to The Leadership Network is the Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund. 38.

The TQM-style model has been adopted in varying degrees by all churches that have been infiltrated by the church growth movement. This is a major step toward conforming the churches to the standards required by the “Healthy Society.” For example, the First Korean United Methodist Church of Kentucky’s (FKUMC) website states, “FKUMC is dedicated to maximizing the growth of its members through productivity, training, teamwork and total quality management.” 39.

The TQM organizational model in the churches is a transformational process or change process which utilizes group peer pressure to conform the church members to the goals (purpose, mission, vision) of the church leadership.

Church Transformation and the Dialectic Process

Churches on board with the church growth movement are known by different names. Some are called the purpose or mission driven church. They are also called the church of the 21st century, the disciple-making church, the meta-church, and the cell church. Churches that have been subverted by stealth may not be called by any of these names. They may simply be called “community” churches.

Those who are calling for church “transformation” use a variety of terms to make their case. Some claim there is a “need for a second reformation.” Others say that the church “needs to return to the first century church model.” Still others may refer to this church transformation as a needed “paradigm shift” for the church.

In order for the church to merge into Satan’s new world order, agents of transformation must “facilitate” a total transformation of the church. This total church transformation incorporates three general levels of transformation. Change agents working within the churches desire to facilitate a personal transformation of individual church members. They desire a transformation of the church structure away from its traditional biblical model toward a cell or small group church model. And they desire to transform the church’s function so that it will be suited for service within the 3-legged stool (getting the churches to “partner” with the government and business sectors).

How will the transformation of individual church members be accomplished? Change agents within the church have laid a transformational trap for the membership. The plan calls for Christians, as well as community members (diversity), to be seduced into this trap by appealing to their “felt” needs (their “social needs” and not their “spiritual needs”). The plan also calls for creating an “environment” that will enable or “facilitate” the satisfaction of those needs.

The transformational trap laid by change agents is called the dialectic process. The environment created to facilitate the satisfaction of those “felt” needs centers on the dynamic of the small group or team, each lead by a leader/change agent. This change agent-led small group or team functions within an environment of “team-building” and TQM. The dialectic process is the basis of TQM.

The purpose of the group dialectic process is to change the minds and behavior of the participating group members to an outcome pre-determined by the group leader/facilitator. Group members will arrive at this pre-determined outcome (group consensus) through dialogue and by peer pressure facilitated by the group leader. Fearing alienation from the group will cause group members to compromise their position (standards, beliefs) for social harmony. A seeker friendly “ministry” insures that these groups will be diverse (having a mixture of believer and unbeliever). As believers are pressured to reach consensus with unbelievers for relationship building, then God’s Word will be increasingly compromised as the group process repeats itself. When the believer (thesis) reaches consensus with the unbeliever (anti-thesis), then the resulting compromise (synthesis) will be the new thesis for the next group meeting. The end result of this facilitator-led group consensus process will be group member behavioral change and transformation. As group members are transformed and become change agents, they will repeat the process by forming and leading their own groups to compromise and consensus. In this manner, the group members will have “reproduced” themselves.

In church growth infiltrated churches, the leaders/change agents often require, by covenant (forbidden by God), that all members participate in the dialectic process as manifested in small groups. (It should be noted that many “Christians” who are church members have already been through this transformation process by their exposure to change agents, small groups, and the dialectic process at their work [TQM] or at school [OBE] or somewhere else.)

Facilitators, Small Groups, and Brainwashing

If the Christian is to be transformed, then he must participate in the dialectic process or a change agent-led small group. This personal transformation process is continuous (continuous change) and without end. The global planners call the personal transformation process “life-long learning” (cradle to grave transformation and control).

