John Macarthur’s Ecumenical Roots

Articles have been written on the subject of John Macarthur’s “new evangelical ecumenism.” 113. And I have been told by one GCC pastor that John Macarthur believes the biblical “doctrine of separation” to be “too negative” with the implication that he won’t obey it.  John Macarthur disobeys God’s Word regarding separation for the purpose of relationship building (ecumenism).  At GCC, the “doctrine of separation” has been replaced by the “dialectical process.”

The goal of the ecumenical movement is to create a one-world religion for the worship of Lucifer. Ecumenists (bridge-builders) in the leadership of the various denominations direct the churches to set aside their differences, find common ground, and unify. John Macarthur preaches against ecumenism, however, his family and ministry are firmly rooted in the ecumenical movement.

In “The Voice of Calvary Legacy,” John Macarthur paid tribute to his father, Dr. John “Jack” Macarthur. “He served on the Extension Staff of Moody Bible Institute and later became the director of Charles E. Fuller Evangelistic Foundation.” 114. In 1968, the Fuller Evangelistic Foundation changed its name to the Fuller Evangelistic Association.

According to Charles Fuller’s son, Daniel Fuller, the Fuller Evangelistic Foundation was established in 1942 and started Fuller Theological Seminary in 1947. (Give the Winds a Mighty Voice) Fuller Seminary has played a strategic role in the global ecumenical movement and has launched numerous apostate organizations and movements such as the Vineyard (John Wimber), Renovare (Richard Foster), AD2000 United Prayer Track (C Peter Wagner), Coalition on Revival (Jay Grimstead), the US Center for World Mission (Ralph Winter) and others. The article, “Filling the Blanks with Fuller,” describes Fuller Seminary as “an ecumenical ‘think tank’ seminary” which “has fostered, nurtured, and promoted the apostasy globally…” The global ecumenical movement is “a political movement of the highest order and must not be confused with anything even remotely resembling Christianity.” (“Filling the Blanks with Fuller”)

Out of Fuller Theological Seminary came the US Center for World Mission (Ralph Winter) and their “Perspectives Course” which was “a prototype course of ecumenical study…and aberrant theology,” The US Center for World Mission “is an ‘umbrella’ organization for nearly every major missions organization in the world.” Under their umbrella is the Billy Graham Evangelical Association (Greg Laurie is a board member). (“Filling the Blanks with Fuller”) Billy Graham was on the Board of Trustees at Fuller Seminary and Rick Warren received his Doctorate in Ministry from Fuller Seminary.

John Macarthur’s father was the Director of Fuller Evangelistic Foundation. Charles Fuller, the founder of the Fuller Evangelistic Foundation, also cofounded Fuller Theological Seminary and the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE). Charles Fuller co-founded the NAE with J Edwin Orr and Harold Ockenga, the first President of the NAE (1942-44), and the first President of Fuller Seminary in 1947.

In 1951, the NAE revived the World Evangelical Fellowship (WEF) from the “dying embers” of the former World Evangelical Alliance (Evangelical Alliance of 1846) which became the NAE’s international umbrella. As previously stated, the Evangelical Alliance, now called the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA), was formed in 1846 in a conference held at Freemason’s Hall, United Grand Lodge of England, the mother of all Masonic lodges. 115.

The WEA is the shadow government to the Lausanne Movement which is the umbrella over the global ecumenical movement. John Stott, whom John Macarthur likes to quote, “is the framer of the Lausanne Covenant” and “oversaw the formation of the WEF and formulated its purposes. Also former chaplain to the Queen of England and a leader in the Anglican Church, John Stott was not above participating in ‘a Christian-Druid dialogue and reconciliation meeting for the new Millennium’. 116 The Druids are the present-day Freemasons. “Albert Churchward…writes about the Masons as ‘our present Druids.’”

In essence, Lausanne and the ecumenical movement are a Masonic enterprise. Alice Bailey wrote, “Very definitely may the assurance be given here that, prior to the coming of the Christ, adjustments will be made so that at the head of all great organizations will be found either a Master, or an initiate who has taken the third initiation. At the head of certain of the great occult groups, of the Freemasons of the world, and of the various great divisions of the church, and resident in many of the great nations will be found initiates or Masters.” 117.

In “The Voice of Calvary Legacy,” John Macarthur stated that his father, in addition to being the Director of the Fuller Evangelistic Foundation, “served on the Extension Staff of Moody Bible Institute.” In 1941, The Moody Bible Institute played a key role in the formation of the NAE. According to Rick Meisel, John Macarthur has served on the Board of Trustees of the Moody Bible Institute. 118.

In “The Voice of Calvary Legacy,” John Macarthur also stated that his father “helped establish the Hollywood Christian group, an outreach to people in the film and television industries. Jack Macarthur counted Roy Rogers and Dale Evans, who came to Christ under his preaching, as close personal friends.” Since Henrietta Mears is credited with founding The Hollywood Christian Group, one can assume that John Macarthur’s father, Jack Macarthur, “who helped establish the Hollywood Christian Group,” was her friend and co-worker.

Henrietta Mears’ ecumenical influence was widespread. She was a close friend and coworker of Charles Fuller who promoted her on his radio broadcasts. Fuller, Ockenga, and Orr all taught at the Forest Home Christian Conference Center which she founded to “train the next generation of world leaders.” With Fuller, Ockenga, and Orr, Henrietta Mears established the campus ecumenical movement. For eleven years Mears groomed Bill Bright for leadership and Campus Crusade for Christ was founded in her living room. 119. (Bill Bright was a member of the Council for National Policy Board of Governors in 1982.) According to Christianity Today, Henrietta Mears is the “grandmother of modern evangelicalism.” (“Antipas: CIA Connections”)

According to Grace Community Church elder, Phil Johnson, “In the 1940’s, Dr. Jack [Macarthur] served as an Extension speaker for the Moody Bible Institute. Later, while pastoring in Southern California, he and Edwin Orr founded an outreach ministry to people in the film and television industry.” 120. That outreach ministry would be The Hollywood Christian Group. Phil Johnson’s statement is a tacit endorsement of J. Edwin Orr and provides more evidence that John Macarthur’s father, Jack Macarthur, was in Mears’ inner circle.

In his tribute to his father, John Macarthur didn’t mention “J. Edwin Orr” or “Henrietta Mears” as cofounding the “Hollywood Christian Group” with his father, which is odd considering that Orr and Mears were prominent figures and closely associated with Charles Fuller. Why didn’t he mention them? Had John Macarthur mentioned J. Edwin Orr and Henrietta Mears along with the Hollywood Christian Group, his readers would likely connect Jack Macarthur with the Mears’ group which pioneered the ecumenical movement in the U.S. and globally.

According to “Filling the Blanks with Fuller,” “In a nutshell, here is the lineage of the monstrous apostasy we are researching… Five people (during the 30’s) paved the way to change the orthodox and historic biblical ‘worldview’ of evangelical Christianity to a…recontructionist agenda. They are: J. Edwin Orr, Armin Gesswein, C.E. Fuller, Henrietta Mears, Harold Ockenga. These five (who were friends and co-workers) laid the groundwork for the ‘world changers,’ ‘expendables for Christ,’ or ‘workers’ they prepared to follow them.” It seems that John Macarthur is one of these “world changers.”

What is known about Jack Macarthur’s co-founder of the Hollywood Christian Group? “J. Edwin Orr — Oxford seminarian, traveled as a historian and theologian to major cities and universities globally to prepare the way for ecumenism on college campuses. The ecumenical groups on campus who were pre-conditioned by Orr to look for a ‘great end-time harvest’, and sweeping ‘revival’ movement, or ‘awakening’ prepared the way for Bill Bright’s ecumenical ministry. The success of Campus Crusade for Christ was a direct result of the groundwork laid by Orr. Orr’s vouching for Billy Grahams ‘new understanding of the work of the Holy Spirit’, which he conveyed in letters to key workers paved the way for his success in ministry as well.” (“Filling the Blanks with Fuller”)

J. Edwin Orr spoke at Mears’ Christian conference center. “It was his rule that he would only speak where there was an ecumenical representative—a diversity of youth from all denominations.” 121. J. Edwin Orr was an original Board Member of Campus Crusade for Christ in 1951. (Wikipedia: J Edwin Orr) From 1966-1981, J Edwin Orr was a professor at Fuller Seminary’s School of World Mission. Moreover, “He [Orr] was an advisor of Billy Graham’s from the start of that evangelist’s career, a friend of Abraham Vereide and helped shape the prayer breakfast movement that grew out of Vereide’s International Christian Leadership…” (Billy Graham Archives)

George Marsden’s book, Reforming Fundamentalism: Fuller Seminary and the New Evangelicalism, offers further evidence that the global ecumenical movement is a Masonic enterprise: “In April [1951, Harold] Ockenga had attended a highly publicized ‘Communion breakfast’ sponsored by a number of Protestant Churches in Boston. At the head table with Ockenga was a Unitarian pastor and a representative of the Masonic Knights Temple.” Marsden goes on to say that Ockenga did not participate in the actual communion service — he only sat at the “head table” with the Unitarian and Freemason! 122.

Billy Graham, who with Fuller, Ockenga, and Orr, taught at Mears’ Christian conference center, said that she had a great impact on his ministry. 123. Graham, considered an “accepted evangelist” by Mears, was among those trained and “anointed” at her conference center. It’s important to note that many witnesses have testified that Billy Graham is a 33rd degree Mason. 124.

John Macarthur stated that Roy Rogers and Dale Evans “came to Christ” under his father’s preaching and that Jack Macarthur counted them his “close personal friends.” Roy Rogers, born Leonard Slye, was a 33rd degree Mason and his wife, Dale Evans, on the TBN A-list, was, according to Grand Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, State of New York, a member of the Eastern Star, a Masonic organization for women. 125. Lucifer is the god of Masonry.

Roy Rogers was a life-long highly decorated Mason according to the account of W. Bob Turner, Ph.D., a 32nd degree Mason, who referred to Roy Rogers as “Illustrious Brother Roy Rogers”: “Brother Roy was raised a Master Mason in 1946 in Hollywood Lodge No. 355, F. & A.M., Hollywood, California. He became a member of Long Beach Valley of Scottish Rite in 1950 and AI Malaikah Shrine Temple, Los Angeles, also in 1950. He received the K.C.C.H. of the Scottish Rite in 1975 and was coroneted a 33 in 1979. He also became a member of the York Rite, Harbor Council No. 45, Royal and Select Masters, and San Pedro Commandery No. 60, Knights Templar of California. Created a DeMolay at sight by Frank S. Land, the founder of the Order of DeMolay, Roy received the DeMolay Legion of Honor. He also received the California Grand Lodge’s Golden Veterans Award for 50 years of continuous membership in Masonry.” 126.

Roy Rogers and Dale Evans appeared many times with Billy Graham at his Crusades, where Graham was willing to give his “Illustrious Brother” Rogers a platform for his “Christian” testimony.

Jack Macarthur had a close friendship with Freemasons Roy Rogers and Dale Evans. His son, John Macarthur, has a close relationship with the Masonic controlled Southern Baptist Convention and its leaders. (As stated, two former Presidents of the Southern Baptist Convention also spoke at Greg Laurie’s conference with John Macarthur.) And John Macarthur endorses and fellowships with the Charismatic, Greg Laurie, a Board Member of the Billy Graham Evangelical Association (BGEA). There are other Masons holding high positions within the Billy Graham organization:

“In Billy Graham and His Friends (which came out November 2001) I mention (and fully document) a number of Masons who have close ties to Billy Graham. Several of Graham’s staff have been Masons such as William M. Watson who was the director of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Corporation (BGEA), David M. McConnell, also a director of the BGEA, and Arthur Lee Malory who was the co-chairman of the Billy Graham Crusade Advisory Committee for the St. Louis Crusade in 1973.” 127.

The Board of Counsel&Capital, which advises John Macarthur’s international ministry, TMAI, had one member of the BGEA (Fred Smith) and another (Jack Modesett Jr.), who was Chairman of the Board of Christianity Today, founded by Billy Graham. Fred Smith was also a director of Christianity Today. It’s also noteworthy that John Macarthur had Franklin Graham endorse his Study Bible. 128.

(Examples of John Macarthur fellowshipping with false Christians are too numerous to mention. A forward to his book, “The Gospel According to Jesus,” was written by J.I. Packer, Senior Editor of Christianity Today, and a signer of the Evangelical and Catholics Together Documents I and co-author of ECT II. The other forward was written by James Montgomery Boice, who was chairman of the International Council on Biblical Inerrancy from the time of its founding by Jay Grimstead (COR).

Considering the Masonic origins of the global evangelical network “revived” by Henrietta Mears, Charles Fuller, J Edwin Orr, Harold Ockenga and Armin Gesswein, is there any evidence of Masonic involvement at Fuller Seminary today? Situated on the eastern border of Fuller Seminary is a large Masonic Temple called the “Scottish Rite Cathedral” which towers over the campus. The entrance to the Scottish Rite Cathedral is flanked by two Sphinxes each having an Egyptian ankh on its chest.

This Scottish Rite Cathedral was built in 1924, before Fuller Seminary was established. Its address, 150 N Madison Ave in Pasadena, CA., is across the street from the Fuller Seminary Graduate School of Psychology and just down the street from the Fuller Student Center and the Horner Center for Life Long Learning located at 250 N Madison Ave. Mapquest shows the location of the Scottish Rite Cathedral in relation to the Fuller Campus (zoom in for a better perspective).

Are Freemasons employed by Fuller Seminary? A Visiting Professor at Fuller Theological Seminary is a 33rd degree Prince Hall Mason. Dr. J. Alfred Smith teaches a course on African American Spirituality in the School of Theology. The course description can been seen here. Dr. J. Alfred Smith is the Senior Pastor of Allen Temple Baptist Church. According to his church’s website, “He [Dr. J. Alfred Smith] has been elevated to the 33rd Degree of Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masons.”

According to Wikipedia, Prince Hall Masonry “obtained a Warrant for Charter from the Grand Lodge of England in 1784.” Today, “Prince Hall Lodges are recognized by the Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) as well as the great majority of state Grand Lodges and international Grand Lodges.”

In addition to being a Visiting Professor at Fuller Seminary, J. Alfred Smith is a member of the Executive Board of the National Council of Churches (NCC). He earned a Doctor of Ministry from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary—a graduate theological school of the Southern Baptist Convention (UN-NGO), and he has addressed both the Baptist World Alliance (UN-NGO) and the United Nations. His work has been featured in Christianity Today (Billy Graham), and in May 2007, he was appointed a Board Member to the California Community Colleges Board of Governors by Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger. J. Alfred Smith has earned over 125 awards including at least one from the US Congress. According to a tribute given to J. Alfred Smith in the Congressional Record of November 9, 1995, “He has been elevated to the 33rd Degree of Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masons.”

Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Jr., President Barack Obama’s former pastor, wrote the Forward to one of J. Alfred Smith’s books, and Smith edited one of Rev. Wright’s books (Corinthian Baptist Church). Six of J. Alfred Smith’s books and sermons are now being sold in the Fuller Seminary bookstore.

J. Alfred Smith has been described as an “illustrious senior pastor” and a “bridge-builder.” And it appears that this high ranking Mason also leads a transformational ministry. According to the Allen Temple Baptist Church website, “During the dynamic, visionary leadership of Doctor J. Alfred Smith, Senior, Allen Temple has grown to a membership of 5,500 and has developed a large array of holistic community ministries focussed [sic] on redeeming and transforming the whole person and the whole community.” This ministry description sounds exactly like the agenda of many ministries associated with John Macarthur’s Grace Community Church. Is it believable that J. Alfred Smith, 33rd degree Mason, is transforming communities for Jesus Christ? Or is he, like other church growth leaders, transforming communities for Satan?

J. Alfred Smith is a Prince Hall Mason. Located only 4 blocks (.64 mile) from Fuller Seminary is the Pasadena Masonic Temple located at 200 S. Euclid Ave. The Pasadena Masonic Temple houses several lodges. (Mapquest) One of these is the Prince Hall Lodge. A list of “Constituent Lodges Of The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge F & AM State of California, Inc.,” states that the Prince Hall lodge in Pasadena, Hiram #12, is located at 200 S. Euclid Ave., Pasadena, CA. This is the address of the Pasadena Masonic Temple. Listed under “Tenants” of this temple is “Hiram Lodge #12 F.&A.M.”

When Dr. J. Alfred Smith, 33rd Degree of Prince Hall Free and Accepted Masonry, teaches at Fuller Seminary, he doesn’t have far to walk to a Prince Hall lodge.

At least one Freemason in the Scottish Rite Cathedral bordering Fuller Seminary poses as Christian. According to the Pasadena Scottish Rite Bulletin, “James F Halladay, 33 degree, has been appointed and elected Almoner for the Valley of Pasadena. Jim’s background as a Pastor of the Baptist Church in Glendale well qualifies him for his new post.” Notice that, like J. Alfred Smith, this Freemason is also a Baptist.

Of interest, Grace Community Church elder and executive director of Grace to You, Phil Johnson, is a Baptistic Calvinist. This statement appears on his website:

“Theologically, Phil is a committed Calvinist—with a decidedly Baptistic bent.” (Who is Phillip R. Johnson?) Even more interesting is this statement: “He…is a member of the Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals (FIRE).” The slogan of FIRE is “In essentials Unity, In non-essentials Liberty, in all things Charity.” (FIRE) Why is this interesting? FIRE’s slogan is nearly identical to the slogan of Phoenix Freemasonry! “It is the glory of Masonry to teach Unity in essentials, Liberty in details, Charity in all things; and by this sign its spirit must at last prevail.”

Sold at the Fuller Seminary bookstore is “The Complete Idiots Guide to Freemasonry.” The book description states that this book, written by a member of a Masonic Lodge, “offers a guide…that is intended to dispel much of the mythology that surrounds the secretive and often controversial movement.” Sounds like one would have to be an “idiot” to believe a “Guide to Masonry” written by a Mason who has taken oaths not to reveal Masonic secrets.

The Fuller bookstore sells numerous books about the Talmud and the Kabbalah. For example, “The Beliefnet Guide to Kabbalah” by Arthur Goldwag is in the Fuller bookstore. Does this book reveal the truth about the Kabbalah? The book’s description states, “The aim of this guide is to provide an informative and reader-friendly overview of Kabbalah, whose messages Moses is said to have received from God on Mount Sinai.” Moses received the Kabbalah from God on Mount Sinai!?! How perverse!

May I remind the reader that Freemasonry is based on Talmudic Judaism, and that the Kabbalah is the blood and bone of Talmudic Judaism. According to Manly P. Hall, 32nd degree Freemasonry is typified by the Kabbalist Tree of Life:

“When the ten numbers which pertain to the globes (Sephiroth) are combined with the 22 letters relating to the channels [pathways between the sephiroth], the resultant sum is 32…which is analogous to the first 32 degrees of Freemasonry, which elevate the candidate to the dignity of a Prince of the Royal Secret.” (The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly P Hall, 1928)

Manly P Hall was honored in Sept, 1990 by The Scottish Rite Journal, who called him “The Illustrious Manly P. Hall” and “Masonry’s Greatest Philosopher.”

In 1866, Dr. Isaac M. Wise wrote in The Israelite of America, “Masonry is a Jewish institution, whose history, degrees, charges, passwords and explanations are Jewish from end to end.”

A Masonic website states, “The philosophy or religion of esoteric Freemasonry (that understood only by the inner circle) is practically identical to that of the Jewish Cabala.”(The Masonic Trowel)

The president of Fuller Seminary, Richard Mouw, is a columnist at Beliefnet, a comparative religion website. An article by Mouw at Beliefnet states, “Since I am a seminary president…I have a vested interest in what goes on in contemporary Catholicism, having devoted considerable energy in recent years to evangelical-Catholic dialogue…” At Beliefnet, all world religions are promoted. Another Beliefnet columnist is Starhawk, a witch. (Christianity Today: Richard Mouw)

Dr. Richard Mouw is a Calvinist. “Mouw was Professor of Christian philosophy at Calvin College for seventeen years. He has also served as a visiting professor to the Free University of Amsterdam.” (Wikipedia: Richard Mouw) “Founded in 1876, Calvin College is an educational institution of the Christian Reformed Church and stands in the Reformed tradition of Protestantism. Calvin College is named after John Calvin, the 16th century Protestant Reformer.” (Wikipedia: Calvin College)

According to B’nai B’rith, “Calvinism is of Jewish origin. It was deliberately conceived to split the adherents of the Christian religions and divide the people. Calvin’s real name was Cohen! … Calvin was one of our children; he was of Jewish descent, and was entrusted by Jewish authority and encouraged with Jewish finance to draft his scheme in the reformation.” (The Reformation: Rosicrucian Connections)

Dr. Mouw engages in dialogue with Jewish rabbis. “The University of Judaism and its Sigi Ziering Institute are hosting a conversation between Dr. Richard Mouw, President of the Fuller Theological Seminary, and Dr. Elliot Dorff [a rabbi], Rector of the University of Judaism.” (American Jewish University)

Dr. Richard Mouw is also an apologist for Mormonism. (“Mainstreaming Mormonism”) In November 2004, he spoke at a Mormon Tabernacle in Temple Square, Salt Lake City. “He offered a stunningly candid apology to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and [noted] that ‘friendship has not come easily between our communities.’ He dubbed the evening ‘historic’ and apologized that evangelicals ‘have often misrepresented the faith and beliefs of the Latter-day Saints.’” (Christianity Today)

At the Mormon Tabernacle Dr. Mouw stated, “I know that I have learned much in this continuing dialogue, and I am now convinced that we evangelicals have often seriously misrepresented the beliefs and practices of the Mormon community. Indeed, let me state it bluntly to the LDS folks here this evening: we have sinned against you. The God of the Scriptures makes it clear that it is a terrible thing to bear false witness against our neighbors, and we have been guilty of that sort of transgression in things we have said about you. We have told you what you believe without making a sincere effort first of all to ask you what you believe.” (Wikipedia) Bear false witness? Guilty of transgression? Do Evangelicals “seriously misrepresent” the beliefs and practices of Mormonism?

Mormon doctrine teaches that Lucifer is not the devil, Satan, but Venus, the Morning Star.  Mormons believe that Jesus Christ is not God but a “lesser god” and the older brother of Lucifer. (Jesus & Lucifer Brothers?) Mormons believe that they are becoming “gods.” They also believe that they descended from the tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh. (The Mormon Teachings of Gwen Shaw) Imitating Moses, Mormon founder and prophet, Joseph Smith, received the Golden Tablets from the Angel Moroni. Imitating Jesus Christ, Smith surrounded himself with twelve Apostles; however, his innermost circle were Kabbalists. (Crypto-Jewry) The Mormon obsession with bloodlines is identical to the Merovingian bloodline conspiracy. The fact is that Mormonism is a front for Merovingian Jewry and its international network of Freemasonry. “Mormonism and Freemasonry are so intimately interwoven and interrelated that the two can never be dissociated.” (Freemasonry Watch)

With Dr. Mouw as Fuller Seminary president, it’s not surprising that the Fuller bookstore sells numerous books on the Kabbalah and Talmudic Judaism. For example, “Kabbalah—A Brief Introduction for Christians.” Does this book warn Christians about the Kabbalah? To the contrary, the description states, “By learning something about Kabbalah, Christians can deepen their insight into the highest teachings of their own tradition. The resonance between the two traditions is profound.” (Fuller Bookstore) What resonance hath light with darkness? How can Christians deepen their insight into Christ’s teaching by studying paganism, magic and witchcraft?

Most of the books available in the Fuller bookstore don’t have descriptions. Other books on Kabbalah available in the bookstore include: “Connecting to God—Ancient Kabbalah & Modern Psychology,” “Absorbing Perfections—Kabbalah,” “Enneagram & Kabbalah—Reading Your Soul (2nd Ed),” “Essential Kabbalah,” “Kabbalah & The Art of Being,” “Kabbalah—New Perspectives,” “Meditation & Kabbalah,” “Power of Kabbalah,” “Seeing God—Lessons Of The Kabbalah,” “Wisdom Of The Kabbalah,” “Way—Using The Wisdom Of The Kabbalah,” among others.

What kind of ministers are produced by Fuller Seminary? The following is a profile of a Fuller Seminary graduate who is now on the Board of Directors of the International Kabbalah Society:

“Rev. Megan Wagner, M.A., is Director of Spiritual Psychology at ChI. She is a therapist, spiritual director, artist, Kabbalah teacher, interfaith minister, drummer, ritual leader and author. She is the author of The Sapphire Staff: Walking the Western Mystical Way, a guide to the 7 stages of psycho-spiritual awakening from Kabbalah and the Tree of Life. (See: Tree Of Life Teachings – Home.) Rev. Wagner is founding director of Tree of Life Teachings International, where she runs Tree of Life Training, a Kabbalah School, and leads sacred journeys to Crete, Europe, Mexico and Africa. Her healing work integrates Psychology, Mysticism, Shamanism, Astrology, Alchemy and the sacred arts of drumming, chanting, storytelling and ritual. She trained in Family Systems and Jungian Psychology and has 25 years of counseling experience, including 12 years of supervision in psychodynamic counseling and personal analysis in analytic depth psychology. She also trained extensively in London with Kabbalah Master Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi and now lectures on Kabbalah internationally and in the USA. She is on the Board of Directors of the International Kabbalah Society. In addition to her work in Therapy and Spiritual Guidance, Rev. Wagner offers a certificate course in Spiritual Psychology. She also holds The Feminine Path of Power Retreats (see, where she performs women’s initiation stories and leads rituals designed to help women feel more embodied, empowered and connected to spirit. An interfaith minister, Rev. Wagner earned a Master of Arts in Marriage and Family Therapy from Fuller Theological Seminary, Pasadena, California, and a Masters of Metaphysics from the University of Sedona, Sedona, Arizona. (SPIRITUAL PSYCHOLOGY)” (Chaplaincy Institute for Arts & Interfaith Ministries)

Megan Wagner, along with Jim Larkin, are the Founding Directors of Tree of Life Teachings International. Tree of Life Teachings International runs a “Kabbalistic School of the Soul.” Jim Larkin, a “facilitator” at Tree of Life Teachings, received his Mdiv at Fuller Seminary, PhD pending in Comparative Religions. (Tree of Life Teachings International)

The “tree” symbol for the Kabbalist Tree of Life Teachings as seen on Wagner and Larkin’s About Us page looks nearly identical to the tree on the cover of Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose Driven Life, seen here. Notice that the symbol for American Jewish University (formerly University of Judaism), where Fuller president Richard Mouw spoke, is a similar tree.

A Hollywood filmmaker is a professor at Fuller. Craig Detweiler who received a MDiv and a PhD at Fuller Seminary is now an Associate Professor of Theology and Culture and Co-director of the Reel Spiritual Institute School of Theology, the area of Fuller’s Brehm Center focused on theology and film. “Detweiler is a filmmaker who has written scripts for numerous Hollywood films…He leads a coalition of schools and educators to the Sundance Film Festival each year for Fuller’s WindRider Forum in Park City, Utah.” (Fuller Faculty) The WindRider Forum partners with Fuller Theological Seminary to provide “an opportunity for conversations at the intersection of faith and film.” This past year, the theme of the Windrider Forum was “Filmmaking for Social Change.”

“He [Detweiler] has often been featured in the media, including the New York Times, CNN, NPR, and ABC… In 2007, Detweiler completed production on a documentary investigating the clash between the secular and the Christian world entitled Purple State of Mind.” Craig Detweiler wrote the book, “A Purple State of Mind: Finding Middle Ground in a Divided Culture.” In the movie, Detweiler claims to be a Christian, and John Marks is an unbeliever. Detweiler and Marks co-produced this movie as a conversation between a believer and an unbeliever to “find common ground.” “A Purple State” refers to a Third Way compromise between liberal and conservative political views, and also between liberal and fundamental Christianity.

“Our culture is reeling from divisiveness and strife. People are divided politically (into red and blue states), morally, and spiritually. Successful author and Hollywood filmmaker Craig Detweiler reveals how to be a ‘purple’ Christian—a follower of Christ who finds middle ground, not to compromise but to converse. He empowers readers to build relationships rather than erect barriers so they can more effectively communicate and live out the good news. This relevant and practical guide reveals ways to… *communicate the gospel with humility* promote prolife and pro–family positions in a pluralistic society *love members of the gay community* relate to people in other faith traditions. The Christian community has become known for what it opposes rather than what it proposes—faith, hope, and love. A Purple State of Mind dismantles unhelpful misrepresentations of Jesus’ life–giving message and presents it in a fresh, contemporary way.” (A Purple State of Mind: Finding Middle Ground in a Divided Culture)

Fuller Seminary offers many books promoting pagan religions that may be required reading in their apologetics and comparative religions courses. The following are just some of the titles available in the Fuller bookstore: “Drawing Down the Moon—Witches Druids Goddess-Worshippers & Other Pagans in America” by Margot Adler, “Magic Witchcraft &Religion- An Anthropological Study of the Supernatural (7th Ed),” “Shaminism,” “Witchcraft & Sorcery,” “Pagan Christianity—Exploring the Roots of Our Church Practices,” “Oedipus & The Devil—Witchcraft Sexual,” “Magic & Witchcraft,” “Demon Lovers—Witchcraft Sex & Crisis,” “Entertaining Satan—Witchcraft,” “Ancient Christian Magic—Coptic Texts,” “Ancient Magic & Ritual Power,” “Ancient Philosophy Mystery & Magic,” “Black Magic—Religion & The African,” “Byzantine Magic,” “Earthly Bodies Magical Selves,” “Magic & Paganism in Early Christianity,” “Magic Faith & Healing,” “Magic Kingdom of God,” “Magic Mystery & Science—Occult in West,” “Prayer Magic & The Stars in The Ancient,” “Tales of a Magic Monastery,” “Magic Mountain (a novel),” “Real Magic—Creating Miracles,” “Greek Magical Papyri in Translation,” “Magic & Magicians in The Greco-roman,” “Magic in The Ancient Greek World,” “Magic in The Middle Ages,” “Magic & Paganism—Acts,” and “Ephesians—Power & Magic,” among others.

Also available in the Fuller Seminary bookstore is “Gospel According to Bruce Springsteen—Rock & Redemption from Asbury Park to Magic.” The author of this book is Jeffrey Symynkywicz. The book description states, “Symynkywicz, a Unitarian Universalist minister, reflects on important themes about life found in the music of Bruce Springsteen.”

The curriculum of Fuller Seminary does not instruct ministerial students in the narrow way of salvation through Jesus Christ alone but introduces them to the broad way which leads to destruction. Rather than teaching and preaching the Word of God, Fuller Seminary has freely acknowledged that it is an interfaith agency promoting the Communitarian Third Way agenda:

“Fuller is welcoming both to the evangelical conservative and the theologically liberal. The faculty consists of a variety of Christian scholars with equally diverse backgrounds. Students and professors often hold diametrically opposing views and vehemently debate a wide range of religious and ethical issues, yet remain committed to their Christian camaraderie. Fuller’s diverse student body and ecumenical persuasion are among its chief strengths. It is also frequently at the center of debate among religious and secular intellectuals on issues ranging from politics, religion, science and culture. Fuller instructors have been cited as seeking ways out of the conservative/liberal debate: ‘We need to be the voice of a third way that flows out of biblical values, instead of buying into the political ideology of either the right or the left.’ Currently, Fuller reports that faculty and students come from over 150 Christian denominations representing a wide variety of theological viewpoints.” (Wikipedia)

Let me reiterate that John Macarthur’s father, Jack Macarthur, was Director of the Fuller Evangelistic Foundation which established Fuller Seminary as well as co-founder of the Hollywood Christian Group with J. Edwin Orr — which places him firmly within Henrietta Mears’ inner circle and in “the lineage of the monstrous apostasy.” It may be noted that John Macarthur graduated from Talbot Theological Seminary, the seminary for Biola University (formerly Biola College). The chairman of the board of Biola from 1928-1932 was none other than Charles Fuller. (By 1928, Biola had apostatized, according to Charles Trumbull, the editor of the most influential periodical of the fundamentalist movement, The Sunday School Times.) (Give the Wind a Mighty Voice)

The following sections provide two more examples of John Macarthur’s support for Southern Baptist Convention leaders and church growth advocates:






116. “Alarm Over Church Talks With Druids,” Jonathan Petre, Sunday, May 21, 2000; Issue 1822, Electronic Telegraph

117. Bailey, Alice. Initiation, Human and Solar, Lucis Publishing Co. 1922, pp. 61-2.





122. George Marsden’s book, Reforming Fundamentalism: Fuller Seminary and the New Evangelicalism, p. 135.

123.; Ethel May Baldwin & David V. Benson, Earl 0. Roe, ed., Dream Big: The Henrietta Mears Story, Ventura, CA: Regal Books, 1990. p.304,305.




127. “Masons Pay Tribute to Billy Graham,” Dr. Cathy Burns,


John MacArthur’s Masonic Heritage

John MacArthur’s great grandfather, Thomas Fullerton, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island


Thomas Fraser Fullerton, PGM
Most Worshipful Brother
Thomas Fraser Fullerton, PGM*
Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island, A.F. & A.M.; Grand Master 1913 – 1914
Thomas Fraser Fullerton was born at Glasgow, Scotland, on March 28th, 1861.
He received his early education at a Public School, matriculating into Glasgow University from which he graduated as Prizeman.
Having fitted himself for a life of theological work he came to America in 1889, and after a short Pastorate in St. John, N. B., he accepted a call to St. James Presbyterian Church (Kirk) in Charlottetown, P. E. I. This charge he still holds, and has held continually for twenty-one years, with the exception of one year while in active service as Chaplain with the Royal Canadian Regiment in the South African War in 1900.
He received the Degree of Doctor of Divinity from the Presbyterian College at Halifax, N. S. in 1913.
In Masonry he received his first light as an Entered Apprentice in St. Johns Lodge, No. 1, Charlottetown, on March 15th, 1901, as a Fellow Craft, April 16th, and as Master Mason, May 14th, of the same year. He presided as Worshipful Master of St. Johns Lodge in 1911. In the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite he received the degrees of the Lodge of Perfection and Rose Croix Chapter in 1903, and the intermediate degrees to 32 degree in Charlottetown Consistory in 1911.
In the Grand Lodge he was Grand Chaplain, 1907-10; Senior Grand Deacon, 1911; Deputy Grand Master, 1912 and Grand Master, 1913.
From the Proceedings of the 38th Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island A. F. & A. M. (1913).


