John MacArthur’s Masonic Heritage

John MacArthur’s great grandfather, Thomas Fullerton, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island


Thomas Fraser Fullerton, PGM
Most Worshipful Brother
Thomas Fraser Fullerton, PGM*
Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island, A.F. & A.M.; Grand Master 1913 – 1914
Thomas Fraser Fullerton was born at Glasgow, Scotland, on March 28th, 1861.
He received his early education at a Public School, matriculating into Glasgow University from which he graduated as Prizeman.
Having fitted himself for a life of theological work he came to America in 1889, and after a short Pastorate in St. John, N. B., he accepted a call to St. James Presbyterian Church (Kirk) in Charlottetown, P. E. I. This charge he still holds, and has held continually for twenty-one years, with the exception of one year while in active service as Chaplain with the Royal Canadian Regiment in the South African War in 1900.
He received the Degree of Doctor of Divinity from the Presbyterian College at Halifax, N. S. in 1913.
In Masonry he received his first light as an Entered Apprentice in St. Johns Lodge, No. 1, Charlottetown, on March 15th, 1901, as a Fellow Craft, April 16th, and as Master Mason, May 14th, of the same year. He presided as Worshipful Master of St. Johns Lodge in 1911. In the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite he received the degrees of the Lodge of Perfection and Rose Croix Chapter in 1903, and the intermediate degrees to 32 degree in Charlottetown Consistory in 1911.
In the Grand Lodge he was Grand Chaplain, 1907-10; Senior Grand Deacon, 1911; Deputy Grand Master, 1912 and Grand Master, 1913.
From the Proceedings of the 38th Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island A. F. & A. M. (1913).


John Macarthur has boasted that he is the last in his family lineage of pastors that goes back five generations to Scotland.  The following excerpt from a sermon Macarthur gave that was aired on a Grace To You broadcast mentions these five generations of pastors which includes his great grandfather, Thomas Fullerton, who is described in particular.

“The good news is, when the soil is prepared by God, there’s going to be an explosion of spiritual fruit and the harvest will go on and on and on and on and on and on. A nice young man in our church was recently in Prince Edward Island and I had said in the church service that my great grandfather was a pastor of St. James Kirk Presbyterian Kirk in Prince Edward Island back in the 1800’s. So when he was up there, he started digging around and found all kinds of things about my great grandfather. Thomas Fullerton was his name and he was pastor there at the main church in Charletown(?) for about twenty-eight years. He was a chaplain in the Canadian Military and he went to the Bower(?) War in South Africa and fought and did ministry among the troops. And you look back and that and you say, Okay, there’s a…his father was also a pastor who had been in Scotland and then gone to Australia and come there and at some point the Lord plowed the heart of that family and it just kept going and it just kept going and it kept going and it came down through my…from my great-grandfather to my grandmother, his daughter, and then through her to my father and then through me and this is the explosion and we’re all in this process somewhere.”  (A Diagnosis of the Soils)

Who was Thomas Fullerton?

Who was John Fullerton Macarthur, Jr’s great grandfather?  The following was written by The Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island.​

Most Worshipful Brother

Thomas Fraser Fullerton, PGM

Grand Lodge of

Prince Edward Island, A.F. & A.M.;

Grand Master 1913 – 1914

“Thomas Fraser Fullerton was born at Glasgow, Scotland, on March 28th, 1861.

“He received his early education at a Public School, matriculating into Glasgow University from which he graduated as Prizeman.

“Having fitted himself for a life of theological work he came to America in 1889, and after a short Pastorate in St. John, N. B., he accepted a call to St. James Presbyterian Church, (Kirk) in Charlottetown, P. E. I. This charge he still holds, and has held continually for twenty-one years, with the exception of one year while in active service as Chaplain with the Royal Canadian Regiment in the South African War in 1900.

“He received the Degree of Doctor of Divinity from the Presbyterian College at Halifax, N. S. in 1913.