What does God have to say about change agents and a process of continuous change in His Church? “For I am the Lord, I change not…” Mal. 3:6. “My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change. For their calamity shall rise suddenly; and who knoweth the ruin of them both?” Prov. 24:21-2

In churches infiltrated by the church growth movement, each small group leader/change agent (also called a facilitator) is Satan’s agent in the group. And the small group he is leading or facilitating is actually functioning as a dialectic brainwashing session. The reason for the term “brainwashing” is because it is the goal of the facilitator to remove from the minds of all the individuals in the group those things that are hindering the individual’s ability to reach group consensus, group harmony, and a collective group mind. It is the job of the facilitator to remove an individual’s standards and beliefs and morals and anything else that he or she may be holding on to (like God’s Word) that prevents that person from agreeing with the feelings of others in the group. This is called “reaching consensus.” The facilitator wants everyone to be unified with one mind.

The small church group leader/facilitator is a highly skilled seducer and manipulator who manipulates the group members by employing the weapon of fear. (All Christians know that God doesn’t give the spirit of fear). To manipulate the group members, the facilitator utilizes the fear of social rejection. This fear or trauma makes the group member feel uncomfortable because he or she experiences the fear of social rejection and alienation that comes from holding to his position against the majority of the group. Social rejection is a trauma that often creates a desire for performance, and this desire is a trap that holds people in bondage. It is during this time of trauma that the change agent will seduce and manipulate with the lie that the truth is to be found in the group consensus. The weak Christian, fearing man more than God, will then compromise the Truth for the group consensus. His trauma will be gone, albeit temporarily; he will be accepted again by the group, but his conscience will be seared. The fear of social rejection and alienation is the fear that the change agent uses to manipulate Christians into ultimately losing their faith. The change agent wants the fear of man to override the fear of God. For many, holding to God’s Word isn’t worth the pain of social rejection and so they compromise. Fear of social rejection keeps them loyal to the group, but what the Christian doesn’t know is that this loyalty to the group and its change agent will one day be transferred to the anti-Christ.

Because group members have willingly sacrificed the truth for the lie in their need for relief from trauma, they have chosen to be deceived. They are no longer lovers of truth. They have been transformed.

Church change agents may admit the purpose of their small group meeting is “for relationship building and bonding.” Does Jesus Christ want His bride seduced into a facilitated bondage through the utilization of fear tactics? “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption…” Rom: 8:15. The change agent and his group members have received the “spirit of bondage.” (I will explain later how this spirit is invoked.)

In the article, “What Exactly is a Cell Church?” written on a Catholic website, the American psychologist, Carl Rogers is quoted regarding small groups: “The power of the ‘small group’ was addressed by a comrade of Maslow, Dr. Carl Rogers, as he saw that moving from traditional religion to the small fellowshipping groups would culminate in ‘God will be dead and buried.’” 40. If the Word of God is compromised by group members through peer pressure tactics (fear of man), then God’s influence over the group members will have been negated.

Change agents in the church intend for everyone, in all situations, to be willing to compromise the Word of God. The transformed Christian has learned that compromise is the way to social harmony. The transformed Christian will turn others on to compromised thinking. This is what the church growth change agents refer to when they say, “we want to train leaders who will reproduce themselves.” They mean “we want to train change agents who will transform others into change agents, repeating the process.”

The true Christian will align himself to facts, truth and God’s Word. The transformed Christian will align himself to his group’s consensus (what they can all agree upon and feel good about). The obedient Christian will be accountable to God and His Word. The transformed Christian will have had his accountability shifted to man (his group members, his group leader and the church leaders).

Pastors and group leaders in church growth churches also act as agents of transformation by the way they have been trained to pick and choose from Scripture. The pastor or group leader, acting as change agent, will emphasize Scripture that promotes human relationship building, and he will deemphasize or omit Scripture that obstructs human relationship building. It’s all about promoting human relations, unity, and a collective group mind. The agenda of “not forsaking the assembling of yourselves” must be emphasized, while the true agenda that Christianity means standing alone for Christ must be deemphasized.

The group leader/facilitator, disguised as a Bible teacher, won’t teach the Bible in a traditional fashion. He won’t preach God’s Word. He won’t use language like “it is written.” The facilitator has no interest in meeting the spiritual needs of the group members. Instead, the change agent will employ language which questions God and his Word. He will create a permissive atmosphere with no boundaries—an atmosphere in which God’s Word can be questioned. This is called critical thinking. This is how the serpent deceived Eve: “Hath God said…?”