John Macarthur has boasted that he is the last in his family lineage of pastors that goes back five generations to Scotland.  The following excerpt from a sermon Macarthur gave that was aired on a Grace To You broadcast mentions these five generations of pastors which includes his great grandfather, Thomas Fullerton, who is described in particular.

“The good news is, when the soil is prepared by God, there’s going to be an explosion of spiritual fruit and the harvest will go on and on and on and on and on and on. A nice young man in our church was recently in Prince Edward Island and I had said in the church service that my great grandfather was a pastor of St. James Kirk Presbyterian Kirk in Prince Edward Island back in the 1800’s. So when he was up there, he started digging around and found all kinds of things about my great grandfather. Thomas Fullerton was his name and he was pastor there at the main church in Charletown(?) for about twenty-eight years. He was a chaplain in the Canadian Military and he went to the Bower(?) War in South Africa and fought and did ministry among the troops. And you look back and that and you say, Okay, there’s a…his father was also a pastor who had been in Scotland and then gone to Australia and come there and at some point the Lord plowed the heart of that family and it just kept going and it just kept going and it kept going and it came down through my…from my great-grandfather to my grandmother, his daughter, and then through her to my father and then through me and this is the explosion and we’re all in this process somewhere.”  (A Diagnosis of the Soils)

Who was Thomas Fullerton?

Who was John Fullerton Macarthur, Jr’s great grandfather?  The following was written by The Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island.​

Most Worshipful Brother

Thomas Fraser Fullerton, PGM

Grand Lodge of

Prince Edward Island, A.F. & A.M.;

Grand Master 1913 – 1914

“Thomas Fraser Fullerton was born at Glasgow, Scotland, on March 28th, 1861.

“He received his early education at a Public School, matriculating into Glasgow University from which he graduated as Prizeman.

“Having fitted himself for a life of theological work he came to America in 1889, and after a short Pastorate in St. John, N. B., he accepted a call to St. James Presbyterian Church, (Kirk) in Charlottetown, P. E. I. This charge he still holds, and has held continually for twenty-one years, with the exception of one year while in active service as Chaplain with the Royal Canadian Regiment in the South African War in 1900.

“He received the Degree of Doctor of Divinity from the Presbyterian College at Halifax, N. S. in 1913.

“In Masonry he received his first light as an Entered Apprentice in St. Johns Lodge, No. 1, Charlottetown, on March 15th, 1901, as a Fellow Craft, April 16th, and as Master Mason, May 14th, of the same year. He presided as Worshipful Master of St. Johns Lodge in 1911. In the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite he received the degrees of the Lodge of Perfection and Rose Croix Chapter in 1903, and the intermediate degrees to 32degree in Charlottetown Consistory in 1911.

“In the Grand Lodge he was Grand Chaplain, 1907-10; Senior Grand Deacon, 1911; Deputy Grand Master, 1912 and Grand Master, 1913.

“From the Proceedings of the 38th Annual Communication of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island A.F. & A. M. (1913).”

Note: In 1892, Rev. Thomas Fullerton was also Grand Secretary of the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge for the Province under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of British America. (Canada: An Encyclopedia, p. 318)

Thomas Fullerton’s D.D. was Honorary

 According to John Macarthur: Freemason:

“The Grand Lodge of PEI’s tribute to Most Worshipful Brother Rev. Thomas Fullerton states that John MacArthur’s great grandfather received his Doctor of Divinity from Presbyterian College in 1913, the same year he became Provincial Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of PEI, Canada. According to The Canadian Annual Review of Public Affairs, Thomas Fullerton’s D.D. was an honorary degree rather than an earned degree.

  “HONOURARY DEGREES CONFERRED… Halifax Presbyterian College… Rev. Thomas Fraser Fullerton… Charlottestown… D.D.” (The Canadian Annual Review of Public Affairs, Vol. 13, John Castell Hopkins, p. 491)

“Thomas Fullerton’s theological studies and training were accomplished, therefore, not in a seminary but in the Masonic Lodge as he studied the requisite Masonic literature for initiation into the successive degrees of Entered Apprentice, Fellow Craftsman, Master Mason, Lodge of Perfection and Rose Croix and the 32nd Degree, the Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret.

Thomas Fullerton: A Ruler of the Whole Craft

Thomas Fullerton was the Grand Master of a Grand Lodge which governs other Masonic Lodges within a given area or jurisdiction.

“A Grand Lodge or Grand Orient is the usual governing body of ‘Craft’, ‘Blue Lodge’, or ‘Symbolic’ Freemasonry in a particular jurisdiction.” (Wiki).

“All Grand Jurisdictions regard the Grand Master as the ruler of the whole Craft, as well as the Grand Lodge; a Lodge or a brother who questions the authority of a Grand Master is so infrequent as to be remarked.” (Grand Master’s Powers)

It’s noteworthy that Thomas Fullerton was elected Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island, A.F. & A.M. the same year that he received the honorary Degree of Doctor of Divinity from the Presbyterian College at Halifax, N. S.

“Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord’s table, and of the table of devils.” (1 Corinthians 10: 21)

Was Thomas Fullerton a Druid?

Thomas Fullerton was a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Freemason and Grand Master of the Grand Lodge.  Was he also a Druid?  It’s quite possible that Thomas Fullerton was a Druid and for the following reasons:

1. Thomas Fullerton was born in Scotland and Druids lived in Scotland. (Druidic Places in Scotland)

2. Thomas Fullerton was a Grand Master in Masonry and Masons are our present Druids.  “Albert Churchward, another Masonic writer, states that Masons are ‘our present Druids.’ (Druid).

3. Thomas Fullerton received his Doctor of Divinity from the Presbyterian College at Halifax, Nova Scotia (New Scotland).  Druidism exists today in Nova Scotia (Druids in Nova Scotia).

4. Thomas Fullerton presided over Masonry within Prince Edward Island which is only about 10 miles from Nova Scotia.  The International Center of the Island Druid community is on Prince Edward Island (Island Druid).

Is John Fullerton Macarthur Jr. also a Mason and/or a Druid?

Read John Macarthur’s Druid Festival to learn that John Macarthur’s annual “Camp Regen” which he holds for high school age Christians is the Druid Festival of Lughnasadh.

Other Articles of Interest

John Macarthur: Freemason

John Macarthur’s Druid Festival

See: The Masonic Grand Lodge of A.F. & A.M. of Canada Quotes John Macarthur in their Recent Communiqué

See Roy Rogers Masonic Connection to read that John Macarthur’s father had a very close relationship with high ranking Freemasons.

See Masonic/Occult Symbols at John Macarthur’s Grace To You

See Is John Macarthur a Master of the Craft?

​See John Macarthur’s “Slave” Book Promotional Video Depicts the Masonic All-Seeing Eye Within a Pyramid

The Masters College IBEX Campus in Israel

IBEX is the name of an extension of The Master’s College in Israel.

“The Israel Bible EXtension program, called ‘IBEX’, is The Master’s College (TMC) extension program in Israel.” (IBEX)

In the Old Testament, the Hebrew word for “wild goat” refers to the IBEX:

Strong’s #3277. יָעֵל ya`el
from 3276; an ibex (as climbing):—wild goat.

The Ibex is larger than the common goat and its horns are much longer, sometimes more than a yard in length and curved, like the long-horned Baphomet which Knights Templar and Freemasons worship as the bisexual human-goat god of fertility.

This is the same horned fertility god invoked by Wiccans flashing their Satanic hand signs at John Macarthur’s Camp Regeneration.

Is the IBEX Campus of John Macarthur’s The Masters College in Israel Dedicated to the Horned Goat God of Freemasonry?

“Why would John MacArthur give his college in Israel the name of IBEX, a wild goat with great horns like the Baphomet? Jews living in Israel surely know what ‘IBEX’ means. Freemasons like John MacArthur’s great grandfather worshiped the horned goat god called Baphomet. John MacArthur has stated that his global ministry is the fruit of his Masonic great grandfather’s ministry.” (See: John MacArthur & Freemasonry)

The Baphomet is also worshiped by Satanists like the Hardcore, Deathcore and Black Metal bands. One Black Metal band called Ibex Throne made an album which displays the Baphomet on the cover:

SDL022 Ibex Throne (Usa) “Total Inversion” CD

“Ibex throne has unleashed the next round of artillery and warfare aimed at all religion and humanity. The future is lost, humanity is worthless, herald the end of existence and obtain this piece of black hatred. 8 new songs of blasphemous, Black Metal is Warfare, Not Music!!!”

The first song on the Ibex Throne album is “Anti-Christian Warfare”— the same warfare that is being waged globally by Freemasonry, Wiccans, Satanists and all pagan religions against Jesus Christ and His Church.

The widespread appeal of the Deathcore, Hardcore and Black Metal movement to the present youth culture should not be underestimated. SMNnews, which promotes and sponsors interactive forums for the “underground metal and hardcore world,” boasts that it has more than 35,000 registered members.

John Macarthur’s Spiritual Mentor was a Jewish Rabbi

John Macarthur’s father, Dr. “Jack” Macarthur, in addition to being the director of the foundation which started Fuller Seminary, was in Henrietta Mears’ inner circle and was involved at the highest level of the world ecumenical movement. The goal of the ecumenical movement is to create a one-world religion for the worship of Lucifer.  Christians have been falsely led to believe that the one-world religion will eradicate Christianity rather than transform it. (See John Macarthur’s Ecumenical Roots and What is the Church Growth Movement?)

According to an interview with Phil Johnson of Grace To You, John Macarthur stated that at his father’s request, he went to Talbot Theological Seminary (now known as Talbot School of Theology) “just because of him [Dr. Charles Feinberg], to be my mentor, my professor and [to take] every course that he offered.” (1)

Dr. Feinberg was Talbot Seminary’s first dean (1952-1975) and according to John Macarthur, was a Jewish rabbi.  In reference to his time at Talbot Seminary (I believe in the early 1960’s), John Macarthur stated, “Charles Feinberg…, just a converted rabbi, basically, studied fourteen years to be a rabbi.” (2)  Why are Jewish rabbis heading Christian seminaries?  Do you believe a Jewish Rabbi would personally tutor a Gentile?

According to Wikipedia “In 1930, he [Charles Feinberg] converted from Judaism to Christianity through the ministry of Chosen People Ministries.”

According to the Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society (Feinberg was a charter member of the ETS), “Charles Lee Feinberg was born on June 12, 1909…  He was reared in an orthodox Jewish home and prepared for the rabbinate for fourteen years prior to his conversion to Christ in the fall of 1930.”(3)

The curriculum for being a Rabbi involves studying the Talmud, the textbook of all rabbi’s and the basis of Judaism.  The Talmud is extremely anti-christian and greatly slanders the Lord Jesus Christ.  Dr. Feinberg studied the Babylonian Talmud and cited it in his writings.

Though John Macarthur refers to his spiritual mentor, Rabbi Feinberg, as a “Jewish Christian,” (4) Rabbi Feinberg’s son, Dr. John Feinberg, referred to his father posthumously as “an orthodox Jew” (5).

Of interest, according to the Lockman Foundation website, Dr. Feinberg was an original translator of the corrupt bible version, the NASB, the version from which John Macarthur currently preaches. Click here to read more about this corrupt bible version and the false Greek text from which it was translated.

There is also evidence that Rabbi Feinberg was a Calvinist.  “…or the treasury of notes in the New Scofield Bible written by an elite group of Bible scholars which included Charles Feinberg, who incidently, was a Calvinist.”  To those who have studied the truth about John Calvin, a crypto Jew, and the Protestant Reformation, it wouldn’t come as a surprise to learn that an orthodox Jewish rabbi was a Calvinist.  Click here to read a most enlightening article regarding evil Calvin, Calvinism, and the Rosicrucian roots of the Protestant Reformation.

Christian researchers have found definite connections to Freemasonry at the highest levels of the leadership of the Reformed movement (located in Edinburgh, Scotland).  Interestingly, the motto for FIRE (Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals), which includes Phil Johnson, the Executive Director of John Macarthur’s Grace To You, as a member, is nearly identical to the motto of Phoenix Freemasonry. (See John Macarthur’s Ecumenical Roots)

The following references the curriculum for Master of Divinity in Messianic Jewish Studies at the Charles Feinberg Center in partnership with Talbot School of Theology. The Feinberg program is approved by the Rockefeller-funded Assoc. of Theological Schools which is the accrediting institution of Talbot School of Theology. 

Where do Messianic Jewish Rabbi’s get their training? 

Do they attend a Yeshiva University or Bible College? I’d be interested in hearing the answers.

Best Answer

I’m a Messianic Jew and know a good amount about Messianic training. Unfortunately only some of the avenues of education can be presented here. There are many more.

In-depth education from an accredited University is required to become a Messianic Rabbi. They need as much education as a Conservative or Reform Rabbi does. Here’s some facts about their education.


Here are just some of the courses offered in Colleges having Messianic courses. These would be for those interested in a degree or Smichah program:

Pastoral Holistic Ministry, Pastoral Holistic Counseling, Theology/Religious Studies, All Messianic Missionaries and Rabbis know about Hebrew Synagogue forms of worship and liturgy, Shabbat observance and laws, Holy Day observance and laws, Extra biblical observances, Kosher laws, Life cycle events, Talmudic study, Zohar, Midrash Rabbah, Lawful forms of rabbinic interpretation of Scriptures, Rabbinic teaching methods.

Most importantly, Messianic rabbis must know about Oral Law and how it should be used in the messianic community. Here are some very accomplished and recognized Messianic Leaders. I’ll let their education speak for itself – each one has a short bio:

MESSIANIC JEWS – What education is required to be a MESSIANIC RABBI?

Here’s the criteria for one being ordained a Messianic Rabbi, as stated by one particular synagogue:

“The calling of a person to the Rabbinate is a serious and humbling experience. No one should enter into this calling lightly, or for selfish gain. Do to the preponderance proliferation of many self proclaimed “rabbis,” it is important that a firm definition and qualifications be established.

The Union of Conservative Messianic Jewish Synagogues does not agree with the popularly practiced procedure of a Christian Pastor becoming a Messianic Rabbi with no formal training or Jewish Heritage.

Would established mainline Churches would accept a Rabbi without any formal training on Christian Theology? Not Likely! Then why should Jewish Synagogues, Messianic, Reformed, Conservative, or Orthodox accept someone not properly trained.


  • Jewish by birth or conversion
  • Have lived a predominately Jewish Lifestyle for a minimum of 3 years (preferably more, this includes secular Jews who have been away from the community)
  • Full identification as a Jew
  • Formal Yeshiva Training which must include: Torah, Talmud, Shulkan Aruch, Jewish History, Jewish Thought, and Jewish Lifestyle / see Shulkan Aruch below
  • For UCMJS rabbis, formal acceptance of UCMJS Halacha


The Charles L. Feinberg Center is an accredited Master of Divinity program in Messianic Jewish Studies. The program is designed to train those with a call to full-time Jewish ministry as Messianic congregational leaders, outreach workers or educators.

These unique training needs are the focus of a program emphasizing biblical languages, Hebrew and Greek exegesis, and the understanding of rabbinic texts. Essential matters of theology and practice are treated through intensive study of Jewish law, religion, culture, sociology and history.

Students are encouraged to explore this rich heritage, and to develop effective methods to reach and serve today’s Jewish community. Practical areas of Jewish ministry are addressed through courses in apologetics, Jewish-Christian relations, pastoral care and counseling.

The Master of Divinity program is a professional degree designed to be completed in three years of full-time graduate study. 


  • Tuition scholarships and financial aid
  • Graduate classes in Messianic studies
  • A summer program offered in Los Angeles and offer full-time studies offered in New York City
  • Messianic Jewish studies integrated throughout the curriculum
  • Specialized library of over 10,000 works in Manhattan for Messianic Jewish studies and an extensive research library on the Southern California campus.
  • Practical field training through mentoring and internships
  • Professors with academic and Jewish ministry experience
  • Opportunities to attend lectures and cultural events, and take classes at Jewish institutions in Southern California and New York 


Talbot School of Theology, a graduate institution of Biola University, is partnering with Chosen People Ministries to provide this Master of Divinity program in Messianic Jewish Studies.


  • To receive a quality Messianic Jewish education
  • To prepare for professional Messianic Jewish ministry
  • To have your Messianic ministry certified and recognized
  • To secure a Messianic Certificate, Associate, Bachelor, Master or Doctoral degree


Was formed to serve the unique need of those who feel especially called to Messianic studies and leadership, but cannot attend on-site classes.

MBI Yeshiva is both a Bible Institute and a Yeshiva. 

“MBI allows for Messianic Jewish Simcha (“conversion to Judaism”) to those who feel they are called to this action.  MBI does not require nor expect Messianic non-Jews to receive Simcha.”

How many Talbot School of Theology seminarians feel led to convert to Judaism as they read the Talmud, Shulchan Aruch and other rabbinic writings in this Messianic Jewish Yeshiva?

 Shulchan Aruch

“The Shulchan Aruch (Hebrew: שׁוּלחָן עָרוּך‎ [ʃulˈħan ʕaˈʁuχ], literally: “Set Table”)[1] also known as the Code of Jewish Law, is the most authoritative legal code of Judaism. It was authored in Safed, Ottoman Eyalet of Damascus, by Yosef Karo in 1563 and published in Venice two years later.[2] Together with its commentaries, it is the most widely accepted compilation of Jewish law ever written.

The halachic rulings in the Shulchan Aruch generally follow Sephardic law and customs…”

The Shulchan Aruch, the Code of Jewish Law, studied by Rabbinical students in the Yeshivas and Messianic Jewish schools such as the Feinberg Center, where students are “encouraged to explore the ‘rich heritage'” of rabbinic texts and Jewish law and take courses at Jewish institutions. The Shulchan Aruch was authored by Yosef Karo, a Kabbalist, which is often quoted in his works:

“Isserles, like Yosef Karo in the Shulchan Aruch, often quotes Kabbalistic sources and opinions in his various works, and writes of his great joy upon finding that his ruling concurred with what he later found written in the “words of the Zohar which were given at Sinai…”.

Moses Isserles

The Kabbalah is sephardic. The Talmud is Ashkenazi.”

Lurianic Kabbalah

“An important body of customs grew up in the Kabbalistic circle of Isaac Luria and his followers in Safed, and many of these have spread to communities throughout the Sephardi world:…”


A Facilitator-Led Church Group is the Gate to Hell

A Letter of Warning to Kurt Gebhards’ Hickory Harvest Church, the Harvest Bible Chapel Affiliate in North Carolina: “A Church of Life Groups
Dear Hickory Harvest Church Attendee,
I’m a fellow Christian that has an interest in your church’s recent transition to the Harvest Bible Chapel model.  If you’d be kind enough to indulge me, then I’d like to pose some questions to you regarding your church transition:  Have you felt that something isn’t quite right regarding your transition to the Harvest Bible Chapel ministry model?  Do you get the feeling that something is wrong with this transition biblically, but you can’t quite put your finger on it?  Do you feel that you are now being slowly led astray from God’s biblical will?  Do you get the feeling that somehow your church is being used to further an unbiblical agenda (an agenda for which you are footing the bill)?  Have you felt that your new pastor may be hiding something?  Have you felt that if there was a way to go back and NOT vote to move forward with the Harvest transition you would?  If you answered in the affirmative, then please allow me to try to clarify for you what is now happening to your church since the Harvest Bible Chapel takeover.  I’ll try make it brief and to the point and rather than copy and paste, I’ll place several links where you can read more if you so desire.
“Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 1 John 4:1
“For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.”  II Corinthians 11:13-15
“And that because of false brethren unawares brought in, who came in privily to spy out our liberty which we have in Christ Jesus, that they might bring us into bondage.” Galatians 2:4
“For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them.” Acts 20:29-30
As you know, your church is now being conformed to the Harvest Bible Fellowship organizational model.  The basis of this organizational model are facilitator-led groups.  At Harvest Bible Fellowship affiliate churches these facilitator-led groups are called “Life Groups.”  Because your church’s new leadership has recently “launched” Life Groups and because their importance has been stressed, I’d like to spend time explaining what these groups are in order that you’ll understand that Christians should never participate in them and that they have no place in the church of Jesus Christ.
As you know, all church attendees are being strongly encouraged, if not required, to participate in Life Groups.  All Life Groups have a leader who functions as a facilitator as well as an apprentice leader who will one day leave to start his own Life Group once he has learned group facilitation skills.
All Life Group participants will be held “accountable” to their Life Group leader who will be accountable to Flock Leaders who will be accountable to the church pastors who will be accountable to the church elders and so forth up the line.  In this manner, all Life Group participants will be watched and monitored and can be controlled from the top.  Five hundred members of a traditional church can’t be controlled, but those 500 members can easily be controlled if placed into 50 facilitator-led groups which are overseen by a hierarchy of leaders.  “Accountability” is a word that will be frequently used by your new church leaders.  But they aren’t referring to your accountability to God.  Participation in “Life Groups” will shift your accountability from God to your group leader, group vision, and church leadership.
As stated, all “Life Group” leaders function as group facilitators.  A facilitator is a term used in communist mind control.  A facilitator is also known as a change agent.  One researcher has stated that the actual socio-psychological name for a facilitator is a heresiarch (one who practices heresy).  A group facilitator is often called a group “leader” who acquires group facilitation skills through “leadership training” or “leadership development.”
A facilitator is not a traditional bible teacher.  He won’t preach and teach God’s word.  Instead, he will facilitate a dialogue to group consensus (what all in the group can agree upon and feel good about) through the use of questioning.  This is also called critical thinking (questioning authority).  The model social psychologists used to determine how a group facilitator should function was Satan.  They studied how Satan was able to get Eve to disobey God in the garden by questioning authority (“Hath God said?”) and through dialogue.
A facilitator-led group is also called a Soviet and a Marxist dialectic session.  It is also sometimes called an “accountability group,” “consensus group,” and an “encounter group.”  These groups were developed by social-psychologists (all of whom were Marxists).  The dynamics of these groups were refined in social laboratories in the US called the National Training Labs which are Marxist incubators (they still exist today).
The facilitator-led group employs a “dialectic process.”  The dialectic process is designed to synthesize opposites (thesis-antithesis, believer-unbeliever) through dialogue.  This process was developed by Hegel, who was a Kabbalist.  The purpose of this group process is to change and transform (brainwash) the minds of all the group participants AWAY from faith in and obedience to authority (God) and toward a socialist religion based on human relationships (humanism).
Facilitation means to make change easy and a facilitator is called a change agent because his job is to change the way people think from obedience to God and higher authority to a way of thinking that compromises God for group goals and human relationship building.  Change agents refer to changing THE WAY people think as a “paradigm shift.”   Organizations that employ facilitator-led groups will make frequent references to change and transformation.  It’s important to know that facilitators and change agents in the church are always Satan’s agents; for God said, “For I am the Lord, I change not” and “My son, fear thou the LORD and the king: and meddle not with them that are given to change. For their calamity shall rise suddenly; and who knoweth the ruin of them both?” Prov. 24:21-2
Facilitator-led groups are the basis for the “Church Growth” movement.  Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven Church is part of this movement.  The purpose of the church growth movement is to transform Christians and churches from service to God to service to the community (to affect social change in the community).  Social psychologists want to make “community” the primary unit of society above the family unit which must be destroyed. This is why church facilitators make statements like “walk with Christ in community.”  To learn more about the church growth movement click here.
Because all at Hickory Harvest will be required to participate in these groups, scroll down the article linked above to “Church Transformation and the Dialectic Process” and “Facilitators, Small Groups and Brainwashing” in order to learn more about these groups and how they function and to fully understand that all who participate in these groups will lose their faith in God.
It should be noted as well that Facilitator-led groups have their origin in the occult Kabbalah.  Few realize that participation in a facilitator-led group invokes a demon that will place the group participants in bondage.  Read “How Small Church Groups Invoke Demons.”
Because small group participants are required to confess their sins regularly to each other (which is unbiblical) and to be “transparent” and “authentic,” the church leaders will be aware of the most intimate details of your life; they will also know who are resisting the “process” and who are threats to their control.  Confessing sins and revealing intimate secrets to your “Life Group” can also potentially open the group participant to blackmail.
“Sins, as defined by the group, are to be confessed either to a personal monitor or publicly to the group. There is no confidentiality; members’ “sins,” “attitudes,” and “faults” are discussed and exploited by the leaders. Even if not obviously promoted by the group, information is collected (usually automatically without set guidelines for collection) and fed to leadership. Shameful past events may then be exploited to manipulate individual compliance or as evidence for disciplinary actions. This information is also exploited by members who leave the group.”
Harvest Bible Chapel and their affiliate churches are all apostate churches on board with the satanic church growth agenda.  I think it’s fair to say that your church couldn’t have fallen prey to this satanic takeover had it not already been on a long slide into apostasy.  For example, I am aware that one man in your church leadership, Scott Jablonski, was fully dedicated to Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven agenda even before your transition to a Harvest affiliate.
The reason why I’m aware of and interested in your church is because I have followed Kurt Gebhards from his time at John Macarthur’s Grace Community Church.  Kurt Gebhards is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  While at Grace Church, he was the pastor of a singles ministry called The Foundry.  This ministry was based on Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven model (though Gebhards and the Grace Church leadership will deny this).  The “Life Groups” at The Foundry were called “Core Groups.”  To read about The Foundry ministry click here.
Pastor John Coleman and Dr. Robert Klenck, a foremost Christian authority on the Purpose Driven/Church Growth movement, broadcasted publicly on their radio show, “RAM Radio Live” (Reformation Apologetics Minstry), four years ago, that the ministry Kurt Gebhards was pastoring at John Macarthur’s Grace Community Church was following the Purpose Driven model.  Upon viewing this ministries since deleted webpages, Dr. Klenck stated: “Not only is it [the Purpose Driven model] there [at The Foundry], but it is going at full speed.”
James Sundquist, author of “Who’s Driving The Purpose Driven Church,” has also confirmed the presence of the Purpose Driven Church model at Kurt Gebhards’ The Foundry.  Upon viewing the same webpages, Mr. Sundquist stated: “I do see many transformation philosophies that echo Rick Warren or hybrid it…PD [Purpose Driven] movement has infiltrated Grace Church under a different name or disguise…[ie., brought in through stealth].”

Kurt Gebhards admits in his online resume that he was asked to enter ministries at John Macarthur’s Grace Church as a vision casting “agent of change.”  A change agent in the church is a facilitator and is always an agent for Satan.  Church facilitators will engage in “vision casting.”  They will encourage their congregation to “catch their vision.”  Vision casting is unbiblical and anyone who casts or catches a vision is tapping into the demonic realm.   You can read where Kurt Gebhards admits to being a vision casting “agent of change” on page 4 under “ministry passions” here.
To read the entire article about Kurt Gebhards, the change agent, then please go here.
If you’d like to hear audios about John Macarthur’s Purpose Driven ministries and the fact that he can’t recall his conversion to Christ, then click here.
The director of operations at Harvest Bible Fellowship and your new church elder is Mr. Bill Molinari.  Mr. Molinari is also a wolf in sheep’s clothing who is on board with the satanic church growth movement. Mr. Molinari is the chairman of the board of Leadership Resources International (LRI) as well as being a board member of John Macarthur’s international ministry which is a “church growth” org that partners with foreign governments.  Churches partnering with governments is in keeping with the communitarian agenda.  To read more about your new church elder, Mr. Bill  Molinari, and LRI scroll down to the section on Bill Molinari here.
By the way, it may be of interest that Kurt Gebhards and Bill Molinari both have backgrounds in finance.  Kurt Gebhards graduated from Liberty University with a degree in Economics and Bill Molinari was the President of a large mutual fund company (Van Kampen funds) for 21 years.
The presence of the facilitator-led group organizational model can be known not only by its structure, but by its particular buzzwords.  I have listened to Craig Steiner’s 4 part “Small Group Leadership Training” series on your church’s resources page.  Mr. Steiner is a trained facilitator.  Please allow me to repeat some of Mr. Steiner’s quotes from his talks to your church members that are indicative of this satanic infiltration and that should give you notice that something is very wrong (unbiblical) with what he is teaching. (I will place Mr. Steiner’s words in quotations and in red and my comments in parentheses.)
From Part 1: Mr. Steiner said, “cast a vision for healthy small groups” (This quote is taken directly from Rick Warren’s Purpose Driven model.  Vision Casting is from Marxism and taps into the occult.  In “church growth,” a “healthy” church is a church in which there are no Christians who obey God.  In a “healthy church,” all will have been transformed to compromise God for the group goals and the group vision.);  “walking with Christ in community” (Christians are not to be holy and set apart, but are to be synthesized into community. To gain respect in the eyes of the community is to compromise God.);  “walking with Christ implies change”  “small groups are discussion-based learning—not someone lecturing the whole group” (The small group leader doesn’t teach in a didactic manner which is biblical, but rather in a dialectic manner.  God’s word is to be preached and teached—not dialogued to consensus.  A traditional bible study is scripturally-based and not discussion-based.);  “fellowship in the biblical sense is a deep community”  “building relationships” (Facilitators emphasize the building of human relationships because they want you to be bonded to the group through peer pressure where the fear of man will override your fear of God causing you to compromise God.)
From Part 2: “ …in addition to the small group facilitator” (Mr. Steiner is admitting at 41:50 that the Life Group leaders are facilitators);  “a small group leader is one who facilitates a discussion in a meaningful direction through the use of questions” (This is an unbiblical dialectic method—it’s based on the method Satan used to get Eve to disobey God in the garden.) “small group leaders shouldn’t lecture people”  (The facilitator won’t teach or preach from the bible. Group dialogue must be facilitated if everyone is to freely experience group life [communism] and group think [socialism]);  “Jesus was a master of asking questions—wasn’t He?”  (Steiner is equating Jesus, the master teacher, with Satan, the master facilitator.  Jesus never questioned God’s authority and He never asked anyone what they thought or felt about God’s word, nor did He dialogue God’s word.  He preached and teached.);  “A key to leading dynamic discussion is to ask good questions” (The facilitator does this to find out your position and to see how you think so that you can be manipulated. Whoever decides what questions to be asked controls the answers as well.);  Steiner wants the facilitator to ask the group member questions like, “What do you think the text means?” so that “everyone has had an opportunity to offer what they think”  (These kinds of questions, which have no place in a bible study, cause the group members to open up and share so that the facilitator can dialogue all opinions to a pre-determined consensus. ); Mr. Steiner says that the facilitator should be asking “open-ended questions.” (In the dialectic process, the facilitator asks open-ended questions [what, how and why] and not closed questions [requiring a yes or no answer] in order to bypass the absolutes of God’s word.) “It is not about what people have learned, but about who people are becoming” (The facilitator doesn’t want to inculcate knowledge “traditional teaching”, but wants to change your behavior and way of thinking in conformity to group goals);  “Be known as a church of authentic people” and “I’d like to know the real you” (Steiner wants people who are willing to reveal their inner most thoughts and feelings to the group so that they can be better manipulated);  “We are all interconnected and part of the body” (A basis of church growth is called General Systems Theory.  It is similar to Eastern philosophy.  It states that people only have value as part of an organization—as a cog in a machine.)
From Part 3: “Opening up to each other involves informing others of your needs” (reveal your “felt needs” so that you can be manipulated);  “We need to be doing life on life” (Where does God command this?);  Steiner encourages you to observe your fellow group member and to say, “I’ve noticed that you don’t spend enough time with your wife and kids”  (A father has God-given authority to rule his family.  No man has the right to question that authority.  The church facilitators through the group dialectic process will negate all God given authority because this authority hinders human relationship building.);  “You need to get to that transparent level where you’re sharing personal feelings and fears” (The group dialectic process often begins with ice-breaker exercises to get people thinking with feelings so that they can be changed more easily);  “People are able to be vulnerable”  Steiner and facilitators want church members making frequent prayer requests. “How can we pray for you next week” (Through Jesus Christ we can all pray directly to our Heavenly Father.  Prayer requests are a way the church leadership can shift dependence on God to dependence on the group.  Prayer requests are also a way that the leadership will know your personal business.)
From Part 4: This part contains an amazingly candid admission from Steiner: “Our men’s and women’s and student ministry is a TRICK to get them into small groups” (So he is admitting that these ministries aren’t for the purpose of serving Jesus Christ.  In fact, the entire agenda at Harvest Bible Fellowship is a satanic trick);  “the purpose of small groups is to make disciples”  (“to make disciples” means to transform group members so that they can become change agent-facilitators who will form their own groups);  “experience the level of community you’ve experienced”  “great way to cast that vision” (A man made vision [what can be] is antithetical to God’s word [what is]);  “So the DNA is throughout everything” (These facilitator-run churches replicate like cells that all have the same DNA.  It is Satan’s DNA.)
Kurt Gebhards is also a change agent-facilitator.  The following quotes in red are from his recent sermons regarding the urgent need to usher the Hickory Harvest congregation into “Life Groups”:
From Life Groups 1 “The Next Big Thing”: Gebhards said, “I don’t want to sell you anything you are not in the market for” (Are you in the market to be brainwashed and to lose your eternal soul? The buyer here had better beware.);  “Life Groups is not one of our ministries at Hickory Harvest.  Life Groups IS our ministry at Hickory Harvest.  We ARE a church of Life Groups.” (Hickory Harvest is being conformed to a “cell church” model.  This model is not unlike a militia structure.);  “Our life groups will be life changing agents” (Gebhards is telling the truth here.  Life Groups will change the way the group members think–from an obedience to God way of thinking to a human relationship building way of thinking.);  Gebhards says that he has served in past ministries where hundreds of Christians “have had lives radically altered by the dynamics of Life Groups”  “You need to open up and be vulnerable to others.”  “I don’t get a bonus in Heaven for being in a Life Group”  (How true!  Your Life Group is the gate to Hell.)
From Life Groups 2 “Our Hospital for Life”: “Our heartbeat is that we would all participate in Life Groups.” (All must participate in this change program.  No child left behind.  Even your children will be required to be in a group);  “Life Groups are intended to be a hospital that facilitates healing and life…” (They lead to eternal death.);  “God’s word is to change us” (Facilitators seldom mention that God’s word judges and divides);  “The word of God is the most life-transforming dynamic in this universe” (I’ve noticed that Gebhards often uses the word “dynamic.”  Facilitators often use this word because it means change.);  “Be a doer of the word of God, so be in a Life Group” (Being a doer of God’s word means to STAND ALONE for Jesus Christ.)
From Life Groups 3 “Our Home of Love”: “We are a church of Life Groups”  “These are not your father’s small groups” (Gebhards is saying that Life Groups aren’t a traditional bible study with a leader that preached and teached God’s word [didactic teaching].  Life groups are dialectic, mind changing sessions.);  “Life Groups are a life changing environment” (Facilitator-led groups were developed to an extent by Kurt Lewin who headed the National Training Labs.  Lewin understood that it’s easier to change people’s way of thinking and behavior [to brainwash] in a group setting than to change them individually [like on Freud’s couch]);  “Unity and community in the body of Christ”  (“Unity and community” is the slogan for worldwide socialism.  Facilitators want church member unity at the expense of facts and truth.);  “Life Groups were born to multiply”  (Get as many community members as possible into groups for mind control.  The plan is “to connect the entire planet to healthy small groups.”);  “All living things exist to reproduce” (Cancer cells also reproduce);  “We want to be invested in the 10 minute strategy” (Be social and bring others into the groups.  Do you want to stop socialism in the church?  Become anti-social by adhering to God’s word in all things without compromise.)
From Life Groups 4 “Our Sanctuary in Holiness”: “Lives being changed for the glory of God” (Facilitators are changing the way you think.  One day the loyalty of the group to its leader will be transferred to the Anti-Christ);  “Recognize your spiritual vulnerability” “Open your heart” “Share and open up with the body” (So your feelings can be heard and dialogued to consensus—so that you can be manipulated.);  “Step out in risk”  (The dialectical process requires a “risk free” and “non hostile” environment where everyone can feel free enough to confess their own beliefs and values within the group setting without fear of reprisal.);  “Obey the command to confess sin to one another”  “In Life Groups you’ll be expected to confess your sin”  “Open your heart and confess your sins to each other regularly just as scripture commands you to do” “Come every week to confess your sin” (Does God command Christians to regularly confess sins to one another?  Absolutely not!  Scripture is to be compared with scripture.  In James 5:16, Christians are told to “confess your faults one to another…”  The modern corrupt bible versions (NASB, NIV) translate this to “confess your sins one to another.”  Confessing sin to each other is to be done rarely and only when the need arises.  As Christians we are to confess our sins regularly to God and to ask for His forgiveness.  Facilitators want you to confess regularly to men because confession is an important component in mind control.  Confession is also utilized by the Catholic Church for the same purpose.  Facilitators know that TO WHOM YOU CONFESS IS TO WHOM YOU SUBORDINATE YOURSELF.  Yes, there are perhaps times when a Christian may have a need to confess to his brother, but facilitators want you confessing regularly in order that you subordinate yourselves to the Life Group and not to God.);  “Talk about deepest hurts with the Flock Leader”  (Besides being unbiblical [for we are commanded to deny ourselves], will your deepest hurts be kept in confidence?)
From Life Groups 5 “Our Greenhouse of Growth”: “We are going to be an equipping church”  “We are called as leaders to equip you”  (“Equipping” comes from Rick Warren’s PEACE plan.  The “E” stands for “equip leaders.”  It means to train them in facilitation skills.);  “God expects every Christian to be discipling and mentoring others”  (Really? Chapter? Verse?  Facilitators want to reproduce change agents who will engage others in a facilitated dialogue.);  “money back guarantee associated with Life Groups–if you don’t change we’ll give you your money back”  “Join a Life Group—not to be left to the immaturity of a solitary Christian”  (Church change agents like Rick Warren are constantly emphasizing that “there are no lone saints.”  This is because a lone saint who holds to God’s word without compromise and independent of others is a hindrance to and is blocking to a facilitated unity and community [Satan’s communitarian one-world agenda].  John the Baptist was a lone saint.  Several of the apostles died alone in their service to Christ.  The true agenda of Christianity is to stand alone for Jesus Christ.  If by God’s grace you can find a few like-minded Christian friends, then that is a blessing.  But we aren’t called to assemble in an apostate church of facilitator-led groups.  We are all solitary Christians.  THERE WILL BE NO GROUP GRADE ON JUDGMENT DAY.
Kurt Gebhards is no true Christian and the language he employs in these talks is not from Holy Scripture.  It is the language of social change, transformation, and revolution.  It is the same language employed by social-psychologists, Marxists, socialists, and Communitarians the world over.  His words aren’t the Word of God that leads to life, but the words of Satan and his change agents and facilitators that leads to eternal death.  Kurt Gebhards and the Hickory Harvest leadership want you in Life Groups.  Life Groups are the gate to Hell and will be “Eternal Death Groups” for all who participate in them.
I pray that the true Christians at Hickory Harvest wake up; for a dialectical trap (Life Groups) has been set for you: a trap laid by Satan’s facilitators and change agents (the pastors and elders at Hickory Harvest) and concealed with Christian terminology.  Let this be a word of warning to those who may be seduced into this trap and a word of rescue for those who have already fallen into this trap.
If you know someone else at Hickory Harvest who would find this letter of interest, please feel free to forward this as I probably did miss quite a few of your attendees.
“Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” 1 Thess. 5:21
“But he that is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man.” 1 Cor 2:15
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them. For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.”  Ephesians 5:11-12
For Jesus Christ and His Church,
Bob Johnson
I have exchanged emails with Jon Krick, the Associate Pastor at Hickory Harvest Church regarding the Hickory Harvest Life Groups.  Pastor Krick has told me falsely that the Hickory Harvest “Life Groups” are not facilitator-led groups.
John Macarthur wrote a letter (see page 8) recommending Kurt Gebhards to Hickory Church.  I’ve been told that John Macarthur is “good friends” with James MacDonald and that he attends James Macdonald’s “Straight Up Conference“. Another friend of John Macarthur, Al Mohler, has also attended James MacDonald’s Straight Up Conference.
The Harvest Bible Fellowship Training Center trains seminary graduates to “launch” a “healthy church plant” based on the Harvest “Church of Life Groups” model.  Who is currently attending this 8 month long training program?  I’m told that attendance includes recent graduates from John Macarthur’s The Master’s Seminary (TMS)!  Upon conclusion of this training, these TMS graduates will be obligated to plant “churches of facilitator-led groups.”  Click here to read “John Macarthur and The Master’s Seminary Graduates Support James MacDonald’s Network of Facilitator-led Churches.”      