“In Masonry he received his first light as an Entered Apprentice in St. Johns Lodge, No. 1, Charlottetown, on March 15th, 1901, as a Fellow Craft, April 16th, and as Master Mason, May 14th, of the same year. He presided as Worshipful Master of St. Johns Lodge in 1911. In the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite he received the degrees of the Lodge of Perfection and Rose Croix Chapter in 1903, and the intermediate degrees to 32degree in Charlottetown Consistory in 1911.

“In the Grand Lodge he was Grand Chaplain, 1907-10; Senior Grand Deacon, 1911; Deputy Grand Master, 1912 and Grand Master, 1913.

“From the Proceedings of the 38th Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island A.F. & A. M. (1913).”

Note: In 1892, Rev. Thomas Fullerton was also Grand Secretary of the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge for the Province under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of British America. (Canada: An Encyclopedia, p. 318)

Thomas Fullerton’s D.D. was Honorary

 According to John Macarthur: Freemason:

“The Grand Lodge of PEI’s tribute to Most Worshipful Brother Rev. Thomas Fullerton states that John MacArthur’s great grandfather received his Doctor of Divinity from Presbyterian College in 1913, the same year he became Provincial Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of PEI, Canada. According to The Canadian Annual Review of Public Affairs, Thomas Fullerton’s D.D. was an honorary degree rather than an earned degree.

  “HONOURARY DEGREES CONFERRED… Halifax Presbyterian College… Rev. Thomas Fraser Fullerton… Charlottestown… D.D.” (The Canadian Annual Review of Public Affairs, Vol. 13, John Castell Hopkins, p. 491)

“Thomas Fullerton’s theological studies and training were accomplished, therefore, not in a seminary but in the Masonic Lodge as he studied the requisite Masonic literature for initiation into the successive degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craftsman, Master Mason, Lodge of Perfection and Rose Croix and the 32nd Degree, the Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret.

Thomas Fullerton: A Ruler of the Whole Craft

Thomas Fullerton was the Grand Master of a Grand Lodge which governs other Masonic Lodges within a given area or jurisdiction.

“A Grand Lodge or Grand Orient is the usual governing body of ‘Craft’, ‘Blue Lodge’, or ‘Symbolic’ Freemasonry in a particular jurisdiction.” (Wiki).

“All Grand Jurisdictions regard the Grand Master as the ruler of the whole Craft, as well as the Grand Lodge; a Lodge or a brother who questions the authority of a Grand Master is so infrequent as to be remarked.” (Grand Master’s Powers)

It’s noteworthy that Thomas Fullerton was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island, A.F. & A.M. the same year that he received the honorary Degree of Doctor of Divinity from the Presbyterian College at Halifax, N. S.

“Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils.” (1 Corinthians 10: 21)

Was Thomas Fullerton a Druid?

Thomas Fullerton was a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Freemason and Grand Master of the Grand Lodge.  Was he also a Druid?  It’s quite possible that Thomas Fullerton was a Druid and for the following reasons:

1. Thomas Fullerton was born in Scotland and Druids lived in Scotland. (Druidic Places in Scotland)

2. Thomas Fullerton was a Grand Master in Masonry and Masons are our present Druids.  “Albert Churchward, another Masonic writer, states that Masons are ‘our present Druids.’ (Druid).

3. Thomas Fullerton received his Doctor of Divinity from the Presbyterian College at Halifax, Nova Scotia (New Scotland).  Druidism exists today in Nova Scotia (Druids in Nova Scotia).

4. Thomas Fullerton presided over Masonry within Prince Edward Island which is only about 10 miles from Nova Scotia.  The International Center of the Island Druid community is on Prince Edward Island (Island Druid).

Is John Fullerton Macarthur Jr. also a Mason and/or a Druid?

Read John Macarthur’s Druid Festival to learn that John Macarthur’s annual “Camp Regen” which he holds for high school age Christians is the Druid Festival of Lughnasadh.

Other Articles of Interest

John Macarthur: Freemason

John Macarthur’s Druid Festival

See: The Masonic Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of Canada Quotes John Macarthur in their Recent Communiqué

See Roy Rogers Masonic Connection to read that John Macarthur’s father had a very close relationship with high ranking Freemasons.

See Masonic/Occult Symbols at John Macarthur’s Grace To You

See Is John Macarthur a Master of the Craft?