Small group change agents will ask the group participants questions like “What do you want?” or “How do you feel?” or “What do you think?” These kinds of questions, which have no place in a didactic Bible study, serve the purpose of identifying the “felt” needs of the group members so that they can be manipulated. Change agents don’t want group members going outside their group for the fulfillment of their social needs. This would place individual needs in competition with the group goals. Ultimately, the change agent has no interest in meeting individual needs; he wants to set aside individual needs for group goals, which are Satan’s goals.

Rick Warren and the CFR

Rick Warren, a prominent church growth leader, stated on pp. 69, 70 of The Purpose Driven Church that “Healthy churches are built on a process, not on personalities.” Rick Warren was referring to the Hegelian dialectical process.

A Fortune Magazine article written on Oct. 31, 2005, “Will Success Spoil Rick Warren?”, stated that Warren is “a protégé of management thinker Peter Drucker.” Warren, who is now working to draw churches into their proper place within Drucker’s Communitarian system, is also a member of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).  Click here to see a picture of Warren with Drucker.

“In fact, as a member of the Council on Foreign Relations… I might know as much about the Middle East as you.” 41. (Rick Warren to WorldNetDaily columnist, Joseph Farah, after Warren’s trip to Syria in 2006)

“Every man in the Council on Foreign Relations believes that Lucifer is God supreme, has declared it, has taken a vow of secrecy and has dedicated his life to seeing that Adam [anti-Christ] gains the world.” 42. (John Todd, Christian and ex member of the Grand Druid Council of 13 of the Illuminati.)

Winston Lord, who served as Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations from 1977 to 1985, wrote in the August 4-ll, 1978 issue of “W” magazine: “The Tri Lateral Commission doesn’t secretly run the world, the Council of Foreign Relations does that.”

Is Rick Warren also Jewish? He opened the Inaugural prayer with the Shema: “Hear O Israel, the Lord thy God is one…” Warren also invites Jewish musicians to lead the worship at Saddleback Church and shares with leaders of Reform Judaism, not the Gospel, but ways to increase the membership of their synagogues.

“The ‘Purpose-Driven’ pastor spoke to thousands of Jewish leaders Thursday night at the Union for Reform Judaism’s biennial convention in San Diego. With the holiday season in mind, Warren urged clergy to take advantage of crowded events to publicize other programs so people can get involved in the community through smaller groups. ‘There are some principles that apply regardless of our faith, if it’s Jewish or Christian,’ he said at the convention. One of his principles: ‘Just be nice to people. Smile.’ After Warren spoke a few minutes at the podium, he sat alongside two popular Southern California rabbis for a casual talk about strengthening congregational life.” (“Rick Warren Counsels Jews on Recruiting Congregants”)

Hegel, Alchemy, and the Kabbalist “Tree of Life”

In the essay “On Hegel: A Study in Sorcery,” by Eric Voegelin, Hegel’s best-known work, “The Phenomenology of Spirit,” is referred to “as a ‘grimoire’ which ‘must be recognized as a work of magic—indeed, it is one of the great magic performances.” 43.

Glenn Alexander Magee wrote in Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition, “If Eric Voegelin could describe ‘The Phenomenology of Spirit’ as a Grimoire, one could equally well describe the ‘scientific’ portions of the Encyclopedia [by Hegel]—the ‘Philosophy of Nature’ and ‘Philosophy of Subjective Spirit’—as an alchemical manual, an Emerald Tablet for the modern age.” 44.

The structure of the dialectic process, as we know it today, was developed by Hegel. Hegel was an occultist who studied alchemy and the Kabbalah. The Jewish Encyclopedia states, “The real and ideal is taught in the same way in the Cabala as in Hegel.” 45.