Unholy Alliance: John Macarthur’s The Master’s College Long-Term Partnership with the American Enterprise Institute

A Very Unholy Alliance: John Macarthur’s The Master’s College Sponsors a Joint Forum and Enters a Long-Term Partnership with the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

The intent of this article is to prove John Macarthur is allied with organizations dedicated to building Satan’s New World Order (see John Macarthur’s Transformational, Church Growth, Purpose-Driven Church).  This article could be very lengthy if I chose to research and detail fully the agenda of the American Enterprise Institute, the Brookings Institute, and Laissez-faire economics–so I won’t.

The Forum
On November 10, 2010, The Master’s College sponsored and co-hosted a forum with the American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI). Acording to The Masters College website, “The Master’s College joined with the respected American Enterprise Institute (AEI) from Washington, D.C. to co-host its first joint forum. The event featured a discussion with Dr. Arthur Brooks, president of AEI, and Dr. John MacArthur, president of The Master’s College. The event was moderated by Jack Cox, Vice President of Advancement. This event is part of a new initiative focusing on Biblical values and economics.”

Featured Speakers at The Master’s College-AIE Forum

Dr. John Macarthur: Troubling facts about John Macarthur include the following: His church’s principal source of funding, The Believers Foundation, is funded and directed by Lorena Jaeb, who was and may still be a Governor of the Council for National Policy, which is considered to be a Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) front org.  John Macarthur’s operations, including The Master’s College, receive approximately $2,000,000 annually from The Believers Foundation.
“According to Dr. Quigley, the Council on Foreign Relations is one of several front organizations set up by the network’s inner circle to advance its schemes. The ultimate goal: a New World Order.” (David Rockefeller is the Honorary Chairman of the CFR.) (Source)
Dr. Arthur Brooks: According to his Wikipedia bio, Brooks, in addition to being the President of AEI, is a Roman Catholic who “[pursued] a doctorate at the Frederick S. Pardee RAND Graduate School, a public policy program located at the RAND Corporation, where he was also a doctoral fellow. After receiving his PhD in policy analysis in 1998, Brooks continued to be affiliated with RAND.”  Click here to see that Dr Arthur Brooks has also been invited to speak at The Council for National Policy.
Dr. Brooks also promotes Mormonism.  Speaking at BYU on February 24, 2009, Dr. Brooks promoted Mormonism and quoted from the Book of Mormon.  Click here to the video link on the BYU website to view Dr. Brooks’ BYU speech.
Jack Cox: Master’s College Vice President of Advancement; founded The Communications Institute in 2003 as he presently serves as the Institute’s President and Chief Executive Officer.  Board members of the Communications Institute include:
Joseph P. Kalt
Professor of International Political Economy
John F. Kennedy School of Government
Harvard University
Ford Foundation 
Michael D. Rich
Executive Vice President
RAND Corporation

According to Jack Cox’s bio on the Communications Institute’s website:
“Mr. Cox founded and served for 27 years as President/CEO and founder of the Foundation for American Communications (FACS), an international nonprofit institution…The foundation’s educational programs…were funded by such diverse organizations as the Ford FoundationRockfeller FoundationKellogg Foundation, the New York TimesLos Angeles Times, NBC, CNN, ABC, and nearly every major newspaper group in the United States…Graduates of FACS programs went on to serve as White House Correspondents and anchors for network television news.”

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research

The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research is a private, not-for-profit institution dedicated to research and education on issues of governance, international relations, economics, and social welfare. (About AEI)

Oddly enough, but not for those who understand how the dialectic process is employed in order to synthesize opposing positions into a new or “third way“, the “right wing” American Enterprise Institute (AEI) is allied with the “left wing,” Brookings Institution.  This “joint venture” is called “The American Enterprise Institute-Brookings Joint Center for Regulatory Studies.” “This joint venture between the American Enterprise Institute and the Brookings Institution is dedicated to studying federal regulatory policy.” (Source)
The Brookings Institute

Since John Macarthur’s college is co-hosting a joint forum with AEI which is allied with the Brookings Institute, let’s take a brief glance at Brookings.
“The Brookings Institution is a nonprofit public policy organization based in Washington, D.C…Brookings conducts research and education in the social sciences, primarily in economics, metropolitan policy, governance, foreign policy, and global economy and development.”
In 1952, Robert Calkins succeeded Moulton as president of the Brookings Institution. He secured grants from the Rockefeller Foundation and the Ford Foundation that put the Institution on a strong financial basis
Policy Influence: Brookings traces its history back to 1916 and has contributed to the creation of the United Nations…”  “Along with the American Enterprise Institute and The Heritage Foundation, Brookings is generally considered one of the three most influential policy institutes in the U.S.”
In 1977, Time Magazine described it as the “nation’s pre-eminent liberal think tank.” (Brookings Institution)
The Brookings Institution and other foundations originated the monetary programs implemented by the Federal Reserve System to destroy the American farmer, a replay of the Soviet tragedy in Russia, with one proviso that the farmer will be allowed to survive if he becomes a slave worker of the giant trusts.  (Source)
Brookings Institution Dedicates its work to what it calls a “national agenda.” Wrote President Hoover’s program, President Roosevelt’s “New Deal”, the Kennedy Administration’s “New Frontiers” program (deviation from it may have cost John F. Kennedy his life), and President Johnson’s “Great Society.” Brookings has been telling the United States Government how to conduct its affairs for the past 70 years and is still doing so. (Source)

The RAND Corporation

Since Dr. Arthur Brooks, the President of AEI, is closely affiliated with the RAND Corporation, and since a board member of Jack Cox’s Communications Institute is an Executive Vice President of the RAND Corporation, let’s read an excerpt about RAND from “Tavistock: The Best Kept Secret in America.”
“Without a doubt, RAND is THE think tank most beholden to Tavistock Institute and certainly the RIIA’s [The Royal Institute for International Affairs transmits orders to the CFR] most prestigious vehicle for control of United States policies at every level. Specific RAND policies that became operative include our ICBM program, prime analyses for U.S. foreign policy making, instigator of space programs, U.S. nuclear policies, corporate analyses, hundreds of projects for the military, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in relation to the use of mind altering drugs like peyote, LSD (the covert MK-ULTRA operation which lasted for 20 years).”
[Editor, Watch Unto Prayer note: The founder of the Rand Corporation, Herman Kahn, also founded the Hudson Institute in 1961. In Educating for the New World Order, B.K. Eakman tells of a training manual for “change agents” developed for the U.S. government by Rand Corporation: “. . . a how-to manual with a 1971 U.S. Office of Education contract number on it entitled ‘Training for Change Agents‘; seven volumes of ‘change agent studies‘ commissioned by the U.S. Office of Education to the Rand Corporation in 1973-74; scores of other papers submitted by behaviorist researchers who had obtained grants from the U.S. Office of Education for the purpose of exploring ways to ‘freeze’ and ‘unfreeze’ values, ‘to implement change,’ and to turn potentially hostile groups and committees into acquiescent, rubber-stamp bodies by means of such strategies as the ‘Delphi Technique.'” (p. 118)]
Some of RAND’s clients include:
American Telephone and Telegraph Company (AT&T)
Chase Manhattan Bank
International Business Machines (IBM)
National Science Foundation
Republican Party
U.S. Air Force
U.S. Department of Health
U.S. Department of Energy
There are literally THOUSANDS of highly important companies, government institutions and organizations that make use of RANDS’s services. To list them all would be impossible. Among RAND’s specialities is a study group that predicts the timing and the direction of a thermonuclear war, plus working out the many scenarios based upon its findings. RAND was once accused of being commissioned by the USSR to work out terms of surrender of the United States Government, an accusation that went all the way to the United States Senate, where it was taken up by Senator Symington and subsequently fell victim to scorn poured out by the establishment press. BRAINWASHING remains the primary function of RAND.”
Commentary Regarding The Masters College-American Enterprise Institute Forum 

In an article published on John Macarthur’s The Master’s College website [This webpage has been deleted–to view this article click here] from the Master’s News Service entitled, “Meeting America’s Economic Challenges: Christianity, Values and Public Policy” and under the subtitle, “The Master’s College: Forging a New Approach“: “Dr. Mark Tatlock, The Master’s College Provost and Senior Vice President, saw the forum as important step for the college…”
“The Master’s College in Santa Clarita, California teamed up to present the academic forum with a nationally renowned think tank, The American Enterprise Institute (AEI) based in Washington, D.C.”
According to Jack Cox, “He believes the forum represents an important step in the growth of The Master’s College as a voice of biblical reason on the events shaping the nation and the world.”
“This first-ever joint forum is part of a new Master’s College initiative on biblical values and the economy.”
“Forum attendees included members of the state legislature, judges, representatives from the County of Los Angeles as well as church and business leaders. They concluded the forum by asking questions on such issues such as…reformation of the U.S. court system [to Talmudic Law?]” [Peter Drucker’s communitarian system, i.e. New World Order, demands the merger of the 3 sectors of society: government, business, and social (the churches).  We can see this merger on display during this forum at Macarthur’s “Christian” college. (see What is the Church Growth Movement?)]
“Cox said the college is already planning more efforts to bring biblical truth to bear on the issues of our time, in part through the development of the Master’s Institute on Public Issues. The school is looking at the next series of initiatives, which the college hopes to announce in the coming months that will serve both our students and society.”
Note: 11/20/13–The Master’s College has now removed every trace of this new “Master’s Institute on Public Issues” from its website and it now only looks like there was a single forum, not a long-term partnership formed with AEI. This website and one other are the only places on the internet that mention “The Master’s Institute on Public Issues” as a permanent entity within The Master’s College. 
“Keynote speakers Dr. John MacArthur, President of The Master’s College and Brooks, President and CEO of AEI addressed the role of Christianity and a Christian worldview in shaping the future of public policy in the U.S.”
“MacArthur, who is best known for his worldwide Grace to You radio-teaching ministry, said, ‘You don’t find socialism anywhere in Scripture…God has granted us the freedom to become everything we can become. The world is packed with riches but they must be mined out. This has always been the enterprise of man.'”  Is John Macarthur correct?  Has God granted Christians the freedom to “become everything we can become” and to “mine out the world’s riches?”  To “be all you can be” is New Age “possibility thinking” from the Human Potential Movement promoted by people like Robert Schuller.  And contrary to John Macarthur’s claims, God demands that Christians “deny themselves and pick up their crosses daily.”
MacArthur said,”…the Bible supports free enterprise…”  Another name for the free enterprise economy is laissez faire economics.
[Note: “The Mont Pelerin Society was founded in 1947 in Mont Pelerin, Switzerland by Friedrich von Hayek to oppose socialism and advocate for laissez-faire capitalism and the free market, unencumbered by government regulation. Laissez faire (Fr.) means “let them do as they will”. Classical liberalism, the philosophy upon which von Hayek based the Mont Pelerin Society, does not mean ‘liberal’ in the current sense of the word, but its exact opposite; economic ‘liberalism’ refers to public sector (government) permissiveness toward the private sector (business).”  (Watch Unto Prayer)
John Macarthur’s church, along with thousands of churches in the US, is being conformed to Peter Drucker’s organizational model. (Drucker was a student of the Kabbalah).  “Regular guests of the Druckers included the economists Schumpeter, Hayek and Mises, with whom Drucker’s father had professional relations…”
“What Dr. MacArthur and Dr. Brooks articulated is a fourth approach which rests totally on Scripture. God wants us involved in society as servants [are Christians called to serve society?]. We should be involved, but based on biblical principles and not political ones.”  “The Master’s College, home to more than 1,200 undergraduate and graduate students across more than 50 majors, is poised to play an important role
According to the comments made during TMC-AEI Forum, one can conclude that John Macarthur’s The Master’s College through the development of the Master’s Institute on Public Issues is taking “an important step” and “forging a new approach” by “co-hosting forums” with AEI in order to discuss the “role of Christians” in “shaping the future of public policy in the US.”  It seems Macarthur is now training his Master’s College students to become change agent/facilitators in order to affect social change.

American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI) Leadership  
According to Watch Unto Prayer, “AEI is supported by NY Banks, Big Oil, CFR and CIA assets.”  Lilly Endowment has given millions to the AEI’s [American Enterprise Institute] Center for the study of Government Regulation (Eli Lilly is the manufacturer of Prozac).
Let’s now list some of the AEI leadership along with their extraordinary NWO/Satanic affiliations. You will see these AEI affiliations include the Bilderbergers, the World Bank (its former president), the Federal Reserve System (its former Governor), the CFR, the Trilateral Commission, and the UN among others.

AEI Board of Trustees (selective listing)
Bruce KovnerCFR; Chairman, Caxton Associates, LP
Richard B. CheneyCFR
Harvey Golub–Retired Chairman, American Express Company [CFR affiliate]
John A. Luke Jr.–CFR
Daniel A D’Aniello–Co-founder and Managing Director–Carlyle Group  

AEI Scholars and Fellows (selective listing) 

John R. BoltonCFR; Senior Fellow, AEI; Experience–U.S. Permanent Representative to the United NationsUnited States Mission to the United Nations, 2005-2006; Senior Vice President, AEI, 1997-2001
Alex BrillCFR
Lynn V Cheney
Nicholas EberstadtCFRConsultant, World Bank; M.Sc., London School of Economics
Kevin A. Hassett –Economist, 1992-95, Division of Research and Statistics, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
Irving Kristol (1920-2009)–Senior Fellow Emeritus AEI; CFR; In July 2002, he received from President George W. Bush the Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor.
Lawrence B. LindseyGovernor, Federal Reserve System, 1991-97
John H. MakinCFR; Visiting Scholar, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 1977Fellow, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 1968-69
Charles MurrayBilderberger; W. H. Brady Scholar; His 1994 New York Times bestseller, The Bell Curve (Free Press, 1994), was a publication advancing the theory of the intellectual inferiority of the black race.
Michael Novak–the 1994 recipient of the Templeton Prize for Progress in Religion. He has been an emissary to the United Nations Human Rights Commission and to the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe; •U.S. Ambassador, United Nations Human Rights Commission in Geneva, 1981, 1982signed Evangelicals and Catholics Together Document.
Norman J. OrnsteinCFR
Perle, Richard N., Resident Fellow, AEI; Trilateral CommissionBilderberger; (go to the following link and see that Perle is a member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Meetings; Perle has on occasion been accused of being an Israeli agent of influence. It has been reported that, while he was working for Jackson, “An FBI summary of a 1970 wiretap recorded Perle discussing classified information with someone at the Israeli embassy,” writes Paul Findley (They Dare To Speak Out, Chicago, Ill, Lawrence Hill Books 1989); As a member of the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based consulting firm Monitor Group, Perle was an advisor to Libyan dictator Muammar al-Gaddafi in 2006.
Marc A. Thiessen–Visiting Fellow; CFR; Visiting Fellow, Hoover Institution, 2009-2010
Peter J. WallisonCFRSpecial Assistant to Governor Nelson A. Rockefeller; Counsel during Rockefeller’s Vice Presidency, 1972-76
Paul Wolfowitz–Visiting Scholar; CFRPresident, World Bank Group, 2005-2007
Alex J. Pollock–Resident Fellow; Visiting Scholar, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, 1991

Note: Recently I spoke with Pastor Darrell Beddoe, a member of the board of directors of The Master’s College. I called to ask him why TMC, a supposedly Christian College, would team up with an org like AEI.  Pastor Beddoe defended the AEI as “biblical” and after I told him their leadership was affiliated with NWO orgs such as the Bilderbergers, Federal Reserve, CFR, Trilateral Commission, London School of Economics, etc., he replied, “I’ve heard these theories for years and I don’t want a discussion with you” as he hung up the phone.

Note: The logo for The Masters College is a Shield Cross, a masonic symbol.  To see masonic/occult symbols at John Macarthur’s Grace To You click here.

John Macarthur and The Master’s Seminary Graduates Support James MacDonald’s Network of Facilitator-led Churches

James MacDonald is the senior pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel in Chicago.  Their church-planting arm is Harvest Bible Fellowship.  Harvest Bible Fellowship runs a network of about 70 churches which are based on the Harvest model which is a Church Growth model that employs facilitator-led groups.  Harvest affiliate churches call these facilitator-led groups “Life Groups.” To learn about these Life Groups click here.
James MacDonald has also signed the anti-Christian Manhattan Declaration.  To see that he signed it click here. (J Macdonald has signed the Declaration and was listed on an “other signers” list, however, I can no longer find this list online)  To learn more about the Manhattan Declaration click here.
Walk in the Word is James MacDonald’s national radio ministry.  According to James MacDonald’s blog, Mark DeMoss sits on the Board of Walk in the Word and is James MacDonald’s good friend.
Who is Mark DeMoss?  Mark DeMoss is the founder and president of the DeMoss Group.  According to his website, “The DeMoss Group is the largest PR firm specializing in faith-based organizations and causes.”  The DeMoss Group’s clients and “other organizations with which they’ve worked” include: Billy Graham Evangelical Association, Campus Crusade for Christ International, Prison Fellowship/Chuck Colson (UN-NGO), Potter’s House/TD Jakes, Samaritan’s Purse/Franklin Graham, Concerned Women for America (UN-NGO), Coral Ridge Ministries, Focus on the Family (UN-NGO), Habitat for Humanity (UN-NGO), Harvest Crusades/Greg Laurie, INJOY/John Maxwell, Manhattan Declaration, National Day of Prayer, Promise Keepers, Psychological Studies Institute, Regent University, Salem Communications, Southern Baptist Convention (UN-NGO), Teen Challenge Worldwide Network, The Salvation Army (UN-NGO), Wheaton College and Willow Creek Association.
Mark DeMoss’ sister is Nancy Leigh DeMoss.  James MacDonald has committed to speak at her True Woman ’10 Conference.  Other speakers include Kay Arthur, Joni Eareckson Tada, and Jennifer Rothschild.
Mark DeMoss is Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Liberty University.  Mr. DeMoss, who was an advisor to Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign, considers Mormons to be on a “journey with Christ” with himself.  Click here to read more.
The director of operations of Harvest Bible Fellowship is Mr. Bill Molinari.  According to his Harvest Bible Fellowship bio., Mr. Molinari currently serves on the boards of John Macarthur’s Grace To You and The Masters Academy’s International (TMAI).  He is also an elder at the Harvest Chapel affiliate in Hickory, North Carolina which is now pastored by Kurt Gebhards, an admitted change agent and a former elder at John Macarthur’s Grace Community Church.  To learn more about Mr. Molinari scroll down the page here.
John Macarthur, who I’m told is “good friends” with James MacDonald, has attended his Straight Up Conference.  John Macarthur’s friend, Al Mohler, has also attended this conference (one can see that here).  To see John Macarthur speaking and shaking hands with James MacDonald, then scroll down the pictures here.
The Harvest Bible Fellowship Training Center trains seminary graduates to “launch” a “healthy church plant” based on the Harvest “Church of Life Groups” (church of facilitator-led groups) model.  This training lasts 8 months.  Their Training Center webpage under the heading “Curriculum” states: “The lecture model is generally avoided in favor of the Socratic method, coaching and case studies. Spirited group discussions are the norm.”  The Socratic method isn’t a biblical teaching method; it is a dialectical method.  Also from the Harvest Training Center website: “The academically inclined ‘lone wolf’ will not last long in ministry, unless he learns how to take risks and open up relationally with others.”  Preaching and teaching God’s word as the Holy Spirit leads is out; facilitating human relationships is in.  The duration of any ministry is determined by God alone.
Who is currently attending Harvest Training Center’s 8 month long training program?  I’m told that attendance includes recent graduates from John Macarthur’s The Master’s Seminary (TMS).  Upon conclusion of this training, these TMS graduates will be obligated to plant Harvest clone churches of facilitator-led groups.  To learn about the dangers of group facilitation then click here.
Jason Fevig is one of a few of John Macarthur’s TMS graduates who are already leading these Harvest affiliates.  “Prior to planting Harvest Miami in the fall of 2009, Jason completed the Harvest Training Center residency program, having earned his Master of Divinity degree from The Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles, California. While in seminary Jason and his wife, Grethel, served in Adult Ministries shepherding a small group at Grace Community Church (where John MacArthur serves as Teaching Pastor).”  Jason’s transition to the Harvest “Church of Life Groups” model must have come easily after acquiring small group facilitation skills at John Macarthur’s Grace Community Church.
James MacDonald’s Harvest Bible Fellowship has admitted that their network of ministries are a TRICK!  “Our mens and womens and student ministry is a TRICK to get them into small groups.”  To learn more about this trick read A Facilitator-led Church Group is the Gate to Hell: A Letter of Warning to Kurt Gebhards’ Hickory Harvest Church, the Harvest Bible Chapel Affiliate in North Carolina: “A Church of Life Groups”

John MacArthur and the Blood of Christ

By E. L. Bynum
The following article is being reprinted from the Plains Baptist Challenger of August, 1986. After all these years, this information about John MacArthur’s teaching, is still needed today. His teaching on the blood of Christ is dangerous, and people are still being led astray by it. There will be a follow up article on this same subject, and if there is enough demand, we shall consider putting this information in a tract or booklet. –E. L. Bynum
Macarthur Minimizes the Blood
The April 1986 edition of Faith For The Family quotes him as saying in a 1976 article entitled, “Not His Bleeding But His Dying” “It was His death that was efficacious. . not His blood. . . Christ did not bleed to death. The shedding of blood had nothing to do with bleeding. . . it simply means death. . . Nothing in His human blood saves…It is not His blood that I love. . . it is Him. It is not His bleeding that saved me, but His dying.” It is incredible to me, that a Christian minister would make such statements.
He Does Not Like Rev. 1:5 In The KJV
In “Not His Bleeding But His Dying,” MacArthur had this to say: “I may add a note on Revelation 1:5, a passage which is confusing in the King James Version. The word ‘washed’ is not correct. The Greek work is ‘delivered.’ ” With that statement, I would like to take issue. “And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood” (Rev. 1:5). What could possibly be confusing about that? He says that ”washed” is incorrect and that it should be “delivered.” Like most “great” scholars today, MacArthur suffers from the Westcott and Hort syndrome. “Washed” is in the Textus Receptus, and is so rendered by George Ricker Berry in his Interlinear Greek-English New Testament. In his invaluable footnotes, Berry reveals those responsible for trying to change the reading of this verse. The word was changed by Lachmann, 1842- 1850, Tischendorf, Eighth Edition, 1865- 1872, and Tregelles, 1857- 1872. These are three of the men that laid the groundwork for Westcott and Hort, so that they could make the alarming changes in their Revised Version. The American Standard Version, 1901, of course went along with the change, but they did put in a significant footnote. While rendering the word as “loosed,” their footnote says, “Many authorities, some ancient, read washed.”
I do not agree with the change as found in the ASV, when it reads “Unto him that loveth us, and loosed us from our sins by his blood.” Nor do I agree with the NIV as it reads, “To him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood.” However, whether it is rendered “washed,” “loosed,” “freed,” or “delivered,” it is still “by” or “in” His blood that this is done. While the ASV, the NASV, and the NIV definitely weaken the verse, neither one of them will really let MacArthur off the hook. Whether washed from our sins, or delivered from our sins, it is still only by the blood.
MacArthur Sounds Like Bratcher On The Blood
In his commentary on Hebrews, pages 236 to 237, I find further alarming statements as he deals with Hebrews 9:16-22. While he does say some good things, he clearly is talking in circles. When he says that “blood is a symbol of death,” he sounds very much like the apostate Dr. Robert G. Bratcher, who translated the “Good News For Modern Man.” This is what Bratcher believed, so he felt free to change “blood” to “death” in Eph. 1:7, Heb. 10:19, and Rev. 1:5. He changed “blood” to “sacrifice” in I Pet. 1:19. He also managed to leave out blood, or substitute another word in Matt. 27:4,24,25; Acts 5:28; 17:26, 20:28; Rom. 3:25, 5:9 Col. 1:20; Eph. 2:13, and Rev. 5:9. Of course Bratcher’s “Good News Bible” is one of the most corrupt translations of the 20th Century. It would appear that in regard to the blood at least, that MacArthur and Bratcher are on the same wave length.
Why Pit His Blood Against His Death?
MacArthur states that, “It was not Jesus’ physical blood that saves us, but His dying on our behalf, which is symbolized by the shedding of His physical blood. If we could be saved by blood without death, the animals would have been bled, not killed, and it would have been the same with Jesus.” I have never heard of anyone teaching that Jesus only needed to bleed a little to save us, and not to die. Numerous passages of Scripture tell us that Christ died for our sins. This is found in I Cor. 15:3, as well as many other places. If anyone denied this, I would object very strenuously to their denial, but my question is, why does it have to be His “death” or His ”blood”? It is both His “death” and His “blood” that are important according to the Bible.
How can MacArthur truthfully make the following statement? “Again, however, we need to keep in mind that the blood was a symbol. If Christ’s own physical blood, in itself, does not cleanse from sin, how much less did the physical blood of animals. ” (Emphasis ours.) Many passages of Scripture reveal that he is dead wrong in his approach.
What Does The Scriptures Say?
The elders were admonished “to feed the church of God, which he bath purchased with his own blood” (Acts 20:28). Redemption and remission of sins cannot be apart from “faith in his blood” (Rom. 3:24,25). We are “justified by his blood” (Rom. 5:9). “In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sins. . . ” (Eph. 1:7). We “are made nigh by the blood of Christ” (Eph. 2:13). “We have redemption through his blood” (Col. 1: 14), and he “made peace through the blood of his cross” (Col. 1:20).
In Hebrews we are told that “by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us” (Heb. 9: 12). We are told, “without shedding of blood is no remission” (Heb. 9:22). We have “boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus” (Heb. 10:19). Jesus suffered with out the camp, “that he might sanctify the people with his own blood” (Heb. 13:12).
John tells us clearly that ”the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin” (I John 1:7) ”Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood” (Rev. 1:5). They will sing of Christ, ”thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood” (Rev. 5:9).
Even though MacArthur believes that he has dispensed with Rev. 1:5, as we previously discussed, he still must face Rev. 7:14. I think he shall find little comfort there. “These are they which came out of great tribulation. and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.” Even the revised texts, and their new version offspring, such as NIV, and the ASV, give MacArthur not one whit of aid and comfort. If the blood itself has no significance, then why do we have all of these Scriptures?
What Christ Said About The Blood
MacArthur’s belief cannot be reconciled with the words of my Saviour, when He said, “For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins” (Matt. 26:28). “This cup is the new testament in my blood which is shed for you” (Luke 22:20). These words were spoken by the Lord Jesus Christ as He instituted the Lord’s Supper for His Church. In all honesty, it would seem to me, that MacArthur should eliminate the drink, “the fruit of the vine,” from the Lord’s Supper. He only needs the unleavened bread. Of course if he were to do so, he would be in direct disobedience to the Word of God.
The children of Israel were told to slay the Passover lamb. They were to take the blood of the lamb, and strike it upon the door posts of their houses. “And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the houses where ye are: and when I see the blood, I will pass over you…” (Ex. 12: 13). God did not tell them to hang the body of the lamb on the door post.
MacArthur’s doctrine is in conflict with Lev. 17:11, “For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.”
It is perfectly clear that MacArthur minimizes the blood of Christ. To me, this is a terrible thing for anyone to do. While he may not go as far as R. B. Thieme, Jr., he certainly is headed in the same direction. Bible believers need to mark such men, and avoid them, according to the Scriptures. The teaching of MacArthur, on this subject, is very dangerous, and he should be exposed.
The clear and direct statements of the above Scriptures prove that John MacArthur is wrong in his teaching about the blood of Christ. He has departed from the general Biblical teaching on this subject. No matter how popular he may be, we must believe the Bible and not MacArthur.
He Is In Conflict With Writers Of The Past