​See John Macarthur’s “Slave” Book Promotional Video Depicts the Masonic All-Seeing Eye Within a Pyramid

13 Replies to “John MacArthur’s Masonic Heritage”

  1. I’ll try to make this comment as brief as possible. In 2012, my cousin relatives murdered my Mother for Mom’s $12+ million dollar estate. At the time, I couldn’t account for why my cousins would do such as thing as they were all financially comfortable. In the ensuing months I discovered not only that my entire family is heavily involved in freemasonry, but crypto-jews as well, which is the 100+ year old “family secret” kept hidden from the few true Christians in the family. I was raised Protestant and my Father was Catholic, but it turns out both sides of my family are crypto-jews hiding behind various denominations of Christianity such as Seventh Day Adventists, Methodists, Episcopalians and Catholics. I discovered also that both my stepfathers were crypto-jew freemasons as well, the second one high enough in freemasonry to be considered Illuminati. During my research I came across an invaluable book titled “When Scotland Was Jewish” written by Professor Elizabeth Caldwell Hirschman which explains how Scotland came to be inhabited by both jews and crypto-jews and accordingly, a heavily freemasonic country. Freemasonry is Judaism for crypto-jews who use their lodges as regular jews use their synagogues for among other things to: 1. study the Babylonian Talmud; 2. practice Kabbalah magick/sorcery/witchcraft; and 3. worship Lucifer as their god.
    My stepfather’s family surname was Sullivan and my two best “friends” in grade school/jr. high were crypto-jews surnamed Delaney and Murphy proving that crypto-judaism is alive and well in America today. Another one of Caldwell Hirschman’s books revealing history not shared with gentiles and not taught in schools is “Jews and Moslems in British Colonial America.” Both books are available on Amazon.
    Other research facts coupled with Caldwell-Hirschman’s historical information plus my own experiences explains why God warns Christians FIVE times in the bible regarding betrayal among one’s own family: Micah 7:6, Matthew 10:35-36, Luke 12:53, Luke 21:16 and Matthew 10:21. Micah 7:6, “For the son dishonoureth the father, the daughter riseth up against her mother, the daughter in law against her mother in law; a man’s enemies are the men of his own house.”
    Matthew 10:21, “And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death.”
    Matthew 10:35-6, “For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. v.36 And a man’s foes shall be they of his own household.”
    Luke 12:53, “The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.”
    Luke 21:16, “And ye shall be betrayed both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and friends; and some of you shall they cause to be put to death.”

  2. That’s great research to find that John Macarthur’s great grandfather (for whom he is named) was the grandmaster of the Grand Masonic Lodge of Canada. And isn’t it amazing that in 50 years of ministry John MacArthur hasn’t even been told of this fact. HaHa.

  3. Hello. He may be a Freemason, he may not be. But there’s one sure way to find out, and this author (and other articles purporting same) has failed to do the most basic research imaginable. Find out which lodge he is supposed to be a part of, and ask for their membership rosters. All Freemasons are written in the rosters, and they’re publicly
    Available. You can even see George Washington’s name in his lodge’s roster. Online even. I had a roommate who was a 32nd degree mason (Heaven help me) and he told me to look it up when I asked him if so-and-so was a Freemason. He was right. The name was right there.

  4. What you are saying is untrue. Lodges will not disclose their membership roster to the public and if any membership rosters are publicly available, then the names would only be Masons who have allowed their names to go public. For example, Billy Graham was a 33 degree Mason and his name is still not disclosed by the lodges. It’s only known, in Graham’s case, because a man who was a 33rd degree Mason became a Christian and disclosed this information.

  5. The identities of Freemasons who pose as ministers in the Christian community are never disclosed in the published Masonic membership rosters until long after they are deceased, and most are never disclosed. The reason for secrecy is that many Christians know that Freemasonry is anti-Christian and that Masonic agents who lead the churches and parachurch organizations are dedicated to the destruction of Christianity. Therefore, Freemasons must infiltrate Christianity by stealth and work in secret to destroy Christianity.