According to the Lurianic Kabbalah—Hegel: “Luria’s dynamic of Sefirot (original idea), Shevirah (shattering of that idea) and Tikkun (restoration of the original idea on a higher level) can be readily understood as a symbolic representation of the very dialectical reasoning which is later given conceptual form in Hegel.” 46.

Albert Mackey wrote in his Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, “This division of the ten Sephiroth into three triads was arranged into a form called by the Cabalists the Cabalistic Tree, or the ‘Tree of Life.’” 47.

Is the Kabbalist “Tree of Life” the basis for the group dialectic process now employed by church growth leaders? An Introduction to Kabbalah states: “For the Kabbalistic Tree of Life should play a vital role in the training and initiation of any Magician…By this means the practicing Magician will organize his mind and strengthen his magical knowledge, and he will inevitably be able to unify that knowledge and transmute the Many into the One.” 48. The group dialectic process also purposes to “transmute the many into the one.” Change agents call this “unity in diversity.”

Transmutation is the goal of alchemy and it’s an alchemical process that church leader/change agents are performing in the small groups. Alchemy involves a “death” of the base metal in order for it to be transmuted into gold (divinity, perfection). Transformation of the church and its membership requires a death of the old ways of thinking (doctrinally) and acceptance of the new paradigm. In church growth terminology, “transformation” may be a Biblical substitute for alchemical “transmutation.”

According to Manley P. Hall’s volume, The Secret Teaching of the Ages, “Alchemy is a threefold art, its mystery well symbolized by a triangle. Its symbol is 3 times 3—three elements or processes in three worlds or spheres [3 triads]. The 3 times 3 is part of the mystery of the 33rd degree of Freemasonry, for 33 is 3 times 3, which is 9, the number of esoteric man and the number of emanations from the root of the Divine Tree [Kabbalist Tree of Life].” 49.

The Sephirot (intelligences or emanations) in the Kabbalist “Tree of Life” also form three triads. Each triad “consisting of two opposites (flowing or emanating from a superior triad until the divine unity is reached), and being reconciled in a middle point of connection.” 50. “Thus each triad is compounded of force, counter-force, and their connecting link: namely active and passive agents and combination.” (Jewish Encyclopedia, “Sefirot, Ten”) 51.

Just as alchemy and the Sephirot of the Kabbalist “Tree of Life” function within three triads (nine total), in which “opposites are reconciled until divine unity is reached,” the dialectic process also purposes to reconcile opposites to unity and it also functions within three triads in which opposites emanate from a superior triad. In the group dialectic process there are the thesis, antithesis and synthesis phases with each phase having three sub-phases of thesis, antithesis and synthesis for a total of nine phases in all.

Leadership Training

How did TQM and the group dialectic process get into the churches? It entered from “leaders” who had already been transformed and trained as change agents during “leadership training” and “leadership development” as taught by universities, seminaries and organizations like the Peter Drucker inspired Leadership Network.

In church growth organizations, the terms “leader,” “leadership,” “leadership training” and “leadership development” are often used. The Leadership Network trains leaders to transform churches. The Peter F. Drucker Foundation is now called the Leader to Leader Institute. Peter Drucker envisioned the church as the main provider of “Leadership Training” (which is change agent training) for the social sector of his 3-legged stool.

Sometimes a leader/change agent in church growth organizations will be referred to as a “servant leader.” A “servant leader” isn’t called this name because he serves Christ. The term “servant leader” is a business organizational term. On one website, it states, “One of our reasons for being at facilitatoru.com is to assist the transition in Leadership from Command and Control to Servant Leadership.” 52. To “equip” a “servant leader” is to train him in “leadership training.”

The following examples show that leadership training can be change agent/facilitator training. A church website states, “…we the leadership team would be the first Learning Community facilitators.” 53. Another website says that their “Personal Transformation Leadership Training” leads you to become a “Personal Transformation Intensive Facilitator.” 54. An education website describes “The ‘Leadership training’ weekend, in which educators are certified as volunteer facilitators…” 55. The same website states, “Facilitator training is also known as leadership training…Leadership training is a weekend training program that certifies participants to become Project WILD facilitators.” 56. Another webpage states, “Leadership training consists of learning from the best-experienced, seasoned facilitators.” 57. A future change agent may want to enroll in “101 Leadership Training for Facilitators at Yale.” 58.