I have examined a number of the writings of other men on Heb. 9:22, and I find that they are not in agreement with John MacArthur. Of this verse, John Gill says, “And without shedding of blood is no remission; that is, of sin; there was no typical remission without it; and there can be no real remission but by the blood of Christ, no instance can be given of pardon without it; if it could be otherwise, the blood of Christ had not been shed…” (Gill’s Commentary, Vol. 6, page 734, Baker Book House).
Matthew Poole says, ” . . . without the death of some living creature as a sacrifice, and the blood of it not only shed, but sprinkled, there could be neither legal pardon of guilt, nor purging of ceremonial filth. By this God signified to Israel, that without the blood of Christ his Son, and the Testator of his testament, shed as a sacrifice, to purchase and procure both remission and the Spirit, there could be neither pardon of the guilt of sin, and removal of the punishment, nor purging the filth, or renewing the nature of the sinner, his blood being the inestimable price purchasing both for them.” (A Commentary on the Holy Bible, by Matthew Poole, Vol. 3, page 851, MacDonald Publishing Company).
E. Schuyler English says of Heb. 9:22, “And now we come to a dogmatic and absolute statement: ‘and without shedding of blood is not remission.’ All men stand upon one level in respect to the sin question and as to the remission of sins. It cannot be apart from the blood that is shed. This is God’s way. This is precious truth. Not one sin can ever be remitted apart from the blood. All generations must look to the blood-the blood of Christ.” He further writes, “Sin is a serious matter. It’s only antidote is the blood of Christ. . . No, dear friend, we ourselves have no merit, nothing in which we can boast, no hope in the world or in eternity, saving in the precious blood of Christ that was shed for us and pledges to bring us into an eternal inheritance that is incorruptible and cannot fade. ‘Without shedding of blood is no remission.’ ” (Studies In The Epistle To The Hebrews, by E. Schuyler English, pages 270-271, 1955, Southern Bible Book House). While English may be placed in the new evangelical camp, his teaching on the above verse is Biblical.
What Spurgeon Said About The Blood
Charles H. Spurgeon preached a sermon entitled. “The Blood Shedding,” February 22, 1857, from Hebrews 9:22. He describes the suffering and death of Christ, and says, “Mark his brow-they have put about it a crown of thorns, and the crimson drops of gore are rushing down his cheeks! . . . But turn aside that purple robe for a moment. His back is bleeding. ..They lift up the thongs, still dripping clots of gore; they scourge and tear his flesh, and make river of blood to run down his shoulders! This is the shedding of blood without which there is no remission…They fling him to the ground; they nail his hands and feet to the transverse wood, they hoist it in the air…Blood from his head, blood from his hands, blood from his feet. . They pierce his side, and forthwith runneth out blood and water. This is the shedding of blood, sinners and saints; this is the awful shedding of blood, the terrible pouring out of blood, without which for you, and for the whole human race, there is no remission…it is not a thing which you may doubt, or which you may believe; it must be believed and received, otherwise you have denied the Scriptures and turned aside from God.” He further states, “It cuts off every other hope, bring your hopes here, and if they are not based in blood, and stamped with blood, they are as useless as castles in the air, and dreams of night. ‘There is no remission,’ says he text, in positive and plain cords. . . Except you put confidence n the shedding of our Saviour’s blood, and in the blood shedding alone, for without it there is no remission.” (The New Park Street Pulpit, Vol. 3, pages 90-92, Pilgrim Publications).
Spurgeon never changed in his preaching of the blood. On May 30, 1875, he preached again from the same text. In his sermon, he repeated over and over, “Without shedding of blood is no remission.” Without resorting to lengthy quotations, we can honestly say that his doctrine never changed. He said, “It is not possible that any sin should ever be forgiven to any man without shedding of blood.” (Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit, Vol. 51, page 426, Pilgrim Publications).
Of course nothing is true simply because Spurgeon, Gill, or someone else said it; but it so happens that what they said on the blood is biblical and sound, while what MacArthur has said is false.
No one can deny that MacArthur is a gifted and talented speaker. He is the Senior Minister of Grace Cathedral, Panorama City, California, and the popular speaker on the widely distributed radio broadcast entitled, “Grace To You.” He has built a tremendously large church, and he has a very large radio audience. This is all the more reason why someone should expose his false teaching on the blood. No doubt we shall lose some friends over this exposure of error, but we hold truth dearer than we do friends. The cause of truth must ever be first. -From Plains Baptist Challenger 8/86

A few months ago a pastor friend and I visited a John MacArthur meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, and I purchased a copy of MacArthur’s commentary on Hebrews with the desire to see exactly what he says about the Blood of Jesus Christ. This commentary was published in 1983 by Moody Press. Moody Bible Institute holds the copyright.
There can be no mistake about MacArthur’s position that the Blood itself does not save us, that the Blood is SYMBOLIC of death. Words could not be plainer. In a mere three pages of this book MacArthur uses the term “symbolic” no less than thirteen times:
“Blood is a SYMBOL of death, and therefore follows closely the idea of a testator’s having to die in order for a will to become effective. …
“It is possible to become morbid about Christ’s sacrificial death and preoccupied with His suffering and shedding of blood. It is especially possible to become unbiblically preoccupied with the physical aspects of His death. It was not Jesus’ physical blood that saves us, but His dying on our behalf, which is SYMBOLIZED by the shedding of His physical blood. …
“The purpose of the blood was to SYMBOLIZE sacrifice for sin, which brought cleansing from sin. Therefore, without shedding of blood there is no forgiveness.
“Again, however, we need to keep in mind that the blood was a SYMBOL. If Christ’s own physical blood, in itself, does not cleanse from sin, how much less did the physical blood of animals. It is not surprising, then, that the Old Covenant allowed a SYMBOL for a SYMBOL. … This exception is clear proof that the old cleansing was SYMBOLIC. Just as the animal blood SYMBOLIZED Christ’s true atoning blood, so the ephah of flour SYMBOLIZED and represented the animal blood. This non-blood offering for sin was acceptable because the old sacrifice was entirely SYMBOLIC anyway.
“Yet this was the only exception. And even the exception represented a blood sacrifice. The basic SYMBOL could not be changed because what it SYMBOLIZED could not be changed. … Since the penalty for sin is death, nothing but death, SYMBOLIZED by shedding of blood, can atone for sin. … the only way we can participate in the New Covenant, is through the atoning DEATH of Jesus Christ, made effective for us when we trust in Him as saving Lord” (John MacArthur, Hebrews, pp. 236- 238).
Let me remind our readers that this book is still being published by Moody Press and is being sold by John MacArthur’s ministry. I purchased it directly from his ministry in Canada this year. This is not something that MacArthur said off the cuff many years ago and which he has since corrected. This is precisely what the man believes today.
MacArthur’s position on the Blood of Christ is a great heresy. It is precisely the same heresy promoted by the translator of the Today’s English Version, who replaced the term “blood” with “death” in most key passages.
Blood is NOT merely symbolic for death when we are speaking of Christ’s Atonement. God’s law demands death AND the shedding of blood for remission of sin (Lev. 17:11; Eze. 18:4; Rom. 6:23; Heb. 9:22). The Old Testament sacrifices depicted how the Lord Jesus Christ would pay the price for sin. The blood of the O. T. sacrifices did not merely depict Christ’s death; it depicted Christ’s BLOOD. His death alone could not save us; His blood was required. In Romans 5:9-10 we see the two together. Verse 9 says we are justified “by his blood,” and verse 10 says we are reconciled “by his death.” Any view which confuses the blood of Christ with His death is heresy.
I realize that MacArthur has taken some unusual stands for an Evangelical today. He has spoken against the Charismatic movement and against Promise Keepers and against Evangelicals & Catholics Together. In fact, though, the man refuses to practice biblical separation. He claims that Charismatics are theologically wrong, for example, but he fellowships with them and stands shoulder to shoulder with them in preaching engagements. Be not deceived: John MacArthur is NOT a friend to the Fundamental, Bible-believing, New Testament church. He is a dangerous New Evangelical, and his position on the Blood of Christ is heresy.

MacArthur says the blood of Christ “could not save” and “it was not the FLUID that saved us, it was the DEATH of Christ.”
In the May 1976 issue of the Grace to You Family paper that is distributed to his church, MacArthur published an article titled “Not His Bleeding, but His Dying.” In this, MacArthur plainly stated that it is not the blood of Christ that saves.
Ten years later, in a letter to Tim Weidlich, Paul Clark, Kevin Jolliff of Bob Jones University in Greenville, SC, April 4, 1986, MacArthur made the following statement of his position:
“Obviously, it was not the blood of Jesus that saves or He could have bled for us without dying. It was His death for sin that saves. When Romans 3:25 speaks of ‘faith in His blood’ everyone understands that to be a reference to His death — not the blood running through His body. In Romans 5:9, being ‘justified by His blood’ also refers to His death, as verse 10 makes clear in saying ‘we were reconciled to God by the death of His Son.’ In fact, the careful explanation of salvation in Romans 6 omits any reference to His blood at all. The point is that the shedding of blood was just the visible indication of His death, His life being poured out. … I admit that because of some traditional hymns there is an emotional attachment to the blood — but that should not pose a problem when one is dealing with theological or textual specificity. I can sing hymns about the blood and rejoice with them — but I understand that reference to be a metonym for His death.”
MacArthur was still preaching this in the 1990s. When I attended one of his conferences in British Columbia in that decade, I purchased a copy of his commentary on Hebrews to check out his teaching on the blood for myself. In this commentary, MacArthur repeatedly says the blood is merely “symbolic” of death.
This is the false position taken by Robert Bratcher, editor of the Today’s English Version. In that perverted translation the word “death” is almost always substituted for the word “blood” when the Scriptures are referring to Christ’s atonement.
This is a damnable heresy, because the atonement REQUIRES BOTH the death and the blood of Christ (Heb. 9:22). The blood IS NOT merely symbolic for death. It itself is a crucial part of our salvation.

“MacArthur’s new book, The Gospel According to Jesus, is confusing concerning salvation. Much of what he says is good. But we cannot agree with his ‘lordship salvation’ remedy to ‘easy believism’ and the loose living of some professing Christians of our day, since it requires more from the seeking sinner than the Bible does for obtaining salvation. He erects a straw man, and makes it appear that those who oppose his ‘lordship salvation’ teachings believe things they do not believe. His tone often seems reactionary. Puritan and Reformed influences are evident in this book. [MacArthur is a Calvinist.] He seems to confusingly mix justification and sanctification, salvation and discipleship, and blurs dispensational considerations. The cure for a ‘too easy’ gospel is not to complicate it. Paul warned of the danger of being ‘corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ’ (2 Cor. 11:3). Dr. J. I. Packer in the book’s foreword said ‘those who reject leadership salvation choose to keep works out of justification.’ Galatians 2:16 likewise does!” (Calvary Contender, Jan. 15, 1989).

In December 1989, the Bible Broadcasting Network terminated Dr. MacArthur’s “Grace to You” program. In explaining that step, BBN president Lowell Davey referred to MacArthur’s teachings on “Lordship Salvation,” “Hyper-Calvinism,” and the blood of Christ. He called these teachings “confusing.” In a letter dated Jan. 15, 1990 Davey cited a “drift by Dr. MacArthur to a theological position that we could not adhere to” and said his series on election “convinced us that the direction of ‘Grace to You’ was toward Hyper-Calvinism…”
In his popular study Bible, MacArthur denies that Jesus Christ died as a Substitute for all men.

MacArthur frequently speaks at ecumenical forums, such as the Moody Bible Institute Founder’s Week. For example, at the February 1986 Moody Bible Institute conference, MacArthur joined hands with two of the chief ecumenists of our day, Billy Graham and Luis Palau. Both Graham and Palau regularly join together in ecumenical relations with Roman Catholics. Graham has turned thousands of his converts over to the hands of the wolves in sheep’s clothing in the various Catholic parishes that have participated in his crusades. (We have documented this extensively in our 371-page book Evangelicals and Rome.)
In July 1988, MacArthur spoke at the Congress on the Church and the Disabled at the Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College, which featured Roman Catholic and New Evangelical speakers (Moody Monthly, Oct. 1988).
MacArthur participates in the National Religious Broadcasters (NRB) and speaks at their conferences. The NRB is extremely ecumenical. The 1997 conference featured Seventh-day Adventists, “laughing revival” Pentecostals, the Worldwide Church of God, and an entire slate of New Evangelicals, such as Joseph Stowell, Franklin Graham, Max Lucado, and David Jeremiah.
In 1987, MacArthur participated in Jerry Falwell’s Super Conference VIII, which featured E. V. Hill. The late Dr. Hill pastored a church affiliated with the modernistic National Council of Churches in America and he was an ecumenist of the ecumenists. I heard Hill speak at New Orleans ’87 to a mixed crowd of some 40,000 Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, and Pentecostals. Fifty percent of the attendees were Roman Catholic, and a Catholic priest brought the final message. Hill said, “And to see all of our Catholic friends here. Wow. We are almost there!” He accepted them as brethren in Christ and did not have one word of warning to them about Rome’s false gospel. This was a pattern in Hill’s ministry. He often joined hands with Roman Catholics. Other examples are the Washington for Jesus Rally in 1980, Graham’s Amsterdam conference in 1983, and the Congress on the Bible II in 1987.
In these various ecumenical forums, MacArthur also puts stamp of approval upon every sort of Contemporary Christian Music and Christian rock music by making his appearance and not speaking out against the worldliness and compromise that is present.
For more about MacArthur’s New Evangelical philosophy and practice, see our article “John MacArthur and New Evangelical Ecumenism,”

Another Look At Macarthur And The Blood of Christ
By E. L. Bynum
Is is possible that John MacArthur, the popular pastor and radio speaker, is not sound in doctrine on the blood of Christ? It is not only possible, but it is certain that his views are at variance with the Word of God. In the August 1986 issue of the Plains Baptist Challenger we published an article examining those views. Other publications have also exposed his unscriptural views on the blood of Christ.
Since that time, MacArthur has written a number of letters trying to justify his doctrine. Several copies of these letters have been mailed to us by our readers. I have also received a letter from MacArthur, addressed directly to me. After reading these letters a number of times, I am more convinced than ever that his views are contrary to Scripture.
MacArthur’s Teaching On The Blood 

In the August article, I quoted from the April 1986 issue of Faith For The Family published by Bob Jones University. For the benefit of new readers, I shall quote the entire article from Faith For The Family.
“John MacArthur’s, in 1976, said in an article entitled, ‘Not His Bleeding But His Dying:’ “It was His death that was efficacious…not His blood…Christ did not bleed to death. The shedding of blood has nothing to do with bleeding…it simply means death…violent sacrificial death…Nothing in His human blood saves…it is not His blood that I love…it is Him. It is not His bleeding that saved me, but His dying.’ I wonder what MacArthur does with Hebrews 9:22, ‘without the shedding of blood is no remission.’ and I John 1:7, ‘the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin’? MacArthur’s position is heresy. – Editor”
That issue of Faith For The Family list Bob Jones as Editor. We are indebted to Bob Jones for bringing MacArthur’s doctrine to light. I agree with him when he said “MacArthur’s position is heresy.” 
Has MacArthur Been Misrepresented? 
In a letter dated August 29, 1986, MacArthur said, “I am convinced that most of the confusion could have been avoided had the magazine (Faith For The Family) used my comments in their full context.” I would imagine that Bob Jones did indeed have his comments in full, when he wrote the above statement. I know for certain that I did have his full comments before I wrote the article for the August PBC. His full comments in no way clear him of the false doctrine that he expounds.
Some pastors and editors now say that they are convinced that MacArthur is sound on the blood of Christ. Frankly, I wonder if these people have examined his doctrine, or if they have been by his rhetoric. After reading his letters, in spite of his rewording and rephrasing some of his doctrine, it still adds up to the same thing. The man simply has peculiar and unscriptural views concerning the blood of Christ. Undoubtedly, he is an expressive writer and speaker, with great powers of persuasion.
The original comments under discussion were published by MacArthur in 1976. He entitled it “Not His Bleeding But His Dying.” It begins with a letter which said, “Dear John, I would like to ask you about your recent statements concerning the ‘blood of Christ.’ Could you take a moment to explain to me what you meant more clearly? Thank you, A Learning Member.” Apparently, the “Learning Member” was troubled by some of the things MacArthur had said. The rest of the page contains MacArthur’s answer in fairly small print, and among other things, it contains the quotes that were printed in Faith For The Family. I do not find that those remarks were taken out of context, nor do they misrepresent what MacArthur said.
MacArthur’s Recent Letter 
In his Sept. 25th letter to me, he begins by saying, “Dear Pastor Bynum: Recently, I became aware of the syllabus being distributed by Rev. D.A. Waite regarding what he believes to be my position on the precious blood of my Saviour.
” I have to tell you that I have been misrepresented, slandered, falsely accused, and lied about in regard to this issue. Of course I believe Jesus Christ shed His blood in sacrificial death for the sins of the world – no one could read the Scripture and believe otherwise. I have preached and written on the virtues of Christ’s ‘shed blood’ for years”
I am just wondering who “misrepresented, slandered, falsely accused, and lied” about this man’s views. I certainly cannot find where Bob Jones did this. I certainly did not do so in my August article. After reading what I wrote, I wouldn’t change any of it, if anything I would make it stronger. I did not have Waite’s syllabus at the time I wrote my article, but since then I have examined a copy, and I do not find where D.A. Waite misrepresented him either. MacArthur’s whole problem is that his unscriptural views have been put into print, and he has not found any way to extricate himself. His problem could be easily solved if he would only admit his error, repent of it, and simply state what the Bible says about the blood of Christ and affirm his belief of the same.
In his letter he refutes some of the heretical doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church on the blood. He also denounces several other heretical views, that personally I have never heard of in over 30 years in the ministry. He leaves the impression that someone is teaching that Christ only needed to bleed a little, and not to die, in order to save sinners. Just who is teaching such heresy, MacArthur never does say. Most likely this is a straw man erected in the brain of MacArthur.
He asks,”How could the red and white corpuscles be literally applied to believers in salvation? To our physical bodies? Could it be otherwise with literal blood? Will MacArthur ever tell us just who is teaching such nonsense? I doubt if he ever will. His third question seems to imply that those who believe that the literal blood of Christ saves, are teaching that the red and white corpuscles are applied to believers. Surely he can do better than that. He vainly tries to smear those who believe in the power of the blood with the Catholic heresy of transubstantiation. 
Some Good Things He SEEMS To Say 
“Of course I believe Jesus Christ shed His blood in sacrificial death for the sins of the world..” “I affirm that the New Covenant was ratified by Christ’s blood; that the blood of Christ is precious; and that Christ shed His blood in dying for our sins.” This may sound well and good, but what MacArthur giveth in one place, he taketh away in another. One should be extremely careful in examining any statement he makes in regard to the shedding of blood. Why is that? It is simply because MacArthur by his other statements, has already revealed that he means something else when he speaks of the shedding of blood. 

In his 1976 article he said, “The shedding of blood has nothing to do with bleeding…it simply means death…violent sacrificial death.” John 19:34 gives some interesting insights. The reference is literally to ‘blood-clots and serum.’ The soldier piercing His chest cavity with a spear demonstrated that Jesus had not bled to death. His blood was still in His veins and arteries after physical death.”
No one that I know claims that Jesus bled to death. This is a smokescreen without a doubt. We maintain that Christ did indeed shed his blood and that He also died. According to MacArthur’s own words, he does not believe that Christ literally shed His blood, but that the Scriptures which speak of such a thing, are merely referring to His death. The Bible says, “one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water” (John 19:34). According to MacArthur this is not so, but rather ‘blood-clots and serum’ came out. This may be the idea of MacArthur and some modern medical man, but I will just believe what the Bible says. All this is suppose to be a part of his evidence that Christ did not shed His blood.
He repeats this error in his Sept. 25th letter, where he says, “The shedding of His blood was the visible manifestation of His life being poured out in sacrifice, and Scripture consistently uses the term ‘shedding of blood’ as a metonym for atoning death.” (Emphasis ours). It is incredible that he continues to rephrase the same error. Webster says that a “metonym” is, “a word used in metonymy, as a substitute for another.” So there you have it, when MacArthur speaks of the “shedding of blood,” he is really speaking about the death of Christ. Shades of Karl Barth – for this is the method of neo-orthodoxy.
What Does “Shedding Of Blood” Mean? 

It is not too difficult to discover what shed and shedding means in the Bible. The word translated shed in the O. T. is also translated many times as “pour out” or “poured out.” See Lev. 17:11,13. It is used of the pouring out of the blood. “The priest…shall pour all the blood of the bulllock at the bottom of the altar..” (Lev. 4:7) See Lev. 4:18,25,30,34; Deut. 12:16,24; 15:23, and many other O. T. scriptures. William Wilson in his O. T. Word Studies says that it means “to pour out.” In I Kings 18:28 the same word is used where it reads “till the blood gushed out.”
The Lord tells us, “without shedding of blood is no remission.” (Heb. 9:22) “Shedding of blood” is translated from one word, and Strong says that word comes from two Greek words. One is “haima” which is the Greek word for blood, and the other is “ekcheo” which is the Greek word for shed or to pour out. Strong says of “haimatekchusia,” the word found in Heb. 9:22, that it means “an effusion of blood – shedding of blood.” Now as for the word that is translated “shed,” “pour out,” “gush out,” etc., how can anyone deny that it means simply that. Strong says that it means “to pour,” or to “gush (pour) out.” Berry and Thayer says that it means “to pour out.” On the basis of that, how in the word could John MacArthur say, “The shedding of blood has nothing to do with simply means death…violent sacrificial death?” (Emphasis ours). This writer is completely mystified as to where he gets his information. It is not to be found in the Bible, nor in the lexicons and word studies, so where does it come from?
In his 1976 article, MacArthur said, “His shed blood represents His sacrificial physical and spiritual death for us.” No, his shed blood represents His shed blood. It is wrong to try to teach that blood means death. A careful reading of his statements makes it clear that he does not really believe that Christ shed His blood.
In our view, the most grievous and deadly part of MacArthur’s false doctrine is his outright denial of the saving power of the blood of Christ.
We must remember that MacArthur’s 1976 article was not written to a Catholic, or a cult member, but to a “Dear Learning Member.” Whether it was to a member of his own church we do not know, but it was to someone who signed their name, “A Learning Member.” Now let us see what he writes to that learning member.
MacArthur Vs. The Word Of God “It was His death that was efficacious..not His blood.” (Emphasis ours throughout article. The three dots were placed there by MacArthur’s and does not represent something that we have left out.) “Nothing in His human blood saves.” Not only has MacArthur not repudiated his 1976 statement, but he repeats something very similar to it, in his August 29, 1986 letter, when he said, “The blood of Christ is precious – but as precious as it is, His physical blood could not save.”
It is incredible that a veteran pastor and Bible teacher would make such unbelievable statements. To cleverly cloud the issue, he brings in “His human blood,” and “His physical blood.” Why bring in such words as “human” and “physical”? Why not just use the terminology of the Bible.
Contrary to what MacArthur’s says, the Bible does place strong emphasis on the saving cleansing power of the blood of Christ.
His blood was shed for the remission of sins. When Jesus instituted the Lord’s Supper, He took the cup which contained the fruit or juice of the vine and said, “For this is my blood of the new testament, which is shed for many for the remission of sins.” (Matt. 26:28). Of course, the fruit of the vine did not turn into the blood of Christ, but it symbolized something that was real, and that was the blood of Christ. Christ’s blood was shed for the remission of sins.
We have been purchased by His blood. When Paul was speaking to the elders of the Church at Ephesus, he told them “to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.” (Acts 20:28).
Redemption and remission of sins cannot be apart from FAITH IN HIS BLOOD.” (Rom. 3:24,25).
We are justified by His blood. “Much more then, being now justified by his blood, we shall be saved from wrath through him.” (Rom. 5:9). We gladly affirm that “Christ died for us” as we are told in v.8, but by so doing we will never, never play down the value of His blood. The Bible places great emphasis on both the death of Christ, and the shed blood of Christ. Why should anyone try to play down either His death, or His shed blood??
We have redemption through His blood. “In whom we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of sin, according to the riches of his grace.” (Eph. 1:7) “In whom we have redemption through his blood, even the forgiveness of sins.” (Col. 1:14). There is no redemption for the sinner, and there is no forgiveness of sins apart from the shed blood of Christ.
We have peace through His blood. “And having made peace through the blood of his cross.” (Col. 1:20)
We are made nigh by the blood of Christ. (See Eph. 2:12).
By His own blood He entered into the holy place. “Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us. (Heb. 9:12) On the day of atonement, the high priest took the blood of a bullock into the holy place and sprinkled it on the mercy seat for his own sins. Then he took the blood of a goat into that same place and sprinkled it on the mercy seat for the sins of the people. (See Lev. 16). Jesus did not do that. He entered into the holy place in heaven, not by the blood of goats and calves, but by His own blood. It was done once, not every year, or perpetually!
Our sins are purged, and remitted by the blood of Christ. “Without shedding of blood is no remission.” (Heb. 9:22).
We are redeemed by the precious blood of Christ. Peter, by divine inspiration tells us that we are “redeemed…with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.” (I Pet. 1:18,19) .
Our sins are cleansed by the blood of Christ. “The blood of Jesus Christ his son cleanseth us from all sin.” (I John 1:7).
We are washed from our sins by His blood. “Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood.” (Rev. 1:15). MacArthur says that “washed” should be “delivered.” We don’t buy that, but even if it were so, we would still be “delivered from our sins in this own blood.”
We are redeemed to God by His blood. (See Rev. 5:9)
Tribulation saints will wash their robes and make them white in the blood of the Lamb. (See Rev. 7:14).
Will You Believe MacArthur, Or The Bible?
In light of the above Scriptures, as well as many others, I am amazed that any man would have the audacity to say, “It was His death that was efficacious…not His blood.” Who is he to say, “Nothing in His human blood saves?”
In our view, he makes some misleading statements about the O. T. sacrifices. While much that he says is true, there is a deadly danger in the implications of some of his remarks. He writes the following in his Sept. 25th, 1986 letter. “Bloodshed was God’s design for all Old Testament sacrifices. They were bled to death rather than clubbed or burnt. God designed that sacrificial death was to occur with blood loss as a vivid manifestation of life. (‘the life of the flesh is in the blood’) being poured out. Nevertheless, those who were too poor to bring animals for sacrifices were allowed to bring one-tenth of an ephah (about two quarts) of fine flour instead (Lev. 5:11). Their sins were covered just as surely as the sins of those who could afford to offer a lamb, goat, turtledove, or pigeon (Lev. 5:6-7). That is because the sacrifice was entirely symbolic anyway.”
In this paragraph MacArthur has chosen a passage of Scripture that he believes will help his cause. The offerings that were required in the first six chapters of Leviticus varied. Of course all of these offerings pointed to Christ and typified His life and work. The offerings of Leviticus 2 were made of flour, oil, and frankincense. The fine flour typifies the evenness, balance, and purity of His person. No blood sacrifice is required in this chapter. An animal for a blood sacrifice was required in chapters 1,3,4 and 6. MacArthur is correct in saying that in chapter 5, the poor could bring an offering of fine flour. We venture to say that the fine flour did not typify the blood of Christ, but it did symbolize other aspects of His life and death. 
How Does This Affect The Other Sacrifices? 
It affects them not at all. Cain could bring nothing but a lamb. Nothing else would be acceptable to God. Not the fruit of the field, and not fine flour would suffice. (See Gen. 4). Could Noah offer fine flour on the altar? No! He had to offer the clean beasts and clean fowls. (See Gen.8:20). On the Passover night down in Egypt, could the Israelites have offered fine flour instead of a lamb? Could they have dusted fine flour on the door posts? No, they could not! It had to be a lamb. If death was the only issue, then they could have hung the head or the hooves of the lamb on the door posts. Yes, the lamb must die, but the shed blood had to be sprinkled on the door posts in order to save the firstborn. (See Ex. 12)
On the day of atonement, could the high priest have taken fine flour and sprinkled it on the mercy seat? No, he had to take the blood of the bullock for his own sins, and the blood of the goat for the sins of the people, and sprinkle it on the mercy seat. So for MacArthur to take the one instance from the Old Testament where the poor could take an offering of fine flour rather than a blood sacrifice, is in my view, very misleading. In all other instances it did make a difference whether there was a blood sacrifice made or not.
Beating Around The Mulberry Bush 
MacArthur is a very, very articulate man. He knows the English language well, and is able to express himself as well as anyone we have ever heard. It is very strange that he has to be beat around and around the mulberry bush in page after page, and still be unable to make himself perfectly clear. Why is this? It is because he has peculiar and unscriptural views of the blood of Christ. After reading his letters on the blood, I have the distinct impression that they are blurred by fog and smog. If he ever decides to come out from behind his smokescreen, none of us will have any difficulty in understanding what he believes about the blood. He could settle this problem very easily, by simply repudiating his heretical statements about the blood of Christ. He could then simply take the fundamental approach of accepting what the Bible says about the saving power of the blood of Christ. It is clear, it is simple, and only someone who has something to hide, will fog the issue by using strange terms about the precious blood of Christ.
We will probably make more enemies than friends over this issue, because most people do not like controversy. But regardless of the cost, we have no intentions of backing up on this fundamental doctrine of the Word of God.

The September/October, 1986 issue of the News Bulletin of the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship of America contains two highly significant items, about the blood of Christ. While I am not a member of the Fundamental Baptist Fellowship, I heartily commend them for speaking out on the blood of Christ.
First, there is an outlined Bible Study entitled, “The Blood Of Christ – I Peter 1:18-19.” Although it is unsigned, this excellent study takes up almost two pages. It may well have been written by Don Jasmin, their Research Secretary. In my view, it blows MacArthur’s foggy position right out of the water.
Second, it contains a resolution passed by the World Congress of Fundamentalists, meeting on the campus of Bob Jones University, August 4-8, 1986. While MacArthur’s name is not mentioned in the Bible Study or in the Resolution, there is no doubt in my mind as to why they are speaking out at this very time. While MacArthur is trying to make out like fundamental leaders are in agreement with him on the blood, we venture to say that there are many fundamental pastors who are deeply disturbed over his stand. We believe that there are many who want to distance themselves from the false teaching of John MacArthur.
Below we are reproducing word for word the resolution mentioned above. It is clear and plain. There is no foggy and misleading words contained in it. Any Christian can understand it, but the same cannot be said for MacArthur’s views.
Meeting on the campus of Bob Jones University August 4-8 delegates at the World Congress of Fundamentalists passed numerous resolutions dealing with pertinent issues. Among those resolutions was this timely one dealing with the blood of Christ. 
Regarding the Position of the World Congress of Fundamentalists on the Blood of Christ 
Whereas the physical body of Christ in the Holy Scriptures means the real, literal body of God the Son incarnate; so also in the Holy Scriptures when the Blood of Christ is mentioned, it is the real, literal Blood which was poured out from that same body and which accomplished our redemption.
The Bible reveals the mysteries of our redemption. In that revelation a divine principle is revealed, illustrated, and enforced. That principle is”…Without shedding of blood is no remission” (Heb. 9:22).
Sin can only be atoned for and cleansed from the heart of the sinner by the precious Blood of God’s appointed Lamb, the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ must die once for all, but His death must be by literal blood-shedding; and the Blood shed becomes the all-sufficient merit by which sin’s guilt-power, and ultimately its very present, are destroyed.
The Holy Scriptures nowhere separate the voluntary death of Christ from the sacrificial shedding of His sinless Blood, but rather links them inextricably in one inseparable act.
The Bible Reveals: 
1. That the precious Blood is incorruptible. It cannot be anything else because of its intrinsic purity. I Peter 1:18,19: “Forasmuch as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold…But with the precious blood of Christ..”
2. That the precious blood is indestructible. It cannot be anything else because of its permanence. The Blood is eternally preserved in Heaven. Hebrews 12:24: “And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.”
3. That the precious Blood is invaluable. It cannot be anything else because of its parentage. It is the Blood of God incarnate. Leviticus 17:11: “For the life of the flesh is in the blood…” Acts 20:28: “…the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.”
4. That the precious Blood is indispensable. It cannot be anything else because of its power. No sinner can be saved without washing in the Blood of the Lamb. Revelations 7:14: “..these are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.”
Therefore, this Congress: 
1. Reaffirms its adherence to the Scriptural teaching on this subject;
2. Rejects every attempt either to deny the literalness of the Blood or to minimize its efficacy and the necessity of its shedding in Christ’s death on the cross. Such denial is a dangerous and devilish deception;
3. Calls upon Fundamentalist preachers and God’s saints everywhere to proclaim anew the saving efficacy of the shed Blood of Christ in His death on the cross, and to alert the Church in regard to all heretical teaching on this vital truth, ever remembering that we overcome the devil himself by the Blood of the Lamb. Revelation 12:11: “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony…”

John MacArthur Saw The Blood of Martin Luther King

Why was John MacArthur Present at Martin Luther King’s Assassination Crime Scene?

John Macarthur of Grace Community Church claims to have seen the blood of Martin Luther King just hours after Dr. King was shot.  John Macarthur also claims to have entered the very bathroom from which the establishment media alleges James Earl Ray shot Dr. King.  The quotes below are from “A Retrospective on 40 Years: John MacArthur with Rick Holland.”

RICK: We just elected a first black President and it’s raised the whole issue again of civil rights in our country. And some of the folks might not know that you had a very interesting brush with the Civil Rights Movement at a very significant time in history. Why don’t you talk about that?

JOHN: Yeah, before I came to Grace Church when I was a seminary student, I came to know a man named John Perkins. John Perkins came to Christ after a very, very troubled childhood. He was raised in Mississippi…he started attending my Dad’s church and I got to know him and grew to love him and his wife Vera Mae.