    1. John MacArthur teaches many false doctrines, such as the blood of Jesus Christ cannot save but is only a metaphor for his death. Also, those who take the mark of the beast may still be redeemed. He claims to have changed his false doctrine of the incarnational sonship of Christ to the eternal Sonship of Christ yet his various doctrinal statements contain the false doctrine, that Jesus became the Son of God at his incarnation.

      Jason’s Blog stated: “John MacArthur exposed the Masonic lodge below, and that his familial connections give him great insight into their work.” No, it is not the case that MacArthur’s family connections gave him great insight into the evil of Freemasonry. John MacArthur attributed the success of his global ministry–“an explosion of spiritual fruit and [ongoing] harvest”–to the “ministry” of his great grandfather, Rev. Thomas Fraser Fullerton who, MacArthur omitted to mention, was the Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island.

      In a sermon on the Four Soils of Matthew 13, MacArthur preached: “The good news is, when the soil is prepared by God, there’s going to be an explosion of spiritual fruit and the harvest will go on and on and on and on and on. A nice young man in our church was recently in Prince Edward Island and I had said in the church service that my great grandfather was a pastor of St. James Kirk Presbyterian Kirk in Prince Edward Island back in the 1800’s. So when he was up there, he started digging around and found all kinds of things about my great grandfather. Thomas Fullerton was his name and he was pastor there at the main church in Charlottetown for about twenty-eight years. He was a chaplain in the Canadian Military and he went to the Boer War in South Africa and fought and did ministry among the troops. And you look back and that and you say, ‘Okay, there’s a…his father was also a pastor who had been in Scotland and then gone to Australia and come there and at some point the Lord plowed the heart of that family and it just kept going and it just kept going and it kept going and it came down through my…from my great-grandfather to my grandmother, his daughter, and then through her to my father and then through me and this is the explosion and we’re all in this process somewhere. All of our lives intersect and that’s the…that’s the good news in the story and the disciples needed to hear that because it all basically looked like it wasn’t going anywhere.” (A Diagnosis of the Soils)

      For documentation read: John MacArthur: Freemason

  6. What articles do you publish that are strictly for advancing the truth of the Gospel rather than staying in jealous and accusatory mode 24/7? Just curious.

  7. We are called to contend for the faith once delivered to the saints against the false teachings of Freemasons such as John MacArthur who have crept into the churches to lead many astray.

    “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints. For there are certain men crept in unawares, who were before of old ordained to this condemnation, ungodly men, turning the grace of our God into lasciviousness, and denying the only Lord God, and our Lord Jesus Christ.” Jude 3-4

    “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret. But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.” Ephesians 5:11-13

  8. Can anyone make sense to me why he has done at least one sermon against freemasonry. Does he not know about his family or is there something dishonest about the whole thing? I’m trying to make sense of this.

  9. John Macarthur preached against Freemasonry in order that naive Christians will then believe, “Since John Macarthur has preached against freemasonry, he can’t possibly be a freemason.” In like manner, John Macarthur preached against Rick Warren and the Purpose Driven Church, while both of his single’s ministries were employing the Purpose Driven Church model. Evil men had not crept in unawares; Macarthur was well aware since he ordered it.

    Macarthur also preaches against witchcraft and the occult while his Camp Regen has young Christians being initiated into the occult. Camp Regen is the Druid/Wiccan festival, Lughnassah. Macarthur is a Druid who has engineered all of this.

    John Macarthur knows that his father’s close friends (Billy Graham, Roy Rogers, and Dale Evans) were all Masons. And John Macarthur is named for his great grandfather, Thomas Fullerton, the GM of the GM Lodge of Canada.

    John Macarthur once confessed the truth, and in so doing, revealed his own preaching style. He said, “In order to be a false teacher, you must tell as much truth as possible.” Macarthur’s preaching is like rat poison. Rat poison has to be 95% good food and 5% poison. If it’s 100% poison rats won’t eat it. In the same way, if Macarthur preaches all lies, then Christians will reject him. If he tells 95% truths, then the 5% lies will be believed and digested. Macarthur is NOT a Christian. He’s a dangerous wolf to be avoided.

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