In church growth organizations, leadership training means change agent training. Men are “transformed” into change agents through the process called “leadership training.” “Leadership development” refers to the process of learning the skills of a group change agent. Leadership development is change agent training which takes place in small groups.

The following example from an internet site illustrates the deceptive nature and purpose of leadership development. The following quote is from a report titled, Leadership Development Program Serves As a Change Agent in Community Development: “Although community residents MAY NOT REALIZE IT [emphasis added], individuals participating in the BOLD Leadership Development Program became change agents and they are on a journey that many others have traveled to improve their community.” 59. Just as these community residents may not have realized that this leadership development program was change agent training (brainwashing), Christians participating in leadership development and leadership training also may not be aware that they are being brainwashed and transformed for “community service” (to affect social change in the community).

Vision Casting

Church change agents work to create dissatisfaction with the old traditional ways. When people become dissatisfied with the present situation, will they be open to change.

One method used by church change agents to sow seeds of dissatisfaction is to “cast a vision” for the membership of a better future. By casting their visions of “what can be” (which is a fantasy or an illusion), the change agent is able to “unfreeze” the group from the old way and move them toward a new way as they all now focus on this new vision. Vision statements are an important part of the church transformation process. As the congregation focuses on a man-made vision or purpose, an organizational collective “group mind” is created.

To “catch the vision” or “vision casting” are New Age terms. According to the TQM model, successful leadership begins with a vision which reflects the shared purpose. This is also called a transformational vision. “Vision” or “what can be” results from a dissatisfaction with God and His Word, and is antithetical to biblical Christianity. “What can be’ or ‘vision’ is the end result of the Hegelian dialectic process or transformational thinking. It is the direct opposite of moral absolutism-‘what is’ [God’s Word]. In order to move a person into this transformational mode of thinking, ‘what is’ must be questioned and challenged. The dialectic process-‘constant change’- requires one to let go of ‘what is’, in order to strive toward potential-‘what can be’ [vision]. You have to leave your moral absolutes behind [God’s Word], or else you will remain resistant to change…” 60.

In the Church Growth Movement, many pastors “cast a vision.” Church growth leader, Rick Warren, sees himself as a “vision casting leader.” On an internet website Rick Warren is quoted: “I know my leadership style. I am a big-picture, vision casting leader… there is nothing inherently right or wrong about being a vision casting leader. It is simply the way God wired me.” 61. Another church growth leader, Bill Hybels, advertises a CD of a summit meeting at his church. It is titled “Vision Casting: The Road of Leadership, the Summit at Willow Creek (Audio CD).” 62. According to Warren Smith, Robert Schuller’s leadership methods also involve vision casting as he encouraged the use of guided visualization (vision casting) so that people could gain whatever they want.

Those in the CGM who advocate casting and catching visions are tapping into the occult world. One website defines sorcery as the “Manipulation of energy or forces to bring about a desired end through visualization; invocation or summoning of powers/spirits…” 63. This tells us that sorcery can involve visualization. An occult website defines guided visualization as “Ancient shamanism; induced trance like states, or altered states of consciousness, where one is led to visualize the desired goal; making contact with ‘spirit guide’ or ‘demonic being’…” 64. This definition says that guided visualization can involve contact with demonic beings. Another website states that “creative visualization can easily introduce the practitioner to spirit guides.” 65. An article about basic shamanism states, “The journey into non-ordinary reality is most frequently accomplished by what many would term visualization.” 66.

Does God want Christians taking a journey into non-ordinary reality? An article titled “How to Start a Coven” refers to guided visualization as a “magickal skill.” 67. “Through the act of visualization you will get the cooperation of the higher powers of the universe who will work to bring this vision into manifestation.” What kind of “higher powers” cooperate with church growth vision casters?