“Well in the purposes of God he returned to Mississippi to a little town called Mendenhall, and Mendenhall, Mississippi south of Jackson and he started a ministry there. He started a school there. He started a church. Started a little co-op for people to buy things and really helped that little community of Mendenhall. This was right at the time when Civil Rights Movement really exploded and John asked me if I would come to Mississippi and if I would preach, if I would go out to the black high schools which were totally segregated and always on the other side of town, and if I would preach and do some gospel ministry in these high schools around Mississippi. So I said, “Absolutely, I’d love to do that.”

“…I think I went down there for a period of about five years, going down and spending a pro-longed period of time. I lived with John and Vera Mae in their house…

“Well it was during those times that I was there and I will never forget, I can’t tell you the whole story, but I’ll never forget one night, I was in the middle of Jackson, Mississippi in the office of a man named Charles Evers. Charles Evers had a brother named Medgar Evers. Medgar Evers was the first martyr of the Civil Rights Movement. He was the first person killed. Charles became the first black mayor…the first black mayor in the south at Fayetteville, Mississippi. He was a friend of John’s and I had come to know him. And we were sitting there and he was trying to explain to me that night in Jackson what was going on. Now remember, I was a very young guy, I had become immersed in that culture, grew to love those people. And Charles was talking and a man burst through the door and said, “Martin Luther King has been assassinated.” That happened that night while I was with Charles and John and some others.

“The immediate issue was that there were serious things going on in the street in Jackson and they were trying to get me out of there because I was as pale as a ghost. And here we were worried what might happen to me. And so they escorted me. And then they said, “You know, we’re going to go to Jackson. We want to…we want to go…we’re going to Memphis, we want to see what happened.

“So they took me. And in those days the police weren’t nearly as protective, forensics hadn’t developed to what they had and they didn’t necessarily protect crime scenes. So we went to the motel, up to the landing, saw the blood where Martin Luther King had been shot just hours before by James Earl Ray. I actually went to the little building opposite the motel, went up on the second flood, stood up on the toilet and looked out the window where James Earl Ray had shot him. And I was there at that very, very, very crucial time.

“To make a long story short, when we went back and endeavored to continue to do what we were doing, we’re driving down a country road headed to one of the high school meetings and we were arrested and taken to the jail and accused of fomenting trouble and all of that.

“So those were very, very volatile, volatile times…But God has continued to bless the ministry there. It’s going on today, it’s called Voice of Calvary. John took the name from my Dad’s radio program and he used it there and that ministry flourishes today…”

Iain Murray Affirms John Macarthur’s Presence at King Assassination Crimes Scenes

The following is an excerpt from an article on Grace and Truth website titled, “An Interesting Fact about the King Assassination”:

“What I never knew was that a future evangelical leader arrived on the scene in Memphis that night [the night of Dr. King’s assassination]. Driving up from Mississippi where he had been working in a serious [sic] of revival meetings with black evangelical leader John Perkins, John MacArthur came with a group of friends to the Lorraine Motel on the evening of April 4, 1968. As related in Iain Murray’s new biography of MacArthur, the man who has been Pastor at Grace Community Church in California for the last 41 years, was in 1968 in a series of evangelistic meetings with Perkins. When Perkins and his associates heard of King’s slaying, MacArthur joined them on the trip to Memphis. Perkins and his friends were careful to protect MacArthur, a white man, from potential threats from the outrage over King’s death.

“When they arrived late on the evening of the 4th, they found the Lorraine Motel unguarded. Amazingly, by today’s standards, there was no police guard, no crime scene tape. The men went right up to the balcony where they saw the blood stains where King had fallen. MacArthur even says he went across the street to the boarding house from which James Earl Ray had fired the shots. John MacArthur, future evangelical leader, stood where Ray had stood on April 4, 1968 and looked out to the balcony where one of the pivotal moments in American history took place.”

According to John MacArthur: Servant of the Word and Flock by Iain H. Murray, Banner of Truth Trust, 2011, pp. 26-27:

“On the night of April 4 [1968] John was in Jackson, Mississippi, talking with a group that included John Perkins and Charles Evers, the black Mayor of Fayetteville, whose brother was regarded as the first martyr of the Civil Rights Movement… As they were discussing events a man burst into the room with the news ‘Martin Luther King has been assassinated.'”

Memphis police guarding the MLK crime scene.

Who was Medgar Evers?

Medgar Evers was a Freemason

John Macarthur claims that he was in the office of Charles Evers in Jackson, MS. when Martin Luther King was assassinated on April 4, 1968.  Charles Evers was the brother of Medgar Evers, the murdered civil rights activist who was killed on June 12, 1963.  Medgar Evers was also a Freemason (see Famous Prince Hall Masons) believed by most to have been killed by another Freemason.

“Likewise, it is difficult to accept the fact that a ‘white’ Mason would assassinate his ‘black’ Masonic brother. But its true, civil rights leader Medgar Evers, was gunned down, shot in the back and murdered in Jackson, Mississippi, on June 12, 1963, by Klansman, Freemason and Shriner Byron De La Beckwith.” (Order of Former Freemasons)

Medgar Evers was a Mississippi NAACP Leader

“In December 1954, Evers’s appointment as state field secretary was officially announced. The new position required that Evers move from Mound Bayou to Jackson and establish an NAACP field office…Once in Jackson a residence for the family was quickly secured followed by the selection of the new NAACP office in the business hub of the local black community on North Farish Street. Evers relocated the field office ten months later to the Masonic Temple on Lynch Street.” (Mississippi History)

The Mississippi NAACP is Headquartered in a Masonic Lodge

“Thurgood Marshall, representing the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, delivered the dedication address for the Masonic Temple at its present location (1072 J. R. Lynch Street) on May 30, 1955…The second and current Mississippi office of NAACP is located on the second floor of the Masonic Temple Building. Mr. Aaron Henry served as State President of the NAACP from 1960 until 1992. His office was housed at the Masonic Temple during his 33-year tenure as State President. Medgar Evers managed the NAACP activities as its Executive Director from 1958 until his death in 1963…The lodge has since been the headquarters of Prince Hall Masonry and the Mississippi branch of the NAACP. On June 15, 1963, an overflow crowd of Mourners gathered here for the funeral of Medgar Evers.” (Jackson Advocate)

Charles Evers Took Over Medgar’s Position With the Mississippi NAACP

“When Medgar…was murdered in 1963, Charles Evers returned to Mississippi and took over his brother’s role in the organization.” (Charles Evers).  And according to the facts of the US Supreme Court case NAACP vs Claiborne Hardware Co., at the time of the Martin Luther King assassination, Charles Evers was the Field Secretary of the NAACP for Mississippi.

“On April 19, 1968, the field secretary of the NAACP for Mississippi, Charles Evers, led a march to the Claiborne County courthouse and demanded that the entire Port Jefferson police force be discharged. When the demand was not met, the boycott on the merchants was reimposed. On April 21, Evers made a speech in which he said, ‘If we catch any of you going into these racist stores, we’re going to break your damn neck.’ During the boycott, individuals known as ‘Black Hats’ or ‘Deacons’ stood outside stores to identify blacks who broke the boycott. The names of those who were identified were published in a black newspaper and the names were read aloud at NAACP meetings. In at least 10 instances, blacks who violated the boycott experienced instances of violence, including shots fired into their homes, bricks thrown through their windshields, and tires on their cars slashed.” (NAACP vs Claiborne).

Did John Macarthur meet with Charles Evers and John Perkins at the Jackson Masonic Lodge?

John Macarthur states that he was in the office of Charles Evers in Jackson, MS. when Martin Luther King was assassinated.  Evidence from the US Supreme Court Case, NAACP vs Claiborne Hardware Co., shows that at the time of the assassination, Charles Evers was the field secretary for the Mississippi NAACP.  And the Jackson Masonic Temple has been the headquarters for the Mississippi branch of the NAACP since Medgar Evers was its Field Secretary in the 1950’s.

The Jackson Masonic Temple is the MW Stringer Grand Lodge and its location is 1072 John R. Lynch St., Jackson, MS 39206.  The contact address for the Mississippi NAACP is 1072 W. Lynch St., Suite 10, Jackson, MS 39203.

Note: It’s quite possible that John Macarthur is lying when he says that he was in the office of Charles Evers in Jackson, MS when MLK was shot.  It’s possible that he and Charles Evers and John Perkins were already in Memphis at the time of the assassination.

Why did John Macarthur’s biographer lie?

In his biography of John Macarthur, Iain Murray stated, “On the night of April 4 [1968] John was in Jackson, Mississippi, talking with a group that included John Perkins and Charles Evers, the black Mayor of Fayetteville, whose brother was regarded as the first martyr of the Civil Rights Movement… As they were discussing events a man burst into the room with the news ‘Martin Luther King has been assassinated.'”

Iain Murray states that at the time of the MLK assassination (April 4, 1968), Charles Evers was the Mayor of Fayetteville, MS.  But Charles Evers wasn’t elected mayor of Fayetteville until more than one year later on May 13, 1969. (Black History).

Why does Iain Murray want his readers believing that Charles Evers was the Mayor of Fayetteville on April 4,1968?  Is it because Murray wants to obscure the fact that Charles Evers was then the Field Secretary of the NAACP in Mississippi? (And that the MS. NAACP’s headquarters were in the Stringer Grand Lodge?)

The Decision to go to Memphis

On the night Martin Luther King was assassinated, John Macarthur claims that he was in Jackson, Mississippi in the office of Charles Evers along with John Perkins and some others. Being concerned about John Macarthur’s safety in the wake of the assassination, these men “escorted” him out and then a decision was made to go to Memphis, Tennessee “to see what happened.”

Why would John Macarthur, a white man supposedly fearing for his safety in Jackson, Mississippi,  decide to make a very long drive (210 miles) at night right to the King assassination crime scene in Memphis where one would reasonably presume there would be far more danger to his safety given the anger, rioting, etc.?

But were John Macarthur, John Perkins, and Charles Evers in Jackson, MS at the moment MLK was assassinated?  Could they have already been in Memphis when MLK was shot?

Were the Martin Luther King Crime Scenes Really Unprotected?

In the accounts above, John Macarthur offers reasons for his ability to gain access to the King assassination crime scenes by stating that “police didn’t necessarily protect crime scenes in those days and because forensics hadn’t developed.” Are these reasons valid?

Testimony from a 1999 civil court trial indicates that the King assassination crime scenes were barricaded by police within 2 minutes after King was shot.  Click here to read the trial transcript. Also, since it’s been proven in that court of law that no shots were fired from the rooming house bathroom across the street from the Lorraine Motel, how did John Macarthur know to enter this bathroom just after the assassination and before knowledge of this bathroom “crime scene” was even made public?

How did John Macarthur, John Perkins, and Charles Evers obtain access to the MLK crime scenes if they were barricaded by police within minutes?

​​​​​Phil Johnson Contradicts John Macarthur’s Account of His Arrest

According to John Macarthur, after returning to Mississippi from Memphis, they (Macarthur and I assume Perkins) were arrested on the way to a high school meeting for “fomenting trouble.”  But in in what appears to be an attempt at damage control, Phil Johnson, the Executive Director of John Macarthur’s Grace To You and John Macarthur’s Public Relations man, states that Macarthur was arrested in Mississippi for merely “preaching the gospel.”

In 2006, Phil Johnson claimed on his Pyromaniacs blog that John Macarthur was arrested in Mississippi for “preaching the gospel.”

“In the years when conflict was rife over civil rights legislation in the deep south, John MacArthur was locked up by a gung-ho Mississippi sheriff for preaching the gospel. MacArthur was leading a group of young people on a summer missions trip, doing evangelistic work in some of Mississippi’s most impoverished communities. At the time, MacArthur was working in partnership with John Perkins, a respected black Christian leader…”

A Challenge to Phil Johnson’s Account of John Macarthur’s Arrest

The following comment posted on the Pyromaniacs blog challenges Phil Johnson’s assertion that John Macarthur was arrested in Mississippi for merely “preaching the gospel”:

“Phil, you wrote: ‘John MacArthur was locked up by a gung-ho Mississippi sheriff for preaching the gospel.’ With all due respect, I find that exceedingly hard to believe. MacArthur was arrested for preaching the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ and faith in Him for justification from sins? Really? That’s the Gospel. He was arrested for *that* in Mississippi? I don’t believe it…

MacArthur is a Christian, but he was not arrested in Mississippi for ‘preaching the Gospel.’ It just seems like a warped version of what transpired, and not a sober, objective reporting of the facts. Is the police report available? Were the charges ‘preaching the Gospel’? Most of the Southerners — particularly Mississippi — in that period were devout Christians and would not arrest anyone for simply ‘preaching the Gospel’. If that were the case, they’d be locking up people all over the landscape every Sunday…Please. No, something else was afoot than simply ‘preaching the Gospel.'” (FJ De Angelis-1:35 AM, February 12, 2006)

Follow-up Response From the Same Blog Commentator

“As I stated, are we to believe that Mississippi only had a few Christian preachers of the Gospel in the 1960s and it took people from California and New York to ‘set things right’ in regard to the Gospel and such ‘true Christians’ were arrested for ‘preaching the Gospel’ and no other reason? That’s complete nonsense and a lie…”It stands–neither MacArthur nor anyone else was arrested in Mississippi in the 1960s for simply ‘preaching the Gospel.’ Mississippi was at the time an overwhelmingly Christian state and the Gospel was honored and preached all the time. It is a farce to make such a claim…This is what the cults say when their leaders get accused of various improprieties — a species of ‘double-think’ kicks in and anything can be excused and explained away… John MacArthur preaches the Gospel — this is true; John MacArthur didn’t get arrested for preaching the Gospel in Mississippi, he was arrested for some other reason. Is the police report available? I’d like to review it… (FJ De Angelis-10:05 AM, February 13, 2006) 

How the Government Killed Martin Luther King

The following has been excerpted from the article, How the Government Killed Martin Luther King, Jr.” written by Carl Gibson on April 3, 2013:

“Before scoffing at this headline, you should know that in 1999, in Memphis, Tennessee, more than three decades after MLK’s death, a jury found local, state, and federal government agencies guilty of conspiring to assassinate the Nobel Peace Prize winner and civil rights leader. The same media you would expect to cover such a monumental decision was absent at the trial, because those news organizations were part of that conspiracy. William F. Pepper, who was James Earl Ray’s first attorney, called over 70 witnesses to the stand to testify on every aspect of the assassination. The panel, which consisted of an even mix of both black and white jurors, took only an hour of deliberation to find Loyd Jowers and other defendants guilty. If you’re skeptical of any factual claims made here, click here for a full transcript, broken into individual sections. Read the testimonies yourself if you don’t want to take my word for it.

The Setup: The defendant in the 1999 civil trial, Loyd Jowers, had been a Memphis PD officer in the 1940s. He owned a restaurant called Jim’s Grill, a staging ground to orchestrate MLK’s assassination underneath the rooming house where the corporate media alleges James Earl Ray shot Dr. King. During the trial, William Pepper, the plaintiff’s attorney, played a tape of an incriminating 1998 conversation between Jowers, UN Ambassador Andrew Young, and Dexter King, MLK’s son. Young testified that Jowers told them he ‘wanted to get right with God before he died, wanted to confess it and be free of it…’

“Jowers also gave an interview to Sam Donaldson on “Prime Time Live” in 1993. The transcript of the interview was read during the trial, and it was revealed that Jowers openly talked about being asked by produce warehouse owner Frank Liberto to help with MLK’s murder. Liberto had mafia connections, and sent a courier with $100,000 to Jowers, who owned a local restaurant, with instructions to hold the money at his restaurant.

“John McFerren owned a store in Memphis and was making a pickup at Liberto’s warehouse at 5:15 p.m. on April 4th, roughly 45 minutes before the assassination. McFerren testified that he overheard Liberto tell someone over the phone, “Shoot the son of a bitch on the balcony.” Other witnesses who testified included café owner Lavada Addison, who was friends with Liberto in the 1970s. She recalled him confiding to her that he “had Martin Luther King killed.” Addison’s son, Nathan Whitlock, also testified. He asked Liberto if he killed MLK, and he responded, “I didn’t kill the nigger but I had it done.” When Whitlock pressed him about James Earl Ray, Liberto replied, “He wasn’t nothing but a troublemaker from Missouri. He was a front man … a setup man.”

“The back door of Loyd Jowers’ establishment led to a thick crop of bushes across the street from the Lorraine Motel balcony where Dr. King was shot. On the taped confession to Andrew Young and Dexter King, Jowers says after he heard the shot, Lt. Earl Clark, who is now deceased, laid a smoking rifle at the rear of his restaurant. Jowers then disassembled the rifle, wrapped it in a tablecloth and prepared it for disposal.

“The corporate media says it was James Earl Ray who shot MLK, and he did it from the 2nd floor bathroom window of the rooming house across the street from the Lorraine Motel. The official account alleges the murder weapon was dropped in a bundle and abandoned at Dan Canipe’s storefront just before he made his getaway. But even those authorities and media admit that the bullet that tore through MLK’s throat didn’t have the same metallurgical composition as the bullets in the rifle left behind by James Earl Ray. And Judge Joe Brown, a weapons expert called to testify by Pepper in the 1999 trial, said the rifle allegedly used by James Earl Ray had a scope that was never sighted in, meaning that the weapon in question would have fired far to the left and far below the target.

“The actual murder weapon was disposed of by taxi driver James McCraw, a friend of Jowers. William Hamblin testified in King v. Jowers that McCraw told him this story over a 15-year period whenever he got drunk. McCraw repeatedly told Hamblin that he threw the rifle over the Memphis-Arkansas bridge, meaning that the rifle is at the bottom of the Mississippi river to this day. And according to Hamblin’s testimony, Canipe said he saw the bundle dropped in front of his store before the actual shooting occurred…

“The Cover-Up: Around 7 a.m. on April 5, the morning after the shooting, MPD Inspector Sam Evans called Public Works Administrator Maynard Stiles and told him to have a crew destroy the crop of bushes adjacent to the rooming house above Loyd Jowers’ restaurant. This is particularly odd coming from a policeman, since the bushes were in a crime scene area, and crime scene areas are normally roped off, not to be disturbed. The official narrative of a sniper in the bathroom at the rooming house was then reinforced, since a sniper firing from an empty clearing would be far more visible than one hidden behind a thick crop of bushes… [This is another reason to doubt that the crime scene was unprotected as John Macarthur stated; for they had yet to remove the real evidence (the bushes).]

“Incredibly, James Earl Ray turned down two separate bribes, one of which was recorded by his brother Jerry Ray, where he was offered $220,000 by writer William Bradford Huey and the guarantee of a full pardon if he would just agree to have the story “Why I Killed Martin Luther King” written on his behalf…

“The Deception: ‘Another King v. Jowers witness was Earl Caldwell, a New York Times reporter who was sent to Memphis by an editor named Claude Sitton. Caldwell testified that the orders from his editor were to ‘nail Dr. King.’ In the publication’s effort to sell the story of James Earl Ray as the murderer, the Times cited an investigation into how Ray got the money for his Mustang, rifle, and the long road trip to Tennessee from California. The Times said that according to their own findings as well as the findings of federal agencies, Ray got the money by robbing a bank in his hometown of Alton, Illinois. In Pepper’s closing argument, he says that when he or Jerry Ray talked to the chief of police in Alton, along with the bank president of the branch that was allegedly robbed, neither said they had been approached by the New York Times, or by the FBI. Essentially, the Times fabricated the entire story in order to sell a false narrative that there was no government intervention and that James Earl Ray was a lone wolf…”

Who Was Charles Evers?

According to John Macarthur, he was in the office of Charles Evers at the time of the MLK assassination and he accompanied Evers to the MLK crime scenes.  Charles Evers at that time was the field secretary for the Mississippi NAACP whose headquarters was in the Stringer Masonic Lodge in Jackson, MS. What else is known about Charles Evers?

Charles Evers, Friend of Nelson Rockefeller

“…Around 1955, I met Nelson Rockefeller for the first time…I’d heard Nelson himself was a special friend of the Negro, so I bowled my way in to see him, at one of this little receptions up in New York. I knew once I was in he’d like me. And he did… I made myself an informal advisor to Nelson. We weren’t close friends—most years we only spoke about four times a year.” (Source: Have No Fear: A Black Man’s Fight for Respect in America, Charles Evers, Andrew Szanton)

It’s more likely that Rockefeller advised Charles Evers and perhaps financed his activities.

Charles Evers Claimed to be a Gangster in Chicago

Charles Evers claims to have lived a “high on the hog” gangster life in Chicago prior to taking over Medgar’s position with the NAACP in Mississippi in 1963.  “Before and after the war, Evers participated in bootlegging operations, prostitution, and numbers in Mississippi and Chicago…”

“Around 1956, Evers’ entrepreneurial gifts and his civil rights activism landed him in trouble in Philadelphia, Mississippi (Charles had started an NAACP Chapter in Philadelphia, MS in 1956). He left town and moved to Chicago, Illinois. There, he fell into a life of hustling, running numbers for organized crime, and managing prostitutes.” (Charles Evers Wiki)

Did Charles Evers live “high on the hog” in Chicago  because of his criminal enterprises or because he had financial backers in Chicago?

“1961 – Robert F. Kennedy became U.S. Attorney General under his brother, President John F. Kennedy. Robert Kennedy, ‘….was the first attorney general of the United States to make a serious attack on the Mafia and organized crime;’ and, ‘many hold he was the last one.’” (Timeline of Organized Crime in Chicago)

Was Charles Involved in the RFK Assassination?

On June 5, 1968, Charles Evers claims that he was standing just five feet away from Senator Robert Kennedy when he was assassinated in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.

“I was five feet from Bobby when he stopped, shook hands with two Mexican kitchen workers… I moved to leave, caught Bobby’s eye, and waved my hand, signaling that I’d catch up to him later. That same second, I heard a loud ffat-ffat. …

“All night I stayed with Bobby at the hospital, praying he wouldn’t make it, just praying he’d pass away clean, without pain.” (Have No Fear, pp. 229-230)

Did Charles Kill His Brother, Medgar?

Charles Evers was accused by the FBI of killing his brother, Medgar.  “A few days after Medgar died, two FBI agents came around to question me… Those FBI agents strolled into my office and said they had reason to think I’d killed Medgar! My best friend in the world, and him killed in Jackson when I was in Chicago.” (Source: Evers, Charles; Szanton, Andrew (2008-04-21). Have No Fear: The Charles Evers Story (Kindle Locations 2523-2525)).

Was Charles Evers a Government Informant?

Between 1956 and 1973 there was a secret spy agency that had been set up by the state legislature of Mississippi called the State Sovereignty Commission.  Its members infiltrated the civil rights movement to inform on workers and to sow discord. Charles Evers was implicated in this operation as an informant.

“Despite his high-profile work during the civil rights era, and despite his slain brother’s martyr status, Evers faces accusations of having been in league with the Sovereignty Commission. Evers has a long file, more than 1,000 pages. It attests to a double relationship…  Was he a collaborator or a negotiator?

“A damaging memorandum was sent on March 31, 1967, from Earle Johnston Jr., director of the commission, to Lee Cole, a commission investigator. ‘It has been reported to this office that on one or two occasions you mentioned to people in your territory, ‘We have Charles Evers in the palm of our hand,’ the memo says. ‘Whether the report is true or not, I would much prefer that you never make any such statement because it might jeopardize some of our troubleshooting procedures. You may say at any time that we have a communication with Evers, but I would not go any further than that.'” (The Secrets of Mississippi)

Charles Evers Gives Differing Accounts of his Whereabouts on the Day MLK was Shot

According to John Macarthur, Charles Evers was in his office in Jackson, MS when MLK was shot.  However, Charles Evers has given differing versions as to his whereabouts on that day.

“On the evening of April 4, 1968, I was driving Highway 28 to Natchez [MS] . I had the radio on, but my mind was on that night’s rally in Natchez. The next day I was supposed to fly to Memphis to help Martin with a Negro garbage strike there. Suddenly a white voice came on the radio: Martin had been shot in Memphis. He’d been staying at the Lorraine Motel… In Natchez, I went straight to Mamie Lee Mazique’s house. Everybody there was hugging the radio, trying to catch news of Martin’s condition.” (Source: Evers, Charles; Szanton, Andrew (2008-04-21). Have No Fear: The Charles Evers Story (Kindle Locations 4036-4041)).

Charles Evers also claims he was headed for a meeting in Fayette when MLK was shot.  I was scheduled to go to Memphis with him, but I had a meeting in Fayette. The news came on that Martin had been shot.” (Medgar, the Movement & More)

In an interview available on You Tube (at about the 16:40 mark), Charles Evers claims he was in Indiana with Bobby Kennedy when MLK was shot. (You Tube)

Charles Evers’ Presence at Senator Robert Kennedy’s Assassination

John Macarthur claims that Charles Evers and John Perkins were with him at the Martin Luther King assassination crime scenes. Two months later on June 5, 1968, Charles Evers claims that he was standing just five feet away from Senator Robert Kennedy when he was assassinated in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles.

“Bobby finished his speech and turned to leave the stage… I moved toward him. I thought he’d leave by the front door to go up the elevator to the pressroom, but he turned and left by a kitchen I didn’t know was there. I was five feet from Bobby when he stopped, shook hands with two Mexican kitchen workers… I moved to leave, caught Bobby’s eye, and waved my hand, signaling that I’d catch up to him later. That same second, I heard a loud ffat-ffat. I thought it was balloons breaking. But a little Palestinian punk, Sirhan Sirhan, had shot Bobby…

“We got Bobby to Good Samaritan Hospital. His entourage arrived. Most of them still hoped some fancy surgeon could save him. But having run a funeral home, I’d seen too many head wounds. I knew if he lived, he’d be a vegetable… All night I stayed with Bobby at the hospital, praying he wouldn’t make it, just praying he’d pass away clean, without pain….

“I flew back with Bobby’s casket to New York on a presidential jet that LBJ had sent for Bobby and his family. Ethel was on that plane, pregnant again; Teddy Kennedy was on the plane, with his sisters, Patricia and Jean. Jackie Kennedy was there, and Coretta Scott King. In New York, I was too shook up to be one of Bobby’s pallbearers. I came down to Washington by train.” (Evers, Charles; Szanton, Andrew (2008-04-21). (Have No Fear, pp. 229-230).

DeWayne Wolfer Falsified Ballistics Evidence

“Escorted through a kitchen pantry in the Ambassador Hotel, RFK was assailed by Palestinian Sirhan Sirhan firing a .22 pistol… An open-and-shut case? Ironically, the RFK assassination has the starkest physical and eyewitness evidence indicating a conspiracy involving Sirhan and at least one additional gunman…

“Ted Charach produced a documentary entitled “The Second Gun” in 1970, and questions continued to grow around the RFK case in the early 1970s. Criminalistics professor Herbert MacDonnell had signed an affidavit in 1973 stating that a bullet removed from RFK’s neck, exhibit #47, could not have been fired from Sirhan’s gun. He further stated that, based on the differing number of cannelures (grooves), it could not have been fired from the same gun as exhibit #54, a bullet removed from victim William Weisel. In a 1974 public hearing, California state crime lab veteran Lowell Bradford concurred.” (The Robert Kennedy Assassination)

“Charach displayed copies of documents recovered from state archives which bolstered the 1970 testimony of criminalist William Harper. Harper testified that LAPD criminalist DeWayne Wolfer had falsified the results of the test-firing of the gun used by Sirhan. The documents clearly show the serial number of the gun test-fired by Wolfer as H-18602. Yet, the serial number of Sirhan’s gun is actually H-53725. Wolfer has always stated (even under oath) this discrepancy was merely a ‘clerical error.’” (Kennedy’s & King)

As has been said many a time, this case should have been clear-cut, an open-and-shut case. With Sirhan in custody, the LAPD had motive, opportunity and a smoking gun to close the case. However over the years contradictory evidence has emerged which casts doubt over the original findings. It looks like the LAPD ignored evidence of a second gunman and many including the head of the L.A. Crime Laboratory DeWayne Wolfer presented false and misleading evidence to support their ballistic testimony that Sirhan was the only gunman.” (The Assassination of Robert Kennedy)

“There is a nickname in our profession,” one specialist said, for mistakes in which an investigator is too quick to “make” a gun. It is “Wolferism,” a reference to DeWayne Wolfer, a one-time LAPD criminalist who misread evidence in the assassination of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy in Los Angeles in 1968, even though the guilt of Sirhan Sirhan was never in doubt.

When Ross’ defense went searching for a firearms expert, they settled on one of seven specialists who were asked years later to reevaluate Wolfer’s findings. He was Charles Morton, a private criminalist from Oakland who had subsequently worked on some of the country’s most prominent murder trials, including those of Ted Bundy, Dr. Jeffrey McDonald and Atlanta’s convicted child killer, Wayne Williams. (Faulty Ballistics in Deputy’s Arrest)

Dewayne Wolfer Jr. was John Macarthur’s Bodyguard!

(The RFK Tapes: Follow the Lies)

The LAPD Criminologist DeWayne Wolfer who tampered with the ballistics evidence is the father of DeWayne Wolfer, Jr. who is John MacArthur’s body guard and a Discusssion Leader at Grace Community Church.

Who is John Perkins?

“In fact, John [MacArthur Jr] was with me in Mississippi in 1968 when Martin Luther King Jr. was killed,” wrote John Perkins in his 1993 book, Beyond Charity (p. 14).

John Perkins and an ex-Ku Klux Klan member, Thomas Tarrants, co-authored a book in 1994 titled “He’s My Brother.”

As a Klansman, Tarrants and KKK accomplice, Kathy Ainsworth, were involved in the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr.

“In the King assassination, the mother of Kathy Ainsworth said her daughter and Tarrants were in Memphis, Tennessee April 4, 1968, the day King was shot and played a role in jamming police communications.” (White Information Network)

Who is Tom Tarrants?

Tarrants and Ainsworth were also in the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles two months later when Robert Kennedy was assassinated.  Evidence is that she was “the girl in the polka dot dress.”

Later that month, Tarrants and Ainsworth attemped to bomb the home of an official of the Anti-Defamation League. Ainsworth was killed and Tarrants was sentenced to 30 years in prison.  He was released early and moved to Washington DC where Richard Halverson, Charles Colson and Billy Graham took him under their care!

Richard Halverson and Billy Graham were “accepted anointed evangelists” of Henrietta Mears, as was John MacArthur’s father, Jack MacArthur and Henrietta Mears’ Gospel Light Publications published John Perkins’ books.

Halverson was the head of World Vision,  1966-1983, which has CIA connections. John Hinkley Sr. was also the head of World Vision and it’s alleged that John Hinckley Jr. (Ronald Reagan) and Mark David Chapman (John Lennon) were both mind-controlled at World Vision centers.

Tom Tarrants became President of the C.S. Lewis Institute in McLean, VA for many years and is currently President Emeritas. According to Christianity Today, C.S. Lewis was a British Spy, a member of the Secret Intelligence Service, known as MI6.

Communitarian and Community Organizer

John Perkins, John Macarthur’s friend who accompanied him to the King assassination crime scenes is a Communitarian and a community organizer like President Barack Obama.

“U.S. President Barack Obama is a Communitarian whose Cabinet and staff will function as a Third Way governing board.  It is significant that Barack Obama’s base as a ‘community organizer’ was Chicago’s churches: ‘President Obama began his career on the South Side of Chicago, working with a coalition of churches to improve living conditions in poor neighborhoods. During the election, people all across the country talked about feeling a new sense of civic engagement and got involved in politics for the first time. Now, President Obama and Vice President Biden are counting on Americans from all walks of life to serve the nation and help address the problems we face—and they’re committed to building the infrastructure and providing the resources that will make it possible.'” (What is the Church Growth Movement?)

John Perkins: Historical Background (Journey Toward Forgiveness)

1930 Born into a sharecropper’s family, New Hebron, MS

1947 Moved to Pasadena, CA

1947-50 Organizer & steward, Iron Workers Union

1951 Married Vera Mae Buckley

1951-53 Armed Services, Korean War

1957 Became a Christian

1958 Ordained Baptist Minister, Monrovia, CA (Seems odd that he was ordained a Baptist minister just one year after becoming a Christian.)

1960 Moved to Mendenhall, MS (Perkins was living in MS when M Evers and MLK were assassinated)

1961 Organizer/pastor, Berean Bible Church

1961 Involved in creation of Voice of Calvary Bible Institute

1968 Health Care Center, Leadership Development Program

1970 Co-founder, Southern Cooperative Development Fund

1972 Moved to Jackson, MS

Organizer/pastor, Voice of Calvary Fellowship Church

Founded and president of Voice of Calvary Ministries

Initiated and developed programs in Health Care Leadership Development, Thrifco (cooperative discount stores), and P.D.I. (housing renovation)

1982 Moved back to Pasadena, CA

1982 Founded John M. Perkins Foundation

1984 Founded Harambee Christian Family Center

1989 Co-founder of the Christian Community

1996 Moved back to Jackson, MS

John Perkins Consulted with Peter Drucker

The biography, Follow Me to Freedom: Leading As an Ordinary Radical, states that John Perkins has consulted with Peter Drucker, the grand architect of Communitarianism in the United States:

“The late Peter Drucker and I talked about leadership. One time we talked about where great leaders come from–leaders who impact history and liberate people. We struggled with whether or not these leaders were just born great or whether they were trained to be great.” (p. 39). 

To learn much more about Peter Drucker and how he has involved the churches in the implementation of the one-world government, then read What is the Church Growth Movement.

“Follow Me to Freedom: Leading As an Ordinary Radical was published by Gospel Light Worldwide which is Henrietta Mears‘ publishing company.  Mears founded Gospel Light in 1933.  John Macarthur’s father was in Henrietta Mears’ inner circle.  To learn more read John Macarthur’s Ecumenical Roots.

John Perkins Counseled US Presidents and was Invited to the Obama White House

“[Perkins] has counseled three presidents and has already been invited to the White House by Barack Obama.” Follow me to Freedom:Leading as an Ordinary Radical (p. 17).

