Nepotism at John Macarthur’s Grace To You 

Every Year Grace To You Awards Contract to John Macarthur’s Son In Law’s Firm
[Note: Since this article was published, The Welch Group has changed its name.  It’s now known as The Welch Group Companies and it’s video production arm is now called DormaproductionsTo still see the Welch Group listed on the Grace To You IRS 990 form for 2012, then click here and scroll down to page 34.]
Grace To You (GTY) is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization.  It has “12 voting members of the governing body.”  John Macarthur is the President of GTY; his son, Matt Macarthur, is Treasurer of GTY; and his other son, Mark Macarthur, is a Director of GTY. (John Macarthur’s sons are considered to be non-independent board members of GTY.)  (Mark Macarthur works as the Chief Investment Officer for Criterion Wealth Management.)
In the IRS 990 form for 2009, Schedule L, in the section titled, “Business Transactions Involving Interested Persons,” and listed under “Contract Services,” it’s shown that GTY paid $667,000 to The Welch Group Corporation.  The Welch Group Corporation is a video production company whose CEO and sole owner is Kory Welch, John Macarthur’s son-in law.  For the calendar years from 2008-2013, The Welch Group was paid the following by Grace To You:
2014–$789,433 (includes Dorma Productions contract)
Total for the last 7 years–$5,112,823
Update: It’s in the public record that for the 2011 calendar year John Macarthur earned $402,444 for working part time for Grace To You.  This salary doesn’t include Macarthur’s earnings at The Master’s College and Seminary (which was $103,000 for 2011), Grace Church, book royalties, speaking fees, etc.  This record can be seen on page 7 of the link here.  The Masters College and Seminary record can be seen here.  For his work at Grace To You and The Masters College and Seminary, John Macarthur earned nearly $10,000 per week.

Other Articles of Interest
See “Is John Macarthur a Master of the Craft?” to view Masonic symbols in Kory Welch’s videos.
See  John Macarthur’s “Slave” Book Promotional Video Depicts the Masonic All-Seeing Eye Within a Pyramid
Click here to learn that John Macarthur’s Church’s principal financier is/was a Governor of The Council for National Policy, a CFR front. 

4 Replies to “Nepotism at John Macarthur’s Grace To You ”

  1. The facts contained in this article about MacArthur enabling his son in law to make millions from GTY donations have been recently published by the secular press in Santa Clarita.

  2. Does anyone know if Kory Welch is still working at TMU as COO?

    I hope Sam Horn has the courage to revamp the leadership and kick out a greedy unrepentant son-in-law of John.

  3. It’s a good question. I don’t know if Kory is still working at TMU. I would guess he’s not working since TMU has been placed on probation and since one of the reasons for its probation was John Macarthur’s conflicts of interest. It is however amazing that Kory Welch did hold such an influential position at TMU.

  4. This is very disappointing news to me. I’ve followed Pastor MacArthur since the 1970s. He baptized me. We all fall short of Gods Glory, but our first effort each day might be to avoid even an appearance of impropriety. The root of all evil is the love of money & I see some serious love of money now at Grace. His sons should resign or be terminated and all contracts for services be let out to non family companies. As for the SEC charges, I hope prosecution comes about. The son fully knew what he was doing.

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