What does the Word of God say about contact with “higher powers?” “There shall not be found among you…a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD…” Deut. 18:10-12

The Word of God calls vision-casting “divination” and “false visions”: “Then the LORD said unto me, The prophets prophesy lies in my name: I sent them not, neither have I commanded them, neither spake unto them: they prophesy unto you a false vision and divination, and a thing of nought, and the deceit of their heart.” Jer. 14:14

Jeremiah 23:28 states, “The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff to the wheat? Saith the Lord.” When a Christian has God’s Word which is truth, why would he want to catch a deceitful man-made vision?



1. New Age author, Jeremy Rifkin, “The Emerging Order,” p. x-xi

2. The White House: The Agenda: Service: http://change.gov/agenda/service_agenda/

3. Obama’s Office of Faith-Based & Neighborhood Partnerships, http://usliberals.about.com/od/faithinpubliclife/a/ObamaFaithBased.htm 4. Gerard Colby and Charlotte Dennett, Thy Will Be Done: The Conquest of the Amazon: Nelson Rockefeller and Evangelism in the Age of Oil, HarperCollins Publisher, 1995, p. 816.

5. Promoting global government: The Communitarians, http://nord.twu.net/acl/etzioni.html

6. The Historical Evolution of Communitarian Thinking, http://nord.twu.net/acl/evolution.html

7. Promoting global government: The Communitarians, http://nord.twu.net/acl/etzioni.html

8. Promoting global government: The Communitarians, http://nord.twu.net/acl/etzioni.html

9. Promoting global government: The Communitarians, http://nord.twu.net/acl/etzioni.html

10. Promoting global government: The Communitarians, http://nord.twu.net/acl/etzioni.html

11. Promoting global government: The Communitarians, http://nord.twu.net/acl/etzioni.html

12. The Anti-Communitarian League (ACL): Talmudic Law: http://nord.twu.net/acl/talmudiclaw.html

13. The Anti-Communitarian League (ACL): Talmudic Law: http://nord.twu.net/acl/talmudiclaw.html

14. “The Role of Religion in the Communitarian Synthesis” by Niki Raapana

15. The Anti-Communitarian League (ACL): Talmudic Law: http://nord.twu.net/acl/talmudiclaw.html

16. Promoting global government: The Communitarians, http://nord.twu.net/acl/etzioni.html

17. Promoting global government: The Communitarians, http://nord.twu.net/acl/etzioni.html

18. “Under the Noahide Laws,” http://watch.pairsite.com/law.html#noahide

19. “Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz Elected to Head Sanhedrin,” Israel National News: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/83438

20. “Rabbi Adin Even-Israel Steinsaltz Elected to Head Sanhedrin,” Israel National News: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/83438

21. “Under the Noahide Laws,” http://watch.pairsite.com/law.html#noahide

22. “The House of God on Trial,” http://watch.pairsite.com/church-on-trial-intro.html

23. Forward to the first English translation of the Babylonian Talmud by the Chief Rabbi of Great Britain, J. H. Hertz

24. “The Pharisees” by Rabbi Louis Finklestein, former head of Jewish Theological Seminary of America

25. Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, 1943

26. Morals and Dogma, Albert Pike, p. 626.

27. Mgr. Dillon, The War of Anti-Christ with the Church, p. 20

28. Occult Theocracy, Edith Starr Miller

29. The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today, Ch 6, by Elizabeth Dilling, http://www.come-and-hear.com/dilling/chapt06.html

30. The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today, Ch 6, by Elizabeth Dilling, http://www.come-and-hear.com/dilling/chapt06.html

31. The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today, Ch 6, by Elizabeth Dilling, http://www.come-and-hear.com/dilling/chapt06.html

32. “Bob Buford, Peter Drucker, and the Emerging Church,” Roger Oakland, http://www.lighthousetrailsresearch.com/blog/index.php?p=1128&c=1

33. Michael Schwarz, “Early Influences upon Peter Drucker’s Perception of ‘the Public Interest’” (Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, 2002)