John Perkins was a Ford Foundation Fellow

John Perkins was a Ford Foundation Fellow. (Dr. John M. Perkins) and at one time his church in Mendenhall with its adjoining school was funded by the Ford Foundation. (Mississippi Archives)

John Perkins’ Communitarian Ministries

ins’ ministry that “God has continued to bless the ministry…it’s called Voice of Calvary. John took the name from my Dad’s radio program and he used it there and that ministry flourishes today.”  Contrary to John Macarthur’s statement, John Perkins’ ministries are anti-Christian, anti-American ministries designed to facilitate community transformation and social change.

Voice of Calvary Ministries (VOCM)

Voice of Calvary Ministries (VOCM) is a 501(c)( 3), non-profit Christian Community Development (CCD) organization which was founded in 1962 in Mendenhall, Mississippi by Dr. John M. Perkins.

“Our enduring strength has been reflected in these ways:

  • 38+ Years of Results and Proven Impact
  • A Holistic Model of Housing, Healthcare and Leadership Development
  • A Voice for the Poor and Racial Reconciliation
  • A Builder of Partnerships and Collaborations
  • A Builder of Individual and Organizational Capacity
  • An Effective Steward Leveraging Public, Private and Faith Based Resources.

“The Mission of Voice of Calvary Ministries is to rebuild people to rebuild communities through the gospel. Voice of Calvary Ministries serves as a resource to the church in Christian community development by providing holistic programs which build strong individuals, families, churches, and communities in order to enable them to reach their full potential in Christ, physically, spiritually, economically and socially.

“…VOCM builds on the strength of its history to forge a new Jackson and a new Mississippi…”

“The Empowerment Center is the pathway for generational change…While it addresses personal and social barriers faced by adult learners, VOCM perceives them as citizens and leaders who will rebuild their communities.”

“One of VOCM’s unique ministries is its volunteer and intern program…While here [the volunteers], they learn about Christian community development, racial reconciliation, social justice, and other issues at the heart of VOCM…”

“The topics discussed in the eight-hour “Realizing the American Dream” curriculum are…”

“…we have renewed focus on the transformative power of God as He leads us in “Community Building and Organizing” and “Real Estate Development.” Local leadership stands with VOCM to revitalize communities life by life, brick by brick and dream by dream… Be A Dream Builder.” [I would rather forsake my worldly dreams for Jesus Christ.]

The Mendenhall Ministries

Received a Point of Light from former President GHW Bush.

In 1962, The Mendenhall Ministries (TMM) was founded by John Perkins under the name Voice of Calvary.  In 1981, “the name of the ministry in Mendenhall was changed from Voice of Calvary to The Mendenhall Ministry.”  In 1991, TMM received the 541st Daily Point of Light from former president George H. W. Bush​.

Christian Community Development Association

In 1989 John Perkins founded the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA).  It’s physical address is 3851 W. Ogden Ave., Chicago, IL 60623.  “The Christian Community Development Association (CCDA)…held its first annual conference in Chicago. Since then, CCDA has grown into a network of more than 700 organizations across the world.” (CCDA-history)

The Christian Community Development Association’s vision is “wholistically restored communities with Christians fully engaged in the process of transformation.”

The “philosophy” of the Christian Community Development Association is a Chinese Proverb!

“Over the last forty years, practitioners of Christian Community Development have distilled the philosophy into 8 Key Components. The first three are based on John Perkins’ original “three R’s” of community development: relocation, reconciliation and redistribution.”

One of the events listed for CCDA is called the Raleigh Intensive. “…join others in the Raleigh area who are coming together to better understand how to involve their churches and organizations in transforming under-resourced communities.”

CCDA has numerous anti-christ, anti-american partners that include Habitat for Humanity (UN-NGO), International Teams, Luis Palau Assoc, Salvation Army (UN-NGO), Wheaton College, World Vision (UN-NGO) and dozens more.  One of their partners is the John M Perkins Foundation.

“In November 2013, the Perkins Center hosted Christena Cleveland as part of the Justice Speaks series, exploring the intersection of social psychology, faith and the church.”

Social psychology, a meshing of socialism (Marx) and psychology (Freud), is a basis for group mind control and for Communitarianism and cannot intersect with Christianity because it is its antithesis.

John Perkins’ ministries are following Peter Drucker’s Communitarian agenda, yet John Macarthur would have us believe that his ministries are following Jesus Christ.

John Perkins and Child Evangelism Fellowship

“1957 Following his [John Perkins’] conversion he immediately became involved in Christian witness to children with Child Evangelism Fellowship” (Perkins Papers).

Child Evangelism Fellowship is in all US states, in 187 nations, and is in more than 3000 U.S. schools involving more than 10 million children.  Robert Gates, who served as Director of the CIA under President GHW Bush, in 2004 “hosted a Christian event called ‘President’s Day’ for children from Bryan, Texas who were part of the Children’s Evangelism Fellowship.”(Conservapedia)

John Perkins Attended the Prentiss Institute

“Fletcher was mentored by Reverend John Perkins, the founder and former president of the Voice of Calvary, now called the Mendenhall Ministries. Fletcher met Perkins while Fletcher was a student at the Prentiss Institute, and it was then that Perkins was assigned by the school to mentor Fletcher. It was common for students to be assigned a mentor at the school, and Fletcher was about in the 8th grade at this time. Perkins and his wife would go to the Prentiss Institute to have Bible study with the students in the dormitories. Perkins would speak in chapel and have Bible study in the boys’ dormitories, and his wife would have Bible study in the girls’ dormitories.

“During the summers after 11th and 12th grade, Fletcher continued to be mentored by Perkins… [so Perkins mentored him and was at this Prentiss School for at least 4 years].

“It was while Fletcher was attending Washington Bible College in Washington, D.C., that Fletcher decided to come home one summer and participate in marches that were being held in Mendenhall, Miss. (MS Civil Rights Project)

The Prentiss Institute was a Rosenwald School

“In 1907 the Prentiss Institute opened its doors… In its heyday the Institute was considered by many both black and white to be one of the finest of Mississippi’s black schools, emulating the philosophy of Booker T. Washington’s model of black self determination. The school attracted some of the best and brightest African American educators and lecturers. In 1926, 19 years after the school was founded, a Rosenwald classroom was built on the campus.” (Prentiss Institute)

The Rosenwald Fund

The Rosenwald Fund (also known as the Rosenwald Foundation, the Julius Rosenwald Fund, and the Julius Rosenwald Foundation) was established in 1917 by Julius Rosenwald and his family for “the well-being of mankind.”  Julius Rosenwald…became interested in social issues, especially education for African Americans, and provided funding through Dr. Booker T. Washington [Booker T. Washington was a Freemason] of the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute (now known as Tuskegee University), a historically black college (HBCU), prior to founding the fund.

In 1917 he set up the Julius Rosenwald Fund, a Chicago-based philanthropic foundation, and in 1920 the Rosenwald Fund established an independent office for the school building program in Nashville, Tennessee. By 1928, one in every five rural schools for black students in the South was a Rosenwald school, and these schools housed one third of the region’s rural black schoolchildren and teachers. (Rosenwald School Program)

Who was Julius Rosenwald?

The President and Chief Executive Officer of Sears, Roebuck & Co. in Chicago

The Rosenwald Fund — the product of an alliance between Booker T. Washington, president and founder of Tuskegee Institute in Alabama, and Julius Rosenwald, president and chief executive officer of Sears, Roebuck & Co. in Chicago — was the only philanthropic effort in the early 20th century to concentrate on improving the learning environment of black students in the South.

“Two school forms, the H-plan and the T-plan, became standard for rural and town schools alike in the 1920s. The Rosenwald standardized plans used these two forms almost exclusively for schools of four classrooms or more.  Two good examples of the H-plan form are the concrete-block building (1926) at the Prentiss Institute in Jefferson Davis County, a six-classroom building constructed according to Rosenwald Plan #6-A, and the Brushy Creek School (circa 1930) in Copiah County, a clapboard Rosenwald Plan #4-A.” (History Now)

Julius Rosenwald was Co-Founder of the American Jewish Committee

Julius Rosenwald was the VP of the American Jewish Committee (AJC). And according to the AJC’s website, he co-founded the AJC.  “In 1906, the American Jewish Committee was founded by visionary individuals with such surnames as Sulzberger, Strauss, Schiff, Adler, Krauss, Rosenwald, and Kempner.” (

The Rosenwald Fund Financed Communist Front Groups and the NAACP

According to “Julius Rosenwald: The Man who Built Sears” (p.175), Rosenwald funded the president of the Atlanta B’nai B’rith who was convicted of murdering a teenage girl. (Julius Rosenwald)

Julius Rosenwald attended Chicago Sinai Congregation.  His rabbi was Emil Hersch.  Rosenwald’s son-in-law, Alfred Stern (wife of Edith Rosenwald), a Trustee and Director of the Rosenwald Fund, was a communist spy who fled to Russia after being convicted of espionage by a US court.

The Rosenwald Fund gave to the Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF), a communist front organizing negros in southern states.  Well known communists were leaders of the SCEF.  One SCEF check to Martin Luther King was signed for by a foreign agent for Fidel Castro.

The Rosenwald Fund started the Highlander Folk School.  This was a communist training school.  Martin Luther King and Rosa Parks (a member of the Eastern Star) attended this school.

“The Jewish community contributed greatly to the NAACP’s founding and continued financing. Jewish historian Howard Sachar writes in his book A History of Jews in America of how, “In 1914, Professor Emeritus Joel Spingarn of Columbia University became chairman of the NAACP and recruited for its board such Jewish leaders as Jacob Schiff, Jacob Billikopf, and Rabbi Stephen Wise.”[19] Early Jewish-American co-founders included Julius Rosenwald, Lillian Wald, Rabbi Emil G. Hirsch and Wise.” (Wiki NAACP)

The Rosenwald Fund financed the NAACP and the American Social Hygiene Association (ASHA).  Julius Rosenwald was the honorary Vice President of the ASHA.  Many leaders of the Social Hygiene Movement were proponents of Eugenics, ie. Social Darwinism, ie. the culling of the unfit.

From the ASHA link above, one can see that Dr. Thomas Hepburn was the leader of the Connecticut social hygiene movement.  His wife, Katharine Martha Houghton Hepburn, co-founded with Margaret Sanger the organization (Birth Control League) that would become Planned Parenthood.  Their daughter, the actress, Katherine Hepburn, has been honored by Planned Parenthood for her work on their behalf.

Julius Rosenwald Funded the Development of Atomic Weapons

Providing $7 million for the development of Chicago’s Museum of Science and Industry in 1921 (which was subsequently used for the Manhattan Project), Julius Rosenwald, played a role in early covert atomic weapons development in the 1920s and ’30s. (JFK Assassination)

“…Edith Rosenwald married cotton merchant Edgar Bloom Stern of New Orleans where the pair founded radio station WDSU…WDSU, for a long time New Orleans only tv station, gave legendary airtime to Lee Harvey Oswald for the construction of his image as a Marxist. The Sterns have been identified as silent partners in Pennsylvania’s Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation [NUMEC], a company charged with diverting and smuggling radioactive fuels to Israel, and with using its workforce as human lab rats for ‘fallout studies’”. (JFK Assassination)

Was Rosenwald’s Daughter (Edith Stern) Involved in JFK’s Assassination?

“MCP relates that an updated edition of Final Judgement [by Michael Collins Piper] included new information from a ‘source with intimate, high-level knowledge about the NUMEC nuclear plant in Pennsylvania that smuggled nuclear material to Israel (see Ch.8) provided documentation..that the family of Edith Rosenwald Stern.. were key financiers behind NUMEC. Mrs. Stern was the closest friend of Clay Shaw…[Clay Shaw was put on trial for the assassination of JFK]'”  According to Piper, “Israel achieved its nuclear weapons capabilities precisely because of the assassination of President Kennedy.” (Polio Forever)

John Perkins’ Connection to Chicago and the Priory of Sion

Julius Rosenwald was the President and CEO of Sears based in Chicago. Thomas G. Ayers, father of Weatherman Bill Ayers, and partner of Gaylord Freeman and John Drick, both Grand Masters of the Priory of Sion, at First National Bank of Chicago, was on the board of Sears.  Thomas Ayers funded President Obama’s rise to power. (The Synarchy)

Note: John Perkins’ Christian Community Development Association is based in Chicago and held its first annual conference in Chicago.

See also: The Prieuré de Sion

Extraordinary Christian Testimonies that Expose John Macarthur’s  Church as a Mind Control Cult

Cult Education Institute hosts a discussion forum for “Ex members of John Macarthur’s church.”  Some of these ex-members have testified convincingly that John Macarthur’s Grace Community Church is a cult. The following Christian testimonies have been excerpted from that discussion board.
I have been researching John Macarthur’s cult for a number of years and it’s my belief that the following testimonies very accurately describe what’s going on within his ministries. ​ And I find it remarkable how these different testimonies corroborate each other.  I have learned very much from reading these testimonies and I believe the reader will as well.  They are most eye-opening.
First Testimony: A Former Student who Attended John Macarthur’s The Masters College
Second Testimony: A parent whose children attend Grace Community Church
Third Testimony: A man who has witnessed churches destroyed by Macarthur’s disciples
Forth Testimony: A Christian who has been damaged by John Macarthur and his followers
Fifth Testimony: A Christian who has experienced the Cultic control techniques of Macarthur’s disciples
Sixth Testimony: A Christian whose daughter is a member of Macarthur’s church
Seventh Testimony: A Christian regarding the destruction of Christians churches infiltrated by Macarthur’s disciples
Eighth Testimony: A Christian whose father’s church was taken over by Macarthur’s “sect.”
Ninth Testimony: A Christian who knows John Macarthur personally and who was a member of Grace Church for 20 years
Tenth Testimony: A Christian who spent many years in a Macarthur-network church

​1. Testimony of a Former Student who Attended John Macarthur’s The Masters College

Posted by: bjw
Date: September 09, 2010 12:43AM
I was in this cult 12 years ago for 2 years when I got suckered into going to his college right out of high school. I haven’t been to this board in awhile but I’m glad I’ve found others that are willing to talk about it. It is a very destructive counseling cult that masquerades as Christianity, and you are not told how they really believe until you have paid your money and moved onto the campus. After my folks gave their life savings to send me to “college” it was too late to leave. It has more in common with Scientology than it does Christianity, they make members refuse psychiatric treatment of any kind as well as sign a release just like Scientology. They offer a kind of counseling they call “Nouthetic” counseling or something like that where all problems in your life, be it depression, anxiety, etc. are said to be your fault and caused by unconfessed sin in your life, which you get rid of by confessing to your counselor. Counselors pay thousands of dollars to get degrees in this counseling. There have been two high profile suicides in the church, one of which occured while I was there when a girl named Angelica took an overdose of heroine in her dormroom.
They offer a very attractive pitch to go to their “college” and claim that it is non-denominational Christianity, in that they accept all denominations as long as you are Christian. In reality it is a way to slowly indoctrinate you into MacArthur’s twisted belief system, which many accept within the first several months, but to the ones that don’t they use very aggressive and hostile tactics to try to pressure you into accepting it. You are not permitted to question anything, and if you have doubts or disagreements with any of MacArthur’s teachings or his staff it is said to be because of unconfessed sin in your life. It took many months of psychotherapy after I left this cult to get my life back in order. My therepist immediately recognized this as a cult when I explained to him what I went through.
I have been afraid to speak out because I know they will come up with some false witnesses to refute what I’m saying, but if I can find others that have had similar experiences I would not be afraid to speak out. If we could stop just one person from being taken in by this cult it would be worth it. I believe they should be allowed to practice whatever they want under freedom of religion, but not when it destroys people’s lives, and not when they trap unsuspecting Christians into their scam…
Posted by: bjw
Date: September 09, 2010 07:18AM
The church threatened me with litigation while I was leaving over something totally made up. Also, one of my friends got out six months before I did and they told all his friends he renounced Christianity (which was false, he just renounced MacArthur’s beliefs) when in reality he went back to his home church he was in before the cult. He lost all his friends over that, who completely shunned him. I was asked by them once to separate from my father because he disagreed with MacArthur’s lordship views. I met a man in my support group whose wife left him because she joined the church and he didn’t agree with the theology.
…this church does nothing but ruin lives. Myself and two friends I made there nearly had our lives ruined, and I know there were more that left because the pressure to accept this man’s [John Macarthur] lies were too great….
Posted by: bjw
Date: September 10, 2010 10:44AM
When they sent their recruiter to my high school I was told that MacArthur was pastor of a large church in the LA area, but was assured that the college was made up of various Christian denominations and that the school was non-denominational. The only requirement was to be a bible-believing Christian. They said I would be required to attend a church of my choice and would have to minor in Bible, but that the classes would be taught from a non-denominational standpoint with students from different denominations of Christianity. Once I got there this was obviously no the case. I had no idea what “Lordship Salvation,” “Nouthetic Counseling” or any of MacArthur’s unique doctrine or terminology was. When I got there and first expressed concern about it, I was told at first that MacArthur more than likely believed the same way I did, he just expressed it in a different way. So they really do make the indoctrination process rather slow at first…
In addition to forcing you to minor in their Bible classes, making you attend two church services and three chapel services per week, attend dorm and small group Bible studies, if you are known to disagree with any of their doctrines you are constantly being confronted either from staff or students that are church members. If you disagree with Lordship Salvation you are told that you may be “self-deceived” and were not really saved when you accepted Christ. At this point they usually insist that you see a counselor that will talk to you about your life to find out if you have unconfessed sin. One of their members kicked me in the shins real hard and told me I was going to hell. Eventually several students even threatened me with physical violence when I wouldn’t want to accept what they teach. I do not believe that works are necessary for salvation, and MacArthur teaches that you must be constantly demonstrating you are saved by doing works, constantly increasing the amount of works as you “mature.” They believe that only those that accept Lordship Salvation are saved, and this is kept from you during the first few months. I eventually read “Faith Works” and “The Gospel According to Jesus” and it was obvious to me that his beliefs are not compatable with Christianity.
After so many attempts to get you to believe it fail, eventually everyone around you that has accepted it will shun you to the point that they will not even speak to you, and if they do they talk to you like you are an animal. It’s hard to live in an environment where you can’t eat around people in the cafeteria, make friends, or even have a friendly conversation. You feel like an outcast. It was hard to not cave-in to the peer pressure, and the counselor they make you see picks apart your life to find things that they use to say you are unsaved, be it the music you like, the movies you watch, going to theme parks more often than you go witnessing. It’s a very works-oriented cult, and they even said I was going to Hell for refusing to go on a missions trip for them (during Spring Break) to the most dangerous part of South Central Los Angeles instead of going to take care of my grandmother and aunt who were both sick at my home…
My therapist also said that after examining MacArthur’s teachings, he believed MacArthur himself may suffer from bipolar disorder, or have an inflated sense of self with grandiose thoughts the way cult leaders and dictators often have. After knowing the man personally, I could definitely see that…
This group has a heavy “end justifies the means” mentality. For instance, when I would get attacked physically at the campus not one person around there would witness for me, and when I would turn the person in at the Student Life office any witnesses around would say I made the whole thing up. They use false witnesses a lot, such as the shin-kicking incident I mentioned earlier. Similar to Scientology’s fair game doctrine, the church will not discipline anyone that lies against or does harm to someone hostile to the church or MacArthur’s teachings. While they believe a strict works doctrine, it goes out the window when it comes to protecting the church and other members.
I sent a 10 page report of what I went through to a Christian ministry that is dedicated to exposing MacArthur and other cults and they were going to publish it on their website with the names changed but I stopped them at the last minute because I remembered the threats they made at me before and I know they have a good legal team. I’m still considering it after I can get an attorney to read the report and confirm there’s nothing in there they could possibly use to come after me with legally…
At the time my dad was buying heavily into the free-grace movement led by Bob George of People to People Ministries. My beliefs at the time were also heading in this direction, although the high school I came out of was Reformed. I talked to John MacArthur about George’s views in his office and he told me that he knew I loved my father, but it was time I made a choice. He looked at me very cross when he said that and I knew what he meant. This was actually common, I met several students in various small group Bible studies I was in that wouldn’t have anything to do with their families because they favored “easy believism” and would not accept Lordship Salvation. That’s probably the most sad element of this cult. Parents send their kids off to college only to have them give up all their time to this church, even during vacations they go on missions trips to spread Lordship doctrine and don’t even go home. While some go home, it was common for them to keep one dorm open during breaks for kids coming and going on missions trips.
Posted by: bjw
Date: September 11, 2010 02:27AM
…They frown on any Christians that do not teach Lordship Salvation, and feel if you do reject it there must be something in your life like unconfessed sin. Many in Bible studies I was in felt this way about teachers like Charles Ryrie and Billy Graham, saying there must be something in their lives we don’t know about that is sinful and preventing them from accepting Lordship Salvation. These people are said to be “self-deceived” and thus not saved.
The only provision they give for outsiders to be saved is that they are keeping MacArthur’s beliefs without knowing it and just don’t call it Lordship Salvation.
Posted by: bjw Date: September 11, 2010 11:57AM
Charles Ryrie is extremely looked down upon in the Lordship movement for writing his book “So Great Salvation.” The students there used to call him “Liarie Ryrie.” MacArthur wrote a book called “Forgiveness” that has a chapter that really puts down the free grace movement, particularly Bob George’s People to People ministries. In MacArthur’s books he calls the grace of the free grace movement “cheap grace” because it is said to not be able to save a person. So, the answer is no, the higher ups never corrected anyone for saying free-gracers are not saved.
MacArthur’s books “The Gospel According to Jesus” and “Faith Works: the Gospel According to the Apostles” are an intro to MacArthur’s views on salvation and how he feels about those that disagree with him (he calls all Christians that don’t agree with him “Non-lordship salvation” even though many have varying views). In fact, the intro flap on “Faith Works” in the edition that was around 10 years ago says that the book is a stark contrast from the “easy gospel” being taught by most of Christianity. These books are a good setup to the us vs. them mentality that is later taught if one pursues membership in the church, or goes to the college/seminary…
Posted by: bjw
Date: September 11, 2010 12:48PM
This is a good example of what I was talking about. I do not reject any of the gospel because John MacArthur does not teach the gospel. It is a counseling cult that masquerades as Christianity, with a merit, works-based system in which one must do more and more, getting better and better all the time or else they are not saved.
In the back of the MacArthur Study Bible is a list called “Character of Genuine Saving Faith” which has a list of about 20 items that must be present in your life to merit salvation. You must constantly increase the abundance of these things and answer to a mentor, a “more mature Christian” (usually a small group leader or church appointed counselor that has paid thousands of dollars to the church to take “Nouthetic” counseling classes) who will evaluate how you are doing. Not doing enough (not topping your last progress) is grounds for discipline, or as they call it “stumbling.” If you stumble over the same thing 3 times in a row you are shunned, or as they call it “treated as a pagan or a tax collector.” Friends are made to constantly report on each other, and when they catch someone “stumbling” if the person was considered more mature than you, you are not allowed to question their findings. (There were signs up all through the dorm halls saying “Am I making sure everyone else is engaged in holy living?”) You are not allowed to see a psychologist or psychiatrist as MacArthur feels these are a conspiracy to infiltrate Christianity by the evolutionists, and should you have depression, anxiety, etc. and want counseling you must sign a release stating that GCC will not be sued should you be injured or committ suicide while in their care. The longer you are in is the more authoritarian the church becomes over your life to the point that most of your free time is spent serving the church or witnessing, mostly to other churches who do not accept Lordship Salvation. You are constantly reminded that not doing enough works means you do not have genuine saving faith, thus condemning you to burn in hell for eternity.
Now, I do not consider this the Gospel because it is an authoritarian cult that gets people by deception and ruins lives. My view is that our salvation, that is, us not burning in hell eternally, is only accomplished through the blood of Christ, not through any works or merit-based system, and not by learning any theology or going to any church. My view of the function of churches is to give us a place to grow spiritually and do works not because we’re trying to prove we are saved but because we are receiving blessings from a loving Heavenly Father that are both in this world and in the rewards we will receive in the world to come. Remember, the Bible says salvation is not by works lest any man should boast.
…When I first got there and I would ask questions about what I heard they would say that I probably already believe like they do, I just understand it differently or use different terminology. When they use the word “Christian” they are using it to mean those that have what they consider “genuine saving faith.” The word grace to them, as in the name of the church, refers only to God’s grace in giving them the opportunity to enter the lordship/discipleship committment that MacArthur teaches, and not a “free” gift as most Christians would understand, since MacArthur’s books say that all non-Lordship churches believe in “cheap grace.” To the unsuspecting public this church would seem like it is run of the mill Christianity with words like “grace,” “salvation,” and “Christian” being used so freely, but a careful reading of MacArthur’s books will reveal that this is not the case.
Posted by: bjw
Date: September 12, 2010 08:56AM
It was common for people to doubt their salvation. The guy living in the dorm room next to mine was having trouble sleeping nights because he was afraid he wasn’t doing enough for the Lord. He even dumped his girlfriend and cut out most extra activities to serve the church [not Christ?] to the point where he was burned out. Being in this group really is a depressing world view. They say it is “eternal security,’ but it is only secure to the extent that you are constantly showing evidence, or else you may discover you were “self-deceived” and not saved…
These signs that were up were the invention of MacArthur’s second-in-command Mark Tatlock and was typical of MacArthur’s extreme interpretation of Matthew 18. It’s all about evidence and constantly proving you have genuine saving faith. It is a very confrontation based system where it is common for people to call you out on things that you must repent of.
Posted by: bjw
Date: September 13, 2010 12:36AM
In my opinion what makes this church a cult is not necessarily its doctrine or the fact that they have elevated MacArthur to such a high status, but is the way the doctrine is presented and how the church and college is ran…I think the whole mind-control process, the way you are slowly indoctrinated, and the authoritarian way that every aspect of your life is controlled by the group is what makes it a cult.
Posted by: bjw
Date: September 15, 2010 03:14AM
MacArthur has a very charismatic personality, and very easily charms his followers. He also makes himself seem very intelligent by using Greek/Hebrew and theological terms. He makes people think that Christianity is headed down the wrong path and that he’s attempting to get it back to the way it was originally, and he’s very good at “hopscotching” through Bible verses to get people to believe this. It is definitely a very carefully crafted scheme that is good at suckering people in.
I also believe that MacArthur has many accomplices in how this cult is ran, such as the Nouthetic counseling in which I know he recruited several different authors to staff the counseling department at the college that teaches the Nouthetic Counseling classes, some have extensive psychology backgrounds, and I’m sure a lot of the counseling ideas were borrowed from L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology. Dianetics and Nouthetic both contain the Greek root word “Nous” and I know Scientology claims that Dianetics comes from the Greek “Dia” and “Nous” which is also the root of “Nouthetic.” While Dianetics deals with healing mental illness by ridding the mind of past “abberations,” MacArthur’s brand of Nouthetic counseling deals with healing mental illness by going through the mind’s past experiences and searching for unconfessed sin, and ridding the mind of it by confessing the sins. So, it really is a similar concept in confronting past experiences. Also, both make the person sign a release and forsake any kind of psychology or psychiatry, and both see these as a conspiracy.
I’m not sure how he came up with the ideas for the salvation doctrines, but I can imagine it was carefully crafted to gradually take over a person’s freedom and scare them into obedience. They probably looked at many different cults and were careful about making sure they don’t spring the doctrine on someone all at once. From what I hear about the Jehovah’s Witnesses and Scientologists it seems like there are similarities, like requiring so much work on the part of the church member, not allowing anyone to question doctrine or leaders, shunning unbelievers or those who disobey leaders, punishing disobedience through shunning until repentance, making people constantly question their salvation and/or spirituality. It seems like the Lordship Salvation/Nouthetic Counseling views of MacArthur are like a “best of” of what various cults teach with some Christianity thrown in or misinterpreted to fit the doctrine.
I believe he has a complex and is hungry for the power his followers give him. He always came across to me as very arrogant and feels he is the ultimate authority on everything. What makes him dangerous is all the people that will follow him no matter what.
Posted by: bjw
Date: October 08, 2011 06:21AM
I was a member of his [Macarthur’s] church, attended his college, have been to his mansion, lived in an apartment building/dorm complex owned by him, and was taken for thousands of dollars by him. I can tell you unequivically that his teachings are not biblical in any sense of the term.
The rubbish he puts out is to lure people in so they’ll spend thousands of dollars going to his sham college/seminary and church. I’ve also said before what he really believes is not even in his books or sermons that are sold to the public at large. His definition of grace is not the same as used by the rest of Christianity. Many people have been hurt by this cult, two people have committed suicide, and there’s probably many more that we don’t even know about yet.
I wish more people would come forward that have been hurt by this cult, been asked to deny medical treatment, separated from their family, ruined financially, or any other of the common abuses inflicted by this so-called church. If enough people come forward, the abuses will stop.
I have written up my story and sent it to various Christian ministries that are considering publishing it, but I chickened out at the last minute and told them to put a hold on it because I’m afraid they will retaliate by legal and other means. When I first left they harassed me real bad and falsely accused me of crimes. I want to make sure I have more people that can corroborate my story and I want to show it to an attorney that can read it and see if anything should be left out…
…Basically, MacArthur’s teachings are like a twisted combination of Jehovah’s Witness (the salvation doctrines), Scientology (the counseling/mental health doctrines), and end-times conspiracy groups. He’s taken a “best-of” of the major heresies and made one cult out of it. Since it is flavored with popular mainstream Christian doctrines (trinity, dispensationalism, premillenialism, creationism) he’s able to slip it in easily to the unsuspecting public…
Posted by: bjw
Date: November 21, 2011 04:30AM
You are expected to attend John MacArthur’s church when you are there. If you cannot get transportation there then you are expected to attend a number of local churches that are ran by college/seminary staff and hold to the same beliefs as MacArthur.
You are expected to report to a counselor all intimate details of your life to check for unconfessed sin, and you are subject to discipline under what they call the “Restoration Process” which I have mentioned elsehwere in this thread. (Many other cults do things similar to this, Scientology has a similar practice they call “Sec Checking,” which you can find on the net.)
You are not allowed to get treatment from psychiatry, all treatment is handled by your counselor, and you must sign a contract that holds GCC/TMC and MacArthur harmless from being sued. Only a cult would do this, no legitimate church I know of would require this.
Eventually when you tell your counselor about people in your life who disagree with MacArthur’s viewpoints, you will be told to disassociate with these people as they are hindering your spiritual maturity. Other cults do this as well, Scientology calls it “disconnection” and I forget what Jehovah’s Witness calls it. My opinion is they do this because they know when others find out your new beliefs they will see it for what it truly is. I was even asked to break ties with my father and to neglect taking care of my aunt and grandmother because they wanted me to go on a mission for GCC.
The church retaliates against those that leave or are thinking about leaving. When I started questioning the beliefs one “counselor” kicked me in the shins real hard and told me I was on my way to hell. When I reported this the church wouldn’t discipline him because he was telling me “what I needed to hear.” I had a private detective follow me and the church threatened legal action against me about a crime I didn’t committ, and said they wouldn’t persue it if I would leave quietly, not talk about my experiences there, and not try to take anyone with me when I left. If tactics like this don’t scream “cult” I don’t know what does…I have two witnesses that have left that were there when I was and I am going to get them to back up my story.
In short, what makes it a cult is the tactics they use, not necessarily their beliefs. Deceptive advertising, slow indoctrination, controlling your life, making you report to a counselor the intimate details of your life, having to report on your friends, having to leave friends and family that disagree with them, having to refuse medical treatments that could be lifesaving, being shunned as a punishment for sins, making it hard to leave, retaliating against people who do leave or disagree, these things are the hallmarks of a cult.
Lordship Salvation as a philosophy is a very depressing worldview in and of itself, but when you add all these cultic tactics to it that makes it even worse. You have to constantly improve, constantly show evidence, or else you are not saved. To them there is no recognition of what Jesus did for us as there is with other churches. For them Jesus died so we can enter the Lordship Salvation life of constantly doubting whether we are saved or not. This is not mainstreat Christianity, which MacArthur believes is in a state of apostacy, teaching a watered down Gospel. It is not non-denominational Christianity as they claim.
Posted by: bjw
Date: November 24, 2011 01:27AM
You do not know how many hours I sat down with them [Macarthur’s school  authorities] and was ganged up on by them almost to the point of tears. There is absolutely no reasoning with them. In fact, they are so confrontational I had to drive off and go home before finals week and had to take straight Fs on all my courses the last semester. I even sat down with John MacArthur himself for a whole hour about many of the issues I’ve mentioned on here, as well as different members of his staff. Keep in mind this is the same person that built a museum to himself, as I mentioned in an earlier post. He’s not likely to bend on any of his practices.
Posted by: bjw
Date: August 13, 2012 11:04PM
The “breaking sessions” you mention sound like some of the counseling sessions I experienced where I was badgered for an hour to try to get me to confess to things. Eventually it strips you of all your self-worth, making you believe any problems in your life are your fault. The spying and reporting on other people was also commonplace when I was in.
It’s interesting they had a group on campus called the “Wow Staff” that would show up a week early to do the “week of welcome” for new recruits. (The beginning of the brainwashing where you are subjected to sermon after sermon introducing you to Lordship doctrine, love bombed by the staff and Wow staff, taken to ball games and picnics, introduced to Nouthetic Counseling when a wow staffer offers to become your mentor (who later abandons you for one of the more vetran counselors with a degree), attend a church fair where you choose either GCC or a church that has adopted the Lordship system, and play various games.) This all seems well and good but naming them “Wow Staff” is a deception. The Wow in wow staff does not mean “Week of Welcome” as you first are led to believe. It means something else (I never found out the real meaning).
Here’s the deception:
Each apartment of 4 in an apartment dorm has one wow staffer per room placed there. Each dormroom of 2 has one per room where possible or at least per every other room when they are low on staff. The requirement to become a Wow Staffer is basically to be the elite of the true believers in Lordship teachings plus have good grades and meet other requirements. Wow staff had weekly meetings all year (so much for week of welcome) where they talk to student life about what they learn about each student, who will be problems, etc. An example of these tactics was when they learned I listened to rock groups, they had a wow staffer befriend me to find out how I believed, what bands I listened to, my relationship with my family, basically all personal details. I know they shared the info because other wow staffers I talked to knew the info when I only talked about it in private to this person. It is the Wow Staff that carry out the will of the church to the rank-and-file student body at the college, whether legal or illegal…
Now, to people not in the cult this is an obvious form of lying, intrusiveness, spying, etc., but for people that are in they see no problem with it. It sounds like the spying you experienced at these churches was a carryover of how the main organization is ran. The mind control aspect is the most sinister because it puts the average member in a “slave/master” relationship with the church leadership. [Macarthur has written a book called “Slave” and he does teach the lie that all Christians are slaves.]
Posted by: bjw
Date: August 22, 2012 02:13AM
The MacArthur Study Bible was written by a whole staff of people using his notes, I know this because they bragged about being in a room for many days with people bringing them food to eat while working without stopping. There was actually a whole team involved in that who poured through pages of notes about each book of the Bible while sitting around a table. This was actually compiled and released while I was still in.
One interesting note about his sermons. I talked to one former member that told me a story about how he listened to a MacArthur sermon tape on the way to GCC one night while he was on his way to the evening service. The tape was a sermon based on the Book of Romans. He told me that MacArthur delivered the exact same sermon that night word-for-word like it was on the tape. So, I believe the sermons are also written in advance and possibly even proofread by a staff before being delivered, and can be recycled at a moments notice.
Posted by: bjw
Date: August 22, 2012 08:05AM
I believe there are many accomplices behind this cult, such as Phil Johnson as well as the college and seminary faculty. To me it is far too crafty a scheme to be thought up by only one man.
Also, I believe the books are “self-promotion” and “advertising” in that they are written for the purpose into hooking you further into the movement, to purchasing the other materials, taking the classes, etc…
Posted by: bjw
Date: August 23, 2012 04:34AM
Even when talking to MacArthur in private it seems like he would always try to correct you about something, and he always comes across as the final authority on everything. He’s probably the least humble person I’ve ever met. He does have a very charismatic personality, and when you first meet him he comes across as being very charming and caring to people. He seems very friendly on the outset, but if you try to engage him in a serious conversation he quickly becomes aggrivated and will try to correct you in everything you talk to him about. He can be very stern at times, and definitely has a “cult leader” personality…
Posted by: bjw
Date: August 25, 2012 08:11AM
Let me just say, that, in my opinion, there are no beliefs in Lordship Salvation that can possibly be justified using the Bible. In fact, the Bible contadicts almost all of their major doctrines. Why do you think he has had to publish over 90+ books, including a Bible that has their beliefs at the bottom of each page?…
…I will give one obvious contradiction with the Bible concerning the “Restoration Process” doctrine. Currently their rule is basically you are to be shunned if you commit the same sin 3 times, and they use verses out of Matthew 18 to prove this belief. However, a closer reading of these verses will show that it is referring to someone who “trespasses against thee” as in verse 15. The person trespasses against you, you are supposed to confront him, then bring 1 or 2 witnesses, since out of the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses every word is established. If he still doesn’t hear them you are to go to the church. MacArthur always seems to stop here.
If you go on, in verses 19 and 20 it says the reason for this is wherever 2 or 3 are gathered in His name, He is in the midst of them. This means that if it is God’s will, the person will make up with you if he has done something wrong to you, since it is Christ that is the restorer, not a counselor or church member, and it is clearly referring to fellowship between people, not God and people. We see this in the next part where Peter asks shall we forgive 7 times? Jesus says no, 70 times 7. This nullifies the Lordship view of getting 3 chances for forgiveness, since Jesus says it is unlimited. The chapter goes on to illustrate the point further with the Parable of the Servant, who did not have compassion to forgive the way he was forgiven.
Matthew 18 says nothing whatsoever about looking for sin in other’s lives, church discipline, dealing with sins believers confess to others, it has nothing to do with any of that. In fact, the overarching theme of Matthew 18 is mercy and compassion to others. It teaches compassion to children, unlimited forgiveness, compassion to your fellowman. It does not teach what MacArthur says it does when he takes one section of the chapter out of context.
Further, Nouthetic Counseling is built on the same faulty premise that all mental illness or problems in your life are caused by unconfessed sin, and you must confess these sins to your counselor and not stumble over them more than 3 times, or you are shunned by the church. Even though the passages are about one believer trespassing against another believer, and deciding the matter with Christ’s help “in the midst of them,” and the person is to be forgiven 70 x 7 or unlimited, the counseling doctrines are built on the premise of the verses about the first three encounters with the person taken out of context, and rather than “trespasses against thee” it is about sins you commit against God, even in your thoughts or other types of sins that are not “trespasses against believers.”
This is also why all Christian churches are not rushing to implement the Restoration Process or get Nouthetic Counseling departments established at their churches. The Lordship view is a minority, and I would be surprised if any church outside of the Lordship movement interpreted these verses MacArthur’s way.
Posted by: bjw
Date: August 26, 2012 04:51AM
I had many friends in this group and I cried for weeks when most of my friends severed ties with (shunned) me when I left. I had friends that were seminary students, executives, professors, missionaries, ministers, as well as students. I do not hold anything against any of these people. They are victims and deserve to be treated with human dignity. The people that are at fault are the theological professors and MacArthur for coming up with the salvation doctrines, and the former psychologists staffing the Nouthetic Counseling department (Wayne Mack, etc.) for coming up with the counseling doctrines…
Posted by: bjw
Date: November 15, 2012 05:04AM
Also, if you disagree with them, under the “Restoration Process” doctrine you will be given 3 chances to repent, then people will be told to shun you, and if you are on good terms with the cult you may be asked to shun other people that are going through this process. You will be told to treat these people as “pagans or tax collectors.” Each time you are disciplined you are said to have “stumbled.”
I was in for 2 years (lived on campus) and knew John MacArthur and many of his top executives personally…
Posted by: bjw
Date: February 20, 2013 08:27AM
If there were a way you could show the similarities between GCC and Scientology, the flaws in the Restoration Process & Counseling doctrines, how the counseling has failed to cure mental illnesses, why other theologians have rejected Lordship Salvation, MacArthur’s denial of the atonement of Christ, MacArthur’s acceptance of some Calvinistic doctrines and the fact that Calvin was a murderer, etc.
Remember many who get caught up in this cult have not been exposed to any Christianity in the past. Also, it is a very slow mind-control process that they use. The whole thing is not revealed up-front, or people wouldn’t join… Make no mistake about it, it is definitely a cult. It is designed to eventually get you to give up all your money and time and become a total slave. Members join under high pressure tactics, get others to join, use confrontation to pressure people that have to be “restored,” sign up for expensive classes to get degrees to spread the doctrines to get other to join. It is a vicious cycle that needs to be stopped.
Posted by: bjw
Date: February 24, 2013 06:08AM
Charismatic Chaos, as well as the Creation symposium, and all other comparitive religion debates are all ways to slip “Lordship Salvation” in to those who have not yet accepted it. For instance, many people have relatives that join a charismatic church and are concerned whether or not this is true Christianity, so they will go to a Christian bookstore and pick up a copy. After reading the book it convinces them how intelligent MacArthur is and is a good intro to convince them to purchase “Faith Works,” “The Gospel According to Jesus,” and “Biblical Counseling.” These books will introduce them to the Lordship movement and get them into a church that teaches this, possibly even getting them into the college or counseling program. Also, comparitive religion helps convince them that all other Christianity is slipping deeper and deeper away from the truths of Lordship Salvation.
Scientology is actually a good comparison to this group as they are both counseling cults, the difference being GCC hides behind a veneer of Christianity.
After my psychiatrist told me that MacArthur took much of his doctrine from L. Ron Hubbard and Scientology I decided to do some research with both anti and pro Scientology websites, here’s what I found compared to what I went through during my time in Lordship Salvation:
When I entered counseling at GCC I had to sign a contract saying the church would not be sued if I were injured or committed suicide while in their care. Scientology critics call this document the “Lisa clause.” At times my counselor would expect me to confess sins to him, looking for things from my life for me to confess. When I had nothing my counselor and the witness (usually a Wow Staff member, the elite Lordship believers at the college) would occasionally become aggressive, yelling at me until I came up with something. Scientology critics say Scientology calls this practice a “sec check.” [Confession is an important component in mind control.  To whom you confess is to whom you subordinate yourself.  The Catholic Church utilizes confession for this same purpose.]
If you did not top your last progress or committed the same sin two counseling sessions in a row it was known as “stumbling.” Stumbling three times meant you were to be shunned or “treated as a pagan or a tax collector.” The shunning did not end until you showed your counselor enough improvement. The same treatment was given to any who disagreed with Lordship Salvation, meaning if any friends or family disagreed you were to break off ties until they accepted the doctrine. Scientology critics say this is called “disconnection” in Scientology speak.
Seeing a psychiatrist is prohibited, since MacArthur believes they are evolutionists and are trying to infiltrate the church. In fact, one article on the GCC site says accepting the word of a psychiatrist is the equivalent to adding to Scripture. The belief is that all mental illness and life problems are caused by unconfessed sin in your life. By going through the counseling you are supposed to be able to be cured of these problems…
All of these practices bear a striking resemblance to Scientology, and since this cult was founded much later it appears many of the practices were copied and adapted for a “Christian” perspective. (and no, despite what the museum propaganda said, they weren’t founded in 1927) Also, in my opinion, Scientology is more honest because they flat out tell you on their website how your life will be if you join. If I would have known how GCC/Masters was I would never have joined. I think prospective students should be given a packet, maybe even a copy of “Faith Works,” and told all of the practices at GCC that are peculiar compared to the rest of Christianity.
So, considering all of this, I don’t understand how Scientology is not a good comparison. I think in terms of the commitment involved Jehovah’s Witness may be a good comparison as well, since the believer is expected to do so much work for the group as well. (See “Character of Genuine Saving Faith” in the back of the MacArthur Study Bible.)
Posted by: bjw
Date: February 26, 2013 07:32AM
This is the lunacy of this scam. The way it is structured they never run out of things to ding you on. “Growth” is something that never stops, and must always keep moving forward. You can never do enough to satisfy this list.
Separation from the world? Are you devoting more time to watching tv or going to amusement parks/movies than you do witnessing? No matter what someone else will always be doing more than you are, thus you are “stumbling.” The cult member is lead into a depression where they are always questioning if they are doing enough. Whenever I would take a cult member to a theme park with me they would be witnessing to people in the ride lines so they wouldn’t fall behind on their works.
However, when the cult itself violates these items, it is always the “end justfies the means.”
John MacArthur doesn’t even realize he has set up an impossible standard that even he cannot possibly live up to it.
Posted by: bjw
Date: March 03, 2013 07:09AM
I would say that at least half of MacArthur’s introductory material is devoted to putting down other denominations/cults/ministries, as well as using fancy theological terms and Greek and Hebrew. It never occurs to people that he perverts Greek and Hebrew (saying “pistol” the word for believe is the same word used for obey, etc.) and that he no longer agrees with the people that gave him his college degrees.
Eventually after reading the materials against other organizations (Charismatic Chaos, etc.) you start to agree that Christianity is heading down the wrong path and needs a restoration. Then, you start to get into the salvation doctrines with books like Faith Works. This convinces you that all of Christianity is teaching a watered-down salvation and you may be “self-deceived.” Once subscribing to this, you start to learn the conspiracy theories and get introduced to the counseling doctrines (“Biblical Counseling” sets up the theory that psychiatry is a tool of evolutionists to infiltrate Christianity).
You start to believe that MacArthur has all the answers and there’s no way he could be wrong because he has proof using Greek and Hebrew and has studied theology extensively. It is very convincing, and the longer you are in is the more controlling it becomes.
Posted by: bjw
Date: March 12, 2013 11:07AM
I can answer this. During the 2 years I was in the cult, I remember those who did not vote Republican being subjected to the Restoration Process. So, in that respect, yes, they did control who you voted for. Further, chapel speakers would encourage candidates. Now, my experience may be different because I lived on cult property, so I can’t speak for everybody.
Posted by: bjw
Date: March 12, 2013 12:51PM
The problem is people are trying to classify this as a “Christian church.” It is not. It is an authoritarian counseling cult. Counseling cults were all the rage back in the 1960s when Pop Psychology was moving to the forefront. Groups like Scientology, Landmark Forum, Advanced Ability Center, etc. People were looking for alternatives to psychology. These organizations offered alternative forms of counseling along with an organization for people with a common interest…
GCC/Masters has an elaborate counseling program designed by the techniques of John MacArthur, Wayne Mack, David Harrell, and other accomplices that is very similar to Scientology and has all of the characteristics of this type of group. They use slow indoctrination, disconnection/shunning, confession to a counselor, retaliation against those that want out, authoritarianism, etc. These types of organizations always have an elite group of followers that do the bidding for the upper management, that are completely brainwashed on all of the philosophies. These are the “goons,” and they are the ones that would do anything, even illegal, to help the organization. I would say the Wow Staffers would definitely be considered “goons.”
…Many may need help escaping, some have given up everything they own or all their savings to go to college and going back home is not an option, some have family that are trapped in and they will lose all of their family relationships if they leave, some have been convinced they are going to hell…
Posted by: bjw
Date: March 21, 2013 04:33AM
I think the real “goons” are the ones higher up the pyramid…Note how the third list mentions “protecting and guarding” the “Gospel” (Lordship Salvation). I have had MacArthur supporters get physically violent with me because they were defending their “Gospel.” The higher up the pyramid is the more illegal and unethical it gets, definitely resembles “goon” like behavior.
Posted by: bjw
Date: March 22, 2013 04:35AM
Even a casual reading of the Study Bible will reveal there is far more commentary than Scripture in the text. In addition, the cult sells an encyclopedia-like reference library written by MacArthur, one for each book of the Bible that fits on your shelf, each one hard-covered. I was forced to buy the one on Romans when I took the course on Romans at Masters.
MacArthur uses a technique called “Expository Preaching” where they take a portion of the Bible (usually out of context) and give a verse by verse commentary of the passage during the sermon, thus doing it verse-by-verse in the order that it appears in the Bible. They brag that this is the only “Biblical” way to preach and it gives the followers the illusion that the cult’s teachings are Biblical because they use this technique, thus frowning on “topical” preaching. For instance, let’s say we are having a sermon on sanctification, which is treated in Romans 8. We would start the sermon by taking verse one of Romans 8 and going verse-by-verse giving commentary, preaching on it until we are at the end of the passage. That may be an over simplification, but usually that is how MacArthur’s sermons are written, and how they train their preachers at the seminary.
Posted by: bjw
Date: March 28, 2013 02:58AM
…dazzle people with all the big words and fance terminology. After all, how can they be wrong if they have all this knowledge? This is part of the hook that keeps people in.
Posted by: bjw
Date: May 06, 2013 03:21AM
For those unfamilliar with the technique used in confessions in Lordship/Nouthetic Counseling, check earlier in this thread. Often a counselor badgers a confession out of a person while a witness is in the room badgering you too (who is supposed to be there as an independent third party), and the info is usually shared with MacArthur’s student life division (if pertaining to the college) and/or the church officials (if pertaining to the church.)
Posted by: bjw
Date: May 08, 2013 02:56AM
It is definitely a cult. They demand unquestioning obedience. You are slowly indoctrinated, at first you are not told what any of the unique beliefs are that set them apart from Christiainity. Mind control is used, which is what the counseling sessions are for. Large amounts of money are taken from followers, particularly in the college and courses, and books. They believe you must believe Lordship Salvation to be saved, either by accident or intentionally through GCC and affiliates. They retaliate against you for doubting them or leaving. You are not permitted to associate with those that leave. You are heavily disciplined or shunned for disobeying them. I think any Sociologist would agree with me that these are the characteristics of a cult.
Posted by: bjw
Date: May 08, 2013 03:31AM
When I was in the cult I did some door-to-door witnessing with them…
It is my opinion that they drive away more people from Christ than they lead to Him. I often heard them compare becoming a Christian to joining the military, if you’re not ready to do everything it takes to become a Christian then you are not ready to have “Genuine Saving Faith.” Simply hearing the Gospel and accepting Christ into your life/heart is never enough. Also, confrontation is highly emphasized in Lordship Salvation. Even if a person accepts Christ, they will be constantly confronted afterwards to repent of any sins that may be in their life.
Posted by: bjw
Date: May 14, 2013 08:40AM
In enforcing the list, you have to keep “growing,” constantly getting better and better, or you aren’t saved. Some mentors/counselors enforce the list in different ways.
I have seen some that won’t listen to rock music (I was told I was going to hell for this one many times), see R-rated movies, not have more entertainment time than time spent serving the church, etc. Eventually it drives everyone to become a perfectionist, in a depressing lifestyle where you can never do enough and are constantly being admonished for every little thing.
Meanwhile, the cult is led by a millionaire that has built a museum to himself, wrote his own Bible, rewrote the Gospels, came up with his own mental science, and cannot live up to his own list of standards and science.
Do not underestimate this cult, it is very dangerous. There’s not a whole lot I can say on here but I would be glad to talk to you via PM. You really need to get your daughter out of this cult. I know it really did a lot of damage to my life and left many emotional scars. I will keep you in my prayers.
Posted by: bjw
Date: June 02, 2013 07:38AM
Since I am still on their mailing list, I received a copy of the cult’s alumni magazine, The Master’s Current, this week. I was shocked at all the expansion they are doing and how much they are growing, and I think it shows the urgency of the need to let people know what they really stand for so they can be ‘informed consumers.’
A few things in the magazine bothered me. One was an alumni who said the best part of his experience at the college was the Restoration Process. It mentioned how he enjoyed watching God restoring people that he confronted and that how other “brothers” were able to confront him when he was struggling with sin so he could be restored to fellowship. The way it is worded you would have thought this guy would have been into drugs, alcohol, witchcraft, etc. This guy was actually a student body president and wow staffer and probably did very little during his time there that warranted so much confrontation. It was common for people to nit-pick you on every little thing (more entertainment than serving the church, etc.).
The Restoration Process is the most annoying thing about this cult IMHO. The way they can spin it into something positive amazes me. The fact that it isn’t even mentioned in the intro material on the GCC website (see earlier in this thread) shows what I mean.
Throughout the magazine there was mention of students and alumni going to other churches to spread the word about GCC/Masters. Some were non-Lordship churches, some weren’t.
Posted by: bjw
Date: June 03, 2013 05:52AM
In MacA’s definition of Restoration we are automatically given an assumption that Christians are constantly in a “broken relationship” with God that needs constant mending. The follower is told God will not hear their prayers, among other things unless this relationship is constantly mended. Where is the sufficiency of the Atonement of Christ? What did the blood of Christ actually accomplish?
Posted by: bjw
Date: August 02, 2013 03:51AM
I got a a package in the mail from the cult, as I am still on their mailing list. This time, it has an attractive folder with the museum on the front (the college’s Rutherford Hall converted into the “Legacy Room and Welcome Center” as discussed earlier in the thread)…
What bothered me the most about this letter is the ending, where it says that the financial contributions of the donors enable students to continue their schooling who otherwise couldn’t afford it. When I was there it was $20,000 per year plus expenses to attend this college. You had to sign a contract for a financial aid package where you would borrow money from numerous lenders, mostly banks that you had to agree to pay back over time on a deferrment basis, meaning they don’t start collections until graduation. They had in-house financial aid but it was on a very limited basis and to my knowledge had to all be paid back, with interest. It was normal for some hardcore believers in MacArthur to have to leave the college in tears prior to spring semester because they couldn’t get financial aid to be able to stay.
The letter asks you to donate at the bottom, by setting up a monthly charge on your credit card, and also has a blank to set up a place in your will to leave money to the ministry when you die. In exchange you get a copy of the book “The Glory of Heaven,” which MacA wrote to refute near-death experiences by coming up with biblical contradictions, as well as descriptions of heaven from the Bible.
My question is, where do these donations go? These so-called tuition grants, even if they are being given, are simply taking money from one pocket and depositing it in the other. I know I never saw them. I wound up having to get my folks to get me out of hock from these people. They threatened me with collections within weeks of me leaving the cult. If the members are paying, then why charge tuition?
Posted by: bjw
Date: January 18, 2014 06:51AM
If there are a lot of people involved it will be much harder for the cult to retaliate. Some things people need to be informed about:
The suicides
The museum he built to himself
The false claim it is “non-denominational” Christianity
The attack on psychiatry and the claim psychiatry is adding to scripture
Sending young students to dangerous areas on missions
The list of works that must be done for salvation to be realized
Nouthetic counseling and Lordship (works) salvation
Physical violence on the campus
Retaliation against former members
…This cult is designed to reveal a little to you at a time: first, MacArthur’s books and tapes, then Lordship Salvation and what it fully implies, then the belief against psychiatry, then Nouthetic Counseling, then having to put in long hours serving the church to prove your salvation, then going to dangerous areas, to eventually having your full life controlled by the group. If you are not doing enough you are constantly reminded you may be going to hell.
Think of all the young people who are hit with the flashy brochures and get sucked in right out of high school. Most people in the 17-18 yo range have not yet decided what to do with their lives, and are taken in by this thinking they are getting a non-denominational Christian education. Some actually cave-in to the pressure to convert, some who embrace it fully actually change their major to Bible and get ordained, the ones who resist even after all the “counseling” are shunned until they eventually give up and leave, with large amounts of time and money missing from their lives.
…You may stop thousands of kids from being taken advantage of, and may even save some lives.
Posted by: bjw
Date: January 21, 2014 02:04AM
This is a standard practice of the cult. They have two missions breaks per year where they send students on missions trips. Some go to third world countries and some have gone to very dangerous areas of South Central LA where there has been documented gang activity.
There has been deaths of people who have gone on missions trips. One such was documented in their own newsletter “The Masters Current.” A girl named Natalie Dyk listened to a sermon by Ray Comfort during the college chapel service just prior to the missions week saying that you wouldn’t be saved if you did not go out of your comfort zone. (It may not be word-for-word, but I was there when he said this, so I know he did, and Natalie’s journal had notes on this sermon in it when her belongings were examined, according to the article.) She went to a third world country and they did not know the roads well enough, their vehicle tipped over killing everyone inside, including Natalie. Yet, you don’t see MacArthur or [Ray] Comfort going to these places.
I was assigned to go to South Central LA during one missions break, I refused on account of my aunt and grandmother being ill and I would have to go home to take care of things and see about them. I was told by numerous people in the organization that I was going to Hell for not spreading the Gospel. They take the missions breaks very seriously.

2. Testimony of a parent whose children attend Grace Community Church

Posted by: pastrpath2
Date: October 21, 2009 06:46AM
In my opinion there are many cult like aspects of Grace Community. My step daughter and son in law go there. They seem to be incouraged to judge everyone else’s faith and they convey to them they are not saved because they do not live Stepford wives kind of lives. Here are some other observations.
1. Corrupt Leadership
a. Pope like devotion of His followers
b. Can not be criticized
c. Writings treated as authoritative as Scripture
2.Scripture Twisting and Redefinition of Biblical Terms
a. Faith is the power of transformation and not the Holy Spirit is the
power of transformation
b. Repentance is turning from sin to be worthy of salvation –
instead of recognition that you are helpless to save yourself and need a savior.
c. Salvation requires Lordship Submission – or works righteousness
d. The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is not a literal infilling but an
assumption of a person’s faith.
3. Doctrinal Deviation:
a. Lordship Salvation – Salvation by Works
b. Faith as a Substitute for the power of the Holy Spirit
c. Denies the reality of Holy Spirit experiences
a. Promotes the attitude of “We are the only true Christians and our church is
the only true church. And we have the only true Man of God.”
5. Control System – Public Shaming – Small Group Shepherding
6. A False priesthood mediating to the congregation – Pastor tell people the will of God instead of encouraging a personal relationship with Christ.

Posted by: pastrpath2

Date: October 21, 2009 09:39PM
I personally suffered as a pastor in a church where the elders had read MacArthur’s false teaching on Lordship Salvation called “The Gospel according to Jesus” This teaching promotes modern day Phariseism where the people no longer recognize their fallen nature and sins and rationalize their destructive actions as holy. These MacArthurphiles would rationalize lying, backbitting, destructive gosip, and harsh critisism of others and call it a holy attempt to protect God’s kingdom.
My experience with people from GCC is that they are encouraged either directly or more often the case subliminally to be haughty and judgemental of people outside the fellowship by judging their actions and declaring them unsaved. To them your only hope is to be rebaptized in MacArthur’s church while declairing you have conquered all sinful thoughts as well as deeds since you made Jesus Lord. Of course at the same time they lose all critical thinking about the people who lead them, especially MacArthur and treat him and the pastors as if they have no sin. If MacArthur is still a sinner, (yes Spiritual Pride at least) and the congregation discovered that truth the entire culture would collapes. The last thing you will see at GCC is people sharing their faults with one another – this would prove them an unbeliever at GCC.
At GCC there is a culture of worshiping John MacArthurs teaching without using any critical thinking. Just this last Sunday night I was there for a baptism. MacArthur in front of 4000 people redefined the word Faith to mean Good Works instead of trusting belief. Faith became the substitute for the power of the Holy Spirit to change the human condition. Grace is redefined as surrendered Lordship to Christ instead of unmerited favor. The atonement is limited to the elect and salvation and hell are predestined by a malicious God who has predetermined who will not recieve that grace.
Fatalism and spiritual striving to prove yourself worthy of being called the elect is the culture at that church. So to admit that you struggle with sinful thoughts and actions like Paul did in Romans Chapture 7 is an admission of not being saved. The culture is very much like the Stepford Wives. Everyone must put on a personna of perfection and niceness (unless we are trashing some other church or unbeliever). One of the fruits of the cultic system is that eventually every one must act alike, talk alike, dress alike and think alike in order to be percieved as one of the in crowd. Everyone will take on the personality of the leader which is seen as holy. So the culture is one of dishonesty. Lie to myself, God and others about my sinful thoughts and habits so I will not be judged as and outsider or as unsaved. Rationalize all my dysfunctional behavior and pride as part of the personality of a true believer. Everyone is pretending to be completely victorious over sin.
Posted by: pastrpath2
Date: October 22, 2009 06:47AM
I can’t give an exact quote. But the gist was Heb 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. MacArthur said substance means lordship and obedience. He also said that his faith was the power to transform his life. His faith is the power to walk in obedience and Lordship…
In MacArthur land all spiritual experience of the indwellling Spirit of God is of the devil. Instead of judging the experience by the Word of God. All experience is seen as a lack of faith and cultic. Thus assuming faith is the power and legalism is the fruit. Lordship salvation makes perfect sense in a world where God never touches us and faith must assume to recieve the blessings of God instead of experiencing God when we are poor in spirit and desparately need divine intervention.
Posted by: pastrpath2
Date: October 23, 2009 06:04AM
No – what I am saying is that MacArthur thinks that grace and Holy Spirit only works in and through our intellectual faith – ergo faith is the power to transform. They call the Holy Spirit a person, but any experience of the person of the Holy Spirit is rejected as a lack of faith because faith reckons things to be true… Thus we are not supposed to experience the new birth only reckon the new birth by faith. Also we are not supposed to sin because grace and saving faith is sufficient to keep us from sinning. Their proof of the presence of the Holy Spirit is a legalistic conformity to their church doctrine, ethics and values.
I know it is confusing, but what I think this is, is a holiness movement that teaches a kind of total sanctification at conversion. The honest person who still allows the Holy Spirit to convict them of sin as they grow in the knowledge of Christ is rejected by GCC as unregenerate unbelievers.
Posted by: pastrpath2
Date: October 25, 2009 04:30AM
Yes…the elders of the church had been under the influence of a graduate of the Master’s college and read MacArthur’s teachings for a long time before I got there. As a result – no one in leadership could admit to being a present tense sinner less they disqualified themselves as church leaders and part of the redeemed. The concept of saints that sin was foreign to them. So they would rationalize all they did as good, like throwing tantrums in elders meetings when they did not get their way, making other people the butt of their jokes, their wives and daughters were aloud to wear provocative clothing on the worship team, they routinely used character assassination of people that got in their way and politically polarized the people for and against each others. One elder would have weekly meetings with his cronies to trash talk about everyone in the church that did not live up to his standards for any reason. Another elder would teach Sunday school classes using MacArthur material usually focused on holiness.
To me, a big problem was a compete lack of compassion for sinners, either in or out of the church and thus no passion to evangelize because everything was predestined to be what it would be. They tended to be rude and standoffish to visitors because if God wants them saved then they will come back and ingratiate themselves to the church and “follow what the Lord was doing there”. No outreach to the poor, because they must deserve what they are getting. In their minds they were saved because they “faithfully” came to church to do the Lord’s will each week and had a conservative statement of faith. When I preached on sin in the church and that we can all fall into self-righteous pride they finally asked me to leave – because I had removed the joy of their “salvation.” One of the elders is now attending an emergent congregation where there is no core doctrines or talk of sin only love. The other is still teaching at the church to a handful of people. This is Phariseeism – putting heavy burdens on others and not lifting a finger to help, oblivious to their own selfishness and sinfulness. They maintain their superior status by looking down on the spiritual condition of others that they determine are unworthy.
Posted by: pastrpath2
Date: November 02, 2009 09:16AM
Lordship Salvation is a violation of the entire epistle of Galatians, where Paul says that legalism that adds to Salvation is accursed by God….and another gospel. A false Gospel.. Salvation is a free gift and the new birth is not progressive. Discipleship is costly but is an outworking of salvation and not the means of it.

3. Testimony of a man who has witnessed churches destroyed by Macarthur’s disciples

Posted by: HansTaaibosch
Date: September 07, 2011 05:00AM
Wow. JM slays the infidels verbally wherever he finds them.
John “Abdullah” MacArthur needs to be exposed. His Lordship salvation has already been exposed, but his personal conduct has not. Churches in my area have been destroyed because of him, including the one where I grew up. They would never have allowed a Jehovah’s Witness, a Mormon, a Muslim, or a Roman Catholic traditionalist have positions of authority as pastor or deacons, but they permitted JM’s henchmen because they thought JM and his crew of the same mindset regarding the gospel of grace. But they were wrong, and so their church was turned into another output for JM’s variant of works salvation.
Lordship salvation is simply works salvation, and JM clearly teaches this.
JM lives as an enemy of Christ.
JM is a control freak.
JM uses humiliation and retaliation as methods of control.
JM teaches that Christians are slaves of Christ, and is very hung up on it.
JM is arrogant.
JM is cruel.
JM is self-important.
JM is just like any other cultist.
JM destroys lives.
JM denies the Lord who bought him. [Macarthur has denied the blood of Jesus Christ for 40 years]
JM is an empty field, twice dead, bearing thorns and thistles.
According to his own book “Beware the Pretenders”, we need to beware JM. The shoe fits.
Mohammed had an agenda: build a harem, so he can molest kids.
JM also has an agenda: strip Christians of blessed assurance.
“Islam” means “submitter”.
JM has also founded a society of submitters. He treats them like slaves. One of his books teaches that Christians are slaves of Christ, submitters (“Muslims”) to his Lordship.

4. Testimony of a Christian who has been damaged by John Macarthur and his followers
Posted by: Marmy
Date: December 31, 2011 07:57PM
I’ve been greatly damaged by the teachings of this man and his followers, even years after leaving the church. There’s really nothing to be gained by trying to explain the hurt to his supporters because they know how to manipulate any interaction by Godifying their narrow, unshakable truth. And yes, it’s theirs, not His.
Posted by: Marmy
Date: August 25, 2012 12:51AM
I have a lot of experience in dealing with MacArthur types, including several of his protégées and followers. What I’ve learned is that what matters to them is seeking or creating debate and controversy whenever and wherever they can so they can win with their theological superiority and manipulation. When they need to play a trump card, it’s “truth”. Their truth, lower case “t”.

5. Testimony of a Christian who has experienced the Cultic control techniques of Macarthur’s disciples

Posted by: CarlKolchak
Date: March 14, 2012 08:53PM
…I find this heretical, works salvation writ large. It probably came in part from teachings said pastor was exposed to in youth, but it appears by the info on this thread it was bolstered by his years at McArthur’s sem, which I have to now regard as cultic, probably heretical.
Posted by: CarlKolchak
Date: March 14, 2012 10:58PM
Just suffice it to say that I have personal and extensive experience that at least one of those pastors educated in McArthur’s seminary (he was also a former staff member at GCC, who personally knew and worked under McArthur)…Also, the pastor I mentioned above ran his church precisely per the GCC model discussed, with the cultic control techniques, false advertising until you’re in too deep, inability to stand questioning of his positions, etc. McArthur’s influence spreads far beyond Southern California, it is a style practiced by his former acolytes all over the country.

6. Testimony of a Christian whose daughter is a member of Macarthur’s church

Posted by: mhbm
Date: April 26, 2012 05:57AM
My daughter is a member of GCC, and she has turned into a person I don’t recognize anymore. I can’t even have a relationship with her without her condemning me in every way.
Posted by: mhbm
Date: February 11, 2013 08:42PM
Has anyone had any experience with shunning by MacArthur followers? My daughter has just informed me that I am no longer welcome in her home because of my affiliation with a volunteer organization that is Catholic, in nature citing 1 Cor. 5:11, Rom. 16:17, and 2 Th. 3:14-15 as her basis for this.
Posted by: mhbm
Date: February 13, 2013 12:16AM
Another similarity is that she pleads with me to repent, but I get the strong impression that I must repent to her, which would be like confessing to a priest, wouldn’t it?
Posted by: mhbm
Date: February 14, 2013 02:59AM
They are very judgmental, very critical. The joy, spontaneity, creativity, and sense of humor in my daughter is nowhere to be seen anymore since she joined that church.
Posted by: mhbm
Date: February 19, 2013 10:25PM
A couple years ago, when we were having a not-so-pleasant phone conversation, she stated, “I’m not in a cult.” I had not said anything about her being in a cult at that time, and I really didn’t think she was then, but I could tell that GCC was having an affect on her views…
I am indeed praying for her daily. I have found it difficult in the last few weeks to contact her at all, as it always deteriorates into a criticism/judgment/condemnation session. which I don’t want to be a part of. I am praying Isaiah 49:25 over the situation. “I will contend with him that contends with you, and I will save your children.”
Posted by: mhbm
Date: February 23, 2013 09:33AM
I truly believe that if I were to tell her I have resigned from this volunteer ministry, that it would not make a difference. She wound find some other reason to condemn me, and the outcome would be the same.
Posted by: mhbm
Date: February 26, 2013 09:36AM
I took a look at the MacArthur Bible tonight out of curiosity. It has way more notes than there is scripture on each page. So, if one were to “study the Bible,” it they would be giving more attention to the notes than the actual scripture in my opinion. She claimed to have made her decision to not welcome me into her home any more based on her study of the Bible, specifically Romans 16:17. She wasn’t studying scripture at all. She was studying J.M.’s notes. The very sentence she used in her email was directly from his notes in his study Bible.
Posted by: mhbm
Date: May 14, 2013 04:12PM
I would love nothing more than to get her out of this cult. If you have any suggestions, I am all ears.