34. John E. Flaherty, Peter Drucker: Shaping the Managerial Mind (San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 1999), p. 258

35. “Peter Drucker on the Church and Denominations,” http://www.leadnet.org/archives/netfax/1.pdf

36. Bob Buford, “Halftime,” Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1994], dedication page.

37. What’s wrong with the 21st Century Church by Dr. Robert Klenck

38. Leadership Network 2006 IRS Return, p. 15, http://www.guidestar.org/FinDocuments/2006/752/208/2006-752208735-037d4203-F.pdf

39. http://www.gbgm-umc.org/fkumc/page2.htm (page removed, ask author for paperwork)

40. http://www.catholicthought.com/new_page_6.htm

41, http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=53030

42. Heard on tape 3a here: http://www.kt70.com/~jamesjpn/articles/john_todd_and_the_illuminati.htm 43. Glenn Alexander Magee, Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition, Cornell University Press, 2001, p. 6.

44. Glenn Alexander Magee, Hegel and the Hermetic Tradition, Chapter 6, “The Alchemist’s Laboratory: The Philosophy of Nature and Philosophy of Subjective Spirit,” p. 187.

45. Jewish Encyclopedia, p. 474. http://www.come-and-hear.com/dilling/chapt06.html

46. http://www.newkabbalah.com/hegel.html.

47. Albert Mackey, Encyclopedia of Freemasonry, pp.166-168.

48. http://www.servantsofthelight.org/QBL/Books/Introduction.html

49. Manly P. Hall, The Secret Teachings of All Ages, 1928, p. 154.

50. The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, “The Kabbalah,” p. 692.

51. The Jewish Religion: Its Influence Today, Elizabeth Dilling, Ch. IV, “Judaism Not Monotheistic,” http://www.come-and-hear.com/dilling/chapt06.html

52. Facilitator U: Inspiring leadership for unlimited possibilities: http://www.facilitatoru.com/

53. Next Wave Church & Culture: http://www.next-wave.org/

54. The Wellness Institute, The Personal Transformation Leadership Training: http://www.wellness-institute.org/Advanced_Training/PTI_Leadership.htm

55. http://myfwc.com/EDUCATOR/volunteer.htm

56. http://myfwc.com/EDUCATOR/volunteer.htm

57. http://www.floridaconservation.org/educatOR/volunteer.htm

58. http://www.med.yale.edu/comer/programs_services/profdevcenters.html

59. http://www.joe.org/joe/1998april/iw2.html

60. “What’s wrong with the 21st Century Church” by Dr. Robert Klenck

61. http://justthebook.wordpress.com/category/kingdom-now/

62. http://www.amazon.com/Vision-Casting-Leadership-Summit-Willow/dp/1598591266

63. http://www.christiananswersforthenewage.org/Articles_OccultTerms4.html

64. http://www.bloomington.in.us/~lgthscac/occultism-nam.htm

65. http://kimolsen.wordpress.com/2007/07/04/crisis-in-the-church-part-3-the-new-age-contemplative-spirituality/

66. http://www.eaglespiritministry.com/teaching/sc/sc1.htm

67. http://www.ecauldron.net/groupleader.php


2 Replies to “What is the Church Growth Movement (CGM)?”

  1. I”83 and I”ve read your incredibly “complete” with detail! in past yrs – -I’m happy to hear you’re health has improved – – or is holding! Your letters are so complete and detailed – -my mind has struggle to retain ! You probably do not have time to answer “off -topic” ?? or – – if the ? is beyond your ethical limits – I understand! Do you have an opinion on the Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. We have watched the TV broadcasts – -this is such a personal subject – -if you do not answer – – so be it – -understand! Thank You Glen A

  2. Hi Glen, My health is good. Thanks for asking. Regarding Swaggart, I have seen his show and I like his panel discussions which I think are biblical, but I think Swaggart is a phony and I know his son’s teaching is false. So I wouldn’t trust Swaggart.

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