7. Testimony of a Christian regarding the destruction of Christians churches infiltrated by Macarthur’s disciples

Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: August 11, 2012 09:30PM
…what the Master MC-A College student said about them infiltrating
churches was EXACTLY what we experienced.
1. They say they are non-denom. All doctrine statements are
completely neutral.
2. once you are there, they try to indoctrinate you with Calvinism on steriods
BUT if you say anything even slightly deviating from John Mac
you are now spied on for “charges” of anything from changing light bulbs
“without permission” to “trying to take over the church” ” having pride”
with vulgar or shaming language, they are called ” breaking sessions” in cults.
The purpose is not to correct you, it’s to destroy your worth as
a person. The fear and eggshell walking was ridiculous.
But what was interesting and cult like- is that when you would
talk to a long time staffer, ask a question, about ANYTHING, they would
pause for like 5 seconds, think. then respond. I even asked one woman
“are you self editing
to make sure your response is perfect?”
She said Yes, I guess I do.
That is how it is in these churches.
You must be perfect, act perfect, but it is fine to lie, slander
scream and yell and spy on people who are suddenly “wolves”
(wolf – anyone not into JM worship)
and God help the person who believes in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Definitely you are demon possessed,* because everyone knows, all gifts
ceased* except of course teaching, administration, giving and helps in children’s ministry!
the only way to show you are saved is to become their slave.
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: August 11, 2012 09:49PM
Sorry Mark, didn’t answer one of your questions.
YES. They completely intimidated people into silence,
one associate pastor was the church “whipping boy” –
when he witnessed what was done to my husband in a “shaming session”
he said it made him sick and he was going to “do something” about it
but the pastor and staffed shamed him by saying he was being
“divisive” and was ORDERED to not speak to us again!
Imagine that! a 50+ yr old man ordered to be silent and accepting it!
I feel so sad for him, he has no idea what real grace is, trying
to jump through their fire hoops.
Two ways to get along in these churches, bullying (seared conscience)
or being bullied (shamed – blamed and scapegoated, trying to prove you are “good enough”)
the congregants know very little about what go on in staff
meetings/ leadership from what I could tell. It’s all hush hush.
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: January 20, 2013 02:52AM
Wow, what a sad but ringingly true commentary of the man who is the “pope of protestantism.”
Several of us have been victims of the “mini Johns” he sends out, he does many many takeovers of churches with his Disciples that come out of masters college.
I do not know him, but was treated so badly and in a very very evil but similiar way,
2000 miles apart from Jmac cloned churches,
Thats How i put it together, JMac is the author of this evil.
If I see any quotes, literature or john mac bible studies at a church, I hit the floor to run out, he’s in the middle of a takeover with a minion. [I can recount the sad stories of Christians in churches taken over by Macarthur’s minions.]
Tell me, I have seen him teach on a few youtubes, he reeks of pride and arrogance and sarcasm,
why do people love him soooo much?
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: January 20, 2013 11:41PM
Who exactly is the one doling out the Grace of God?
And to whom? Does John MacArthur have some sort of
franchise set up with the God of the Universe?
“Grace to you” reminds me of Lucy’s lemonade stand
from peanuts cartoon strip
“all you can drink lemonade”
is what the sign says, then,
while someone is drinking it,
she grabs it back and says
“that’s all YOU can drink!”
Ok -enough humor, now my rage…
I am so angry that this whitewashed sepulcher
is so taking over Christendom.
No Love
No Holy Spirit
No Joy
Fear and Condemnation for those struggling with mental
health – depression- anxiety,
I could weep for hours over the poor
women I’ve counseled who
were in such horrible bondage
because they were depressed…
therefore in sin
( according to the idiotic theology of JM)
and were not allowed to take medication…
because….that too is a sin –
so they became suicidal.
Yes John MacAuthur you make them twice
the child of a living Hell!!!!
That man makes life a living hell for the most needy
hurting and vulnerable Christians – I pray someone
presses criminal charges against that miserable misery making Pharisee.
Yes John Macarthur there’s some things
that can cause despair
and telling people they don’t “understand
the bible enough” is
the cause of their problems is repugnant.
you are repugnant. How dare you!!!!
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: February 12, 2013 11:08PM
Yes, Shunning is the primary means of
control in John Macarthur influenced
churches – Shunning and Shaming.
It is also what typical cults do.
Guilt is a powerful motivator so John Macaurthur
must shame his followers into following his dictates
or they to will be shunned.
It’s a pretty well documented way to control people.
It’s very hard to control Free people, so John MacArthur must
inculcate into his followers that they are not Free in Christ, that
they must have a constant conscienceness of their sin
sin sin.
So they spend their lives trying to rid themselves of
sin to get some relief, so getting rid of you…
provides some temporary
relief….until the next sermon.
This is a living hell your daughter is involved with.
This is completely opposed to the gospel which
pronounced us Forgiven! by faith in Christ!
Free from condemnation!
Those that Know they are Free would not fall for
this bondage theology – you only need to read
the book of Galatians to see John MacArthur is
a Judaizer, adding to the gospel of Jesus, therefore
nullifying it.
The last thing John Macarhurites let you know is
if you do leave their church you are in sin
and therefore going to hell.
Interesting that your daughter is shunning you
over helping out the Catholics …
John MacArthurs theology and practice has much
more in common with Catholicism than
normal Christianity which is:
Faith in Christ = Salvation unto good works.
Catholicism is:
Faith in Christ plus Good Works = Salvation.
John Macarthur preaches a false gospel. [Note: Calvinism or Reformed Theology is the theology of the reformation of the Roman Catholic Church]
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: February 13, 2013 01:08AM
Yes, the spiritual Elitism John Macarthur breeds into his victims, along with the constant, but subtle, condemnation, turns a person into a desperately condemned person who must go out and find others to bring them into the same bondage, “to glory in the flesh” as Paul wrote in his Epistle to the Galatians….
So you have really worried, anxious people…. worried about “swallowing a gnat” and going to hell
Or the ones who are “given past feeling” they become arrogant sin sniffers…those are the ones that cause the greatest harm, the mini-johns.
Your daughter has probably gone thru the frenetic nouthetic course,
which bases all your problems on some on confessed sin in your life.
I would go to the book of galatians, copy and paste the whole thing on an email,
And send it to her….And pray!.
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: February 23, 2013 09:18AM
Just to condense what John Macarthur is saying:
“Any Christian who thinks they are having a direct
encounter with the Living God,
through feelings, experience or prayer, is most likely
interacting and being deceived by satan.”
To me, this would insure that followers of John
macarthur would make sure they don’t have any
feelings whatsoever, they might be doing
something satanic.
And…if the Holy Spirit was to actually move in
someone life, the follower of John Macarthur
would be frightened, not blessed.
What does a MacArthurite have left in such a sterile,
non-feeling, “God in a box” religion?
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: March 01, 2013 01:14AM
…another paradoxical thing we came up against in these John Macarthurite
Churches.  When we explained to people why we left the church, outlining the abuse done to us and having witnessed others being abused, we often heard some variation of this:
“Im so sorry that happened to you, and truly I believe you, but the Teaching here is So Good,
would you forgive me if I stayed?  We are really growing in the Lord!”
Now, if that doesn’t make your theological head spin right off your neck and fly out the window, I dont know what does.
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: March 03, 2013 04:46PM
I think the other hook about JM and his minions,
is if you have an IQ higher than 75,
it’s very hard to find bible teachers that
have something intelligent to say,
which is incredibly sad, because the bible
is a treasure trove of precious gems just waiting
to be mined by even the most casual reader.
That is a Big Hook for these people.
I have heard them say “where else would I go”?
( don’t like being abused, I don’t like the brutal politics and people disappearing,
I don’t like being afraid of be shunned, but Who is as Gooooood a teacher?)
John Macarthur doesn’t have the corner
market on arrogance either.
He just happens to have not fallen into
adultery either, so he’s supposely one of the “good guys”
It’s a large case of Stockholm Syndrome [They love their captor and their captivity].
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: March 11, 2013 10:46AM
I wonder if John Macarthur would have us take the
mark of the Beast, to submit to authorities?
I wonder how many of JMs worshippers would do it?
[Note: Macarthur does indeed teach that it’s OK to take the Mark of the Beast and it’s my firm belief that he is now conditioning his followers to take it.  See Paganizing the Christian Church to learn more.]
What an amazing flavored Kool-Aid he peddles,
its called…Slave.
Sorry John Macarthur- here’s a News Flash
for ya.. I am a Blood bought child of the Living
God, holy and beloved – accepted in the beloved.
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: March 23, 2013 06:23AM
You have an excellent grasp at what is going on in Christendom, They. Are. Taking. Over  They have a plan and are executing it all over the world.
The last two churches I attended said they were Non denominational, in their doctrinal statements and even membership Classes, Then, when it comes out you are not a Calvinist ( Reformed) and do not admire and love John Macarthur (after attending for 2 or 3 years!!) as if he was the Messiah, that is the end of fellowship and the beginning of spying, slander, smear tactics legally actionable behaviour.
I still wonder if I should sue them, as Mark said they need to be Shut Down!!!
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: March 26, 2013 04:54AM
(Hopefully, the “Evangelical Pope” , John MacArthur,
will be dethroned before a spirit of persecution rises up among his followers.)
…..uhhhh, ya! they are already here!  If they all want to follow that foul doctrine and
live miserable lives following John Macarthur, Fine.
I am here because his “master pastor factory”
are slanderers,
they will make you Pay if you leave
the church, shunning is nothing compared to
the libel and emotional and spiritual torture.
They go after you, even after you leave with
stories about you that people believe, cuz
“pastors and elders would never lie”
so How do you fight that?
It Sucketh rotten eggs.
So I am turning that frown upside down and exposing
this unfruitful work of darkness.
The worst thing I ever did was attend John Macarthur
takeover satellite churches. Had to move from my home
because of the persecution.
Again, I didn’t know they were Calvinist – they said they were
neutral on the subject. No kidding.
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: March 28, 2013 02:19AM
It seems to me the fruit of Calvinism is still doing its dirty
deeds today amongst his followers – they just can’t kill
you. But they can destroy a lot of things in a persons life.
I know.
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: March 28, 2013 04:10AM
OR [they] do what John Macarthur does,
Makes Sure You Are A Christian By Examining
Your Life And Making Sure You Submit To All Authority, BlaBlah Blah.
The New Sharia Christians.
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: April 01, 2013 10:39AM
Thanks for bringing us back to the main
topic :
John MacArthur confuses repentance with the fruits of repentance,
and also to confuse faith with that which faith ought to produce.
He confuses saving faith (which takes place in a moment of time–Rom. 13:11; Eph. 1:13)
with discipleship (which is a lifelong process).
It has been said, “Lordship salvation is not the childlike faith of John 3:16.
It insists upon repentance but includes a change of behavior IN ORDER TO BE SAVED
Lordship advocates attempt to make behavior and fruit essential ingredients of, rather than evidence of, saving faith”
John MacArthur and his disciples preach a false gospel of
terrible consequences in this life and the next.
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: May 11, 2013 07:29PM
Hi Everyone,
Here’s an article on breaking sessions,
Breaking sessions are one of the methods used by extreme groups as a way of identity destruction .
Bombard them with accusations….
The basic scenario is to isolate the person and to start accusing them of various transgressions. It may start with small things that is easy for them to admit and then steadily escalate with admonishments of breaking important values and even being fundamentally bad and shameful.
This process may well be done by a number of people. The more people and the higher up in the group they are, the more effective this method becomes. Few people can ignore accusations flying at them from all angles and especially from people they have grown to love and respect.
Keep going until they crack….
The point of this session is to push them past a cracking point, similar to when a person has a nervous breakdown and the session may continue well past the point where the person is huddled in a fetal position, rocking back and forth and weeping uncontrollably.
In doing this, the group wears down their sense of identity, in order to effectively destroy their personality and makes them flee from who they are. Thus this method is literally a way of character assassination.
Remake them…
When the person has cracked, the next step is to approach them with kindness, to show that they are now forgiven and accepted again. They may be hugged and patted. This is done by a senior member of the group. This casts the group back into the kind and loving frame and offers a lifeline to the broken person, who of course grasps at this straw. Very gratefully, they now listen to and accept what this person has to say.
In this way, they are now remade in the shape of a conforming member of the group who is totally obedient to senior group members. ~ End Quote
[Note: This “Dialectic Process” is going on at Macarthur’s church.  These “breaking” sessions are called “Discussion Groups”]
~ THIS is what John MacArthur -ites do for “church discipline”
And if you defy them – you are labeled a wolf or shunned. There needs to be a law against this
incredible evil. It’s not counseling or discipline, it’s just abuse, they only difference is they don’t
grab you off the street and keep you in chains in the basement –
They imprison you with the fear of losing your salvation. Despicable.
To anyone reading this post still in a John Macarthur
influenced church, Run! Run! Run for your lives!!
If it feels weird…It Is Weird! And gets Weirder!
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: May 14, 2013 09:50AM
I think bjws assessment may be more correct, because, if you didn’t go in a perfectionist
you surely become one after the brainwashing.
Or lose your salvation.
It is a very dangerous cult.
John Macarthur, de facto Accuser of the brethren.
How he makes a “ministry” out of
it is beyond my human faculties.
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: June 02, 2013 09:01AM
BUT THIS is what actually happens in John Macarthur
controlled & influenced churches:
They are called “Breaking Sessions”
Breaking sessions are one of the methods used by
extreme groups as a way of “identity destruction .”
Bombard them with accusations.
The basic scenario is to isolate the person and to start
accusing them of various transgressions.
It may start with small things that is easy for them
to admit and then steadily escalate with admonishments of breaking important values
and even of BEING fundamentally bad and shameful.
This process may well be done by a number of people.
The more people and the higher up in the group they are,
the more effective this method becomes.
Few people can ignore accusations flying at them
from all angles and especially from people they have
grown to love and respect.
Keep going until they crack.
The point of this session is to push them past
a cracking point, similar to when a person has a
nervous breakdown and the session may continue
well past the point where the person is huddled
in a fetal position, rocking back and forth and weeping uncontrollably.
In doing this, the group wears down their sense of identity,
in order to effectively destroy their personality and makes
them flee from who they are. Thus this method is literally
a way of character assassination.
Remake them
When the person has cracked, the next step is
to approach them with kindness, to show that they are
now forgiven and accepted again. They may be hugged and patted.
This is done by a senior member of the group.
This casts the group back into the kind and loving frame
and offers a lifeline to the broken person, who of course
grasps at this straw. Very gratefully, they now listen to and
accept what this person has to say.
In this way, they are now remade in the shape of a
conforming member of the group who is totally obedient to senior group members.
They didn’t learn this from Christ.
Posted by: gracetowho?
Date: June 03, 2013 09:28AM
I would like to examine this quote from the John MacArthur
Restoration definition…..
“This means that all believers are STILL struggling against sin.
The question is NOT will sin be present on our campus,
the question is WHAT WE WILL DO about it. (emphasis mine)
By John MacArthur’s own admission,
there can never be what he calls “restoration”
Because according to him, you are constantly “struggling” against sin.
This clearly defines the duplicite nature
Of John MacArthur’s theology,
because you cannot be experiencing
assurance of salvation
If you are still sinning, but you shall forever be Struggling with sin.
John MacArthur is a theological horror story!
If the Son sets you Free, you are Free indeed!
Stop putting yourselves under his yoke of bondage!
Are you saved by Grace through Faith as a gift
Of God?
Or of Works?
If you think your works can save you
Than you must keep the whole law!
If you are under the Law than you are under the Curse.
Galatians 1
John MacArthur preaches an “another gospel” which
Puts people under a curse.
Paul the Apostal said “let him be accursed who preaches
Another gospel.”
Yes that includes John MacArthur.
Jesus said you can hang the whole law on Loving God
with all your being
and loving your neighbor as yourself.
Has anyone here ever wondered why Christian Love is missing
at your church??????

8. Testimony of a Christian whose father’s church was taken over by Macarthur’s “sect.”
Posted by: teacher
Date: November 07, 2012 09:29PM
…the followers [of John Macarthur] who lead the churches, at least the one I know, are liars and dictators.
Posted by: teacher
Date: November 13, 2012 02:00PM
If someone had told me that I would have seen my dad’s church taken over by a sect I would never have believed it. The story is long and yet frightfully simple: MacArthur has set his eyes on Sicily and one of his pastors has taken over first the church (my father served their with a US based mission for basically ever!) and a few months later the actual mission – now appointed executive director. He has banned the fellowship from having to do with our family (my parents were kicked out of the mission house and moved up north to live with me). They have no support of any kind from the fellowship (I mean emotional not financial because my father never recieved a penny from the church in all his years of service), no word from members of the original mission whom have known them for years and years. The MacArthur pastor is against women working or speaking – and I stood up against him and the way he treated my dad (who is over 80!) so I guess (being a woman) he really dislikes me. People who have known us all our lives no longer speak to us (by phone because we live far away) and I know that in the actual church he has banned those he disagrees with and some he “allows” to attend but they must notify their absence if they cannot go. I can not believe what I am seeing and hearing and the pain and distress it is causing. I googled and found info and all fell into place – this is a sect and they want followers. So what can I do? Can we not team up and get a web page with documentation translated in different languages? I am willing. I am graduated in International Communications. I am not a member but am living the ruin of the church and some of the people in my own life. These people have no love, no respect, no grace…nothing. They are blinded and it’s necessary to have something up so that if people want to know the truth behind the lies it is available for them: their choice to believe it or not. False prohets in sheep’s clothing. I feel very alone.
Posted by: teacher
Date: November 23, 2012 02:03PM
…I am more concerned about the terrible way “sinners” get treated in these communities [surrounding Macarthur’s church sect]: shunned, insulted, offended, put aside, made fearful…It is all so ANTI_CHRIST.
Peace to all of you – for me it is not do with War but with a Lack of Love. I have been accused of wanting to get my own back on these people because of the pain they have caused my family. That is wrong. I am broken but not on the ground. The Love of Christ in my Life is Greater!
Posted by: teacher
Date: January 23, 2013 04:56PM
…I have realized that there is a lot of fear amongst “survivors” and also those who are entangled in the web of deception with little power of decision. I had the feeling for a long time that we were dealing with a spiritual (and I mean that word) attack in my dad’s ex-church – for many months I was confused. Then God gave me the answer: ok it wasn’t what I was expecting but he opened my eyes. I had smacked straight into a sect….
Posted by: teacher
Date: February 13, 2013 02:09PM
…Shunning is one psychological technique used by Macarthurists and as far as I am concerned it is also one of the most damaging. It can really split people up… How can anyone think there is our God in all this? It remains a mystery to me.
Posted by: teacher
Date: March 06, 2013 01:08PM
I have asked all of you if you would like to participate in the creation and development of an informative website in as many languages as possible which will allow all those who search to read the truth behind the Mac Arthurist sect/cult. At present I am working on the Italian side but I also have a friend who will be doing the German translation. Another friend will build the website together with me.

9. Testimony of a Christian who knows John Macarthur personally and who was a member of Grace Church for 20 years
Posted by: Mysteryofthegospel
Date: January 19, 2013 04:51AM
I have some information that might help you to evaluation both Grace Community Church and John MacArthur. I was a member of Grace for twenty years. I know John personally and have attended studies at the Master’s College under their Professional Bible Program.
Posted by: Mysteryofthegospel
Date: January 20, 2013 12:46AM
Let me say this: Grace was the name of the church before John got there. The church was started by six families in a chicken coup and they believed in the Grace of God, so they named the church because they wanted to reach out to the community. Now Grace is not an issue at this church. There is no grace, there is no love, there is no Holy Spirit.
I arrived at Grace in 1973. John had been at the church for three years. I had gone to Grace before John arrived before I went to Bible school in 1966. The church was friendly and had about 300 members. I first came in contact with the MacArthurs through John’s dad Dr. Jack. When I left school, I went to a couple of youth rallies where John was the main speaker. This was before he became Senior Pastor at Grace. His messages were very biblical as far as I could tell, but what struck me was his arrogance in his preaching. I decided I was not going back to Grace when I found out he was going to be pastor. There were two pastors before him. Dr. Don Householder was very compassionate and loved people. The church as very close-knitted. I can remember them having pot lucks so that everyone could get to know each other. It reminded me of Acts 2. Dr Don. prayed for me for six years for me to come to know Christ as my Lord and Savior. He knew me through my mother and neighbors who were quite involved. I resisted and resisted until I went forward at the Billy Graham Crusade. Dr. Don was thrilled. At the time I was in the service so I didn’t have much church experience. After I got out, I attended Grace for three weeks because I had been accepted to Bible School in Colorado. Dr. Don passes away and Grace had a new pastor, Richard Elvie. He was very encouraging to me in my desire to go into full time Christian service.
I first found out about Calvinism and Reformed Theology because more of my professors at school came from Dallas Theological Seminary. So when I came to Grace for good in 1973, I was familiar with their TULIP type attitude toward the Bible. I said earlier that I didn’t want to go to Grace because of John’s arrogance. But I had to lay that aside because John helped me through a divorce with his teaching in Ephesians 5 and 1 Corinthians 7 on what God Thinks of Divorce after my first wife left me due to the false teaching of another church where the pastors where attending Talbot Theological Seminary, the same seminary John came from. To tell you the truth, I now call it a cemetery. The reason is, Reformed Theology takes compassion and turns it into stoicism, which in my opinion is deadly if you are to call yourself a child of God. When I first arrived at Grace, I ate up what MacArthur said on his tapes. I loved his teaching in the gospel of John and Ephesians because I learned so much about who I was in Christ. Ever since I went forward at the Crusade, I wanted to know God and I wanted to know the Word of God. John MacArthur helped me with this to some extent. That is what drew me to his teaching. Most of the people on staff were home grown. They all attended Talbot. They would meet at Grace and go down to Talbot in a van. What I noticed in these men is that they became products of John MacArthur. They were indoctrinated with Reformed Theology and when they spoke, it was almost like John spoke through them except he was more skilled in communication and confidence. I hope that makes sense. John found other churches for them to speak and many of them got their so called call from John’s reputation.
Before 1985, Grace had an evangelism program where you as a member could get trained to share the gospel. I say this because before 1985 the focus was on the church, the body of Christ. John would have a section in the service called the living church where people in the congregation could share what God is doing in their lives. However, after the Master’s College came into play that all changed. Along with the school, the focus of ministry changed. There was no more evangelistic trainings, no more living church. The focus was on the college. John would talk strictly about the school. Master’s College this and Master’s College that. Then I saw elder splits because some didn’t like what John was doing. If you didn’t like what John was doing, you were out the door. If you didn’t abide to the standards of John’s rules tou were disciplined. There were so many families that were ruined because of John’s stoic attitude about the Bible. The more Grace grew, the more complex the church got. You saw older people leaving, many of which I knew because I worked with their kids in AWANA (20 years at that church). In 1990 my wife and I left Grace and went to a church in Washington state where the pastor was a graduate at the seminary at Master’s. Oh yes I forgot about the seminary. That was another change. In stead of the focus being on Grace as a church, it was on Grace as an institution. John brought men from outside to teach the students and along with those came a lot of different ideas such as neuthetic counseling which was originated by Jay Adams. I read the book, and to tell you the truth it made me sick because it had such a hunanistic view of what I believe God desires for our life if we are to know Him. Anyway, at this church in Washington, I could see in this pastor the same dictatorship that I began to see in John. Only, I was blinded in the case of John because I loved the church and I loved the teaching and I knew John to some extent as a person. The problem was, the more Grace became institutionalize, the less personal John became and the more judgmental he became. I didn’t see this until I saw it in this other pastor in Washington. There were cell groups. Does that sound familiar. Have you heard of the cell groups they have at Grace in the singles fellowship classes called the Guild? Anyway, this pastor would have facilitators in each group. You had to take the pastors messages and in your journal write down sin problems you are dealing with then report those to the group. The facilitators would then report it to this pastor so that if you left, he could use this against you and all you an apostate. If was awful. This was a man that was taught by the seminary under John MacArthur. Because of my Bible knowledge, I knew this was wrong and because I was a God seeker, I began to study the Bible on my own. I wanted to be a good Berean so I studied the book of John. I let the Spirit of God be my teacher. I can tell you that it changed my life. It drew me closer and closer to God by allowing the Spirit in my inner man teach me the depths of Christ. I don’t want to go into that now. What I did want to share is, I saw things at this Washington church and I wrote John MacArthur several times. He wrote me a couple of times, but the attitude was, “What can I do about it?”
In 1993 I left this church. I felt so free when I got out of there. A few weeks later my dad got sick, so my wife and I left Washington and came back to California. I wanted to go back to Grace. When we got back, the whole of Grace had changed. The elders were no more people grown from the local assembly. Grace became a zoo on Sunday mornings. John’s teachings were more judgmental that teaching about Christ in you the hope of glory. Someone mentioned about the worship of the offering plate. I was there the Sunday morning when John said that. That is absolutely accurate. The idea of works salvation was not always there at Grace. It became more evident when John started going to other religious organizations and brought men from outside to the Shepherd’s conferences. The whole of the church now is a works system of Christianity. It is strictly sin and sin replacement and obedience. When I left Grace in 1996, John called me and told me he loved me. A few weeks later, he indirectly called me as having seducing spirits. Where is the love in that! That is what John has become. A dictator, with a humanistic view of the Bible. He is quick to judge others and slow to take constructive criticism from others. You just don’t tell MacArthur he is wrong. The seminary is like he wants to make little MacArthurites to follow his path of thinking. I found myself trapped when I was at this church. I thank God that the Spirit gave me the wisdom to get out in 1996 because I understand it is worse now. I can tell you this. In the 20 years I was at Grace, I never heard John speak of a time in his life when he realized he was a sinner who completely falls short of the glory of God and that he repented and fell on his knees as a beggar. In a testimony with Phil Johnson a few years ago, I remember him saying, “There was never a time in my life I didn’t love Christ.” If I read Romans 1 correctly, there is not a person alive who before he resigns himself to God’s truth that does not suppress the truth in unrighteousness and that includes your truly. However John does not admit that about himself. It is like because he is called to preach he is exempt. He calls his calling to the ministry a “special grace.” What is so special about how God deals with him and how God deals with us? That is my question. And in the twenty years, I never saw a humble, meek man in the pulpit. On several occasions he would share something like this. “Well, just when I am ready to get into a good sin, I think of this Bible verse or that Bible verse, and that temptation is gone.” To tell you the truth I didn’t think any sin was good. God is the opposite of sin, so why call sin good? Also, I don’t think anyone is exempt from sin. He thinks he is exempt from this and because he has a special calling he has the right to judge others. However, he cannot even judge himself.
I could say more, but I’ll let you make comments and we can discuss this more. I love John and I love that church at least for what it was. I still have friends there. I have kids that I ministered to and have grown up that I worked with in AWANA. I am sadden to have to talk about someone I admired for so long and a church where I first went to when I came to know Christ as my Lord and Savior. However, when I hear about John and Grace, I get stirred up. I have written to him several times and never gotten a response until last week. I won’t share the letter now, but I will say it wasn’t very nice.
I think the more we can expose this man, the more people who have been influenced by him around the world can be free to allow the Holy Spirit to lead their lives in righteousness, holiness and true godliness because the only way that can happen is if God operates his life in us through His Spirit and not through the teachings of Reformed Theology, or a works based salvation. I think a lot of people that go to Grace or churches that are influenced by Grace or by John MacArthur need to be more aware of what is happening there otherwise when they face Christ after they die, they are going to beg like the rich man in Luke 16.
Posted by: Mysteryofthegospel
Date: January 20, 2013 05:55AM
To answer your question [why do people love Macarthur so much?]. I can think of a few reasons and I’ll share those with you.
First, as large as Grace is, few really have a good view of the Bible. They rely so much on John’s teaching them that they cannot discern humanism from true spiritually which I believe can only be discerned by the teaching of the Holy Spirit. I think this is true whether you are a member of the congregation, or at either school. Most of the students are young. They haven’t been seasoned so it is easy of John to sink his teeth into their minds and presto, they become mini Johns as you said. This is why you really have to study the word and let the Holy Spirit teach you the depths of God. I didn’t do that the first 17 years I was at Grace. I got caught up in the web of thinking John had the ultimate truth. I can remember one time going into a Burger King and this fellow dressed in a police uniform started talking about John MacArthur. This was after my wife and I left. By his conversation, you would have thought that you were at the Vatican and worshiped the pope. MacArthur could do no wrong. That is how convincing he can be to his people. He appears to have the Bible down cold that is very appealing to a person who is young and searching. To me, that is a crime because these people are getting the wrong information from a guy to is worse than a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Second, John does so much criticizing of national groups and national disasters that it makes you feel safe to be in a place where God is blessing in the midst of a nation that is falling apart on so many fronts as you know. MacArthur uses the Bible to spill out the judgment of God on anything that will make him an authority of God. He will take scripture out of context and skip portions of scripture to get from one point to another. I don’t read many of his commentaries because like you I run the other way due to the fact that I know he is bias on so many issues that are controversial. He makes you think he is an expert on all human issues and that God is using him to judge sin and the world in that respect. Talk about the power of the god of this world. He is it. However, that makes people feel good about themselves as long as they side with him.
Third, to go along with that, the church believes so much on disciple and obedience that if you get out of line one time, you are named in front of thousands of people. I personally do not believe Matthew 18 speaks of church discipline. The context has nothing to do with a church as we think of it today. Yet, Grace uses this to extreme in people who are a threat to John’s principles and rules. Those that bear witness to this name calling have to feel pretty about themselves that someone else is called out and not them. That has to make them feel they are pretty secure between them and God. I know of at least five families personally who have gotten divorces because Grace has called out one member leaving the other member feel he has the right to divorce even though John preaches against divorce. The kids of one family of which I have worked with in AWANA, all began using drugs because they could not cope with what was going on between their parents. But this part is kept quiet to the rest of the congregation.
Fourth, the Shepherds Conference has a big impact with the members and attenders at Grace. Having pastors come in from other parts of the country gives you the idea that God is really at work at this church just like He was when Paul went out on his three missionary journeys. Believe me, there is a lot of difference between the gospel of the first century church and the message that John MacArthur teaches. Again, there is security that God is working at this church and that explains why they love him so much and keep coming back.
Fifth, they have a very good children’s programs and they have so many other programs so that people can get involved. You feel like you are serving the Lord when you can get involved. It is a place where you can drop off your kids and do what you want to do and know that people will take care of them while your doing something else. I have had parents come to me in appreciation for loving their children. That makes me feel good as a servant of God. That is the part I miss at that church. John has a way of making you feel you belong there when he exalts the ministries of Grace from the pulpit.
Sixth, the schools have a big role in keeping people at the church. Many of the students go there and many of the young people from families that are members of Grace go there. With the Master’s College and Master’s Seminary, you get the idea that God is at work and there is no other place to go to get God’s blessing. I don’t know if they have this anymore, but they used to have an opportunity sheet. The purpose is to either submit needs you may have or submit solutions you may have available to meet a need. It would sort of be like they did in Acts 2 except instead of the Holy Spirit doing the work and filling the need of all so that there was no need and they could worship together and learn about who they were is Christ, there was partiality because the seminary students always got priority, while others were left out. However, that part was hidden. To the majority of the people, they never read the part about the priority of students. It said, “Good for seminary students.” That gave you the idea that there was impartiality. However, if youi went to the person offering the service, they would say, “Oh this is just for seminary students.” I know because my wife and I did this and even though this place was still available, we were left out. So the opportunities are in front of you which makes you think there is oneness, but underneath that the majority of the people cannot see, there is favoritism. I believe God calls us to be one with each other. The problem is, there is no Holy Spirit, so there can be no divine leading to help you be a good servant or fulfill a need you may have. However, to others this sounds so good and makes you think that God is actively involved.
Seventh, the largeness of the church. It kind of makes you think of the feeding of the five thousand where the more people that came the more Jesus fed them. With so many people who come you get the idea that the Bible is really being taught properly and people are hungry to hear, so they come. The problem, they can’t discern truth and error. So they love John because he gives them a pseudo truth out of his ever so convincing Greek, Hebrew syntax study of scripture. It makes you think he really knows what he is talking about in God’s word. And people who hear him on the radio get the idea, especially when you listen to Phil Johnson that MacArthur is going to give you what you need to glorify God. The two make a great pair when it comes to convincing people that God is really giving you Grace to who? A great title,
There are probably other reasons, but those are a few I can think of as I have observe over the years.
Posted by: Mysteryofthegospel
Date: January 21, 2013 08:26AM
…What happens if you are JM? Let me share a little about what I found out. A few years ago, he had an interview with Phil Johnson. I’m you know you he is. Anyway it was all about John’s conversion. Phil asked JM if he remembered a time when he made a decision to know Christ. JM said, “I actually do not remember. I was raise by godly parents and they lived out the Christian life in front of me.” JM’s dad was a preacher and JM’s grandfather was a preacher. JM said, “Actually I think I have always been a Christian” My response to that is “All have sinned and fall of the glory of God.” We all have to acknowledge that we are sinners and come to a point of repentance meaning humility, brokenness and beg for the truth of redemption in our lives. We have suppressed the truth in unrighteousness and therefore need what Christ has done by his shed blood and his sacrificial death to be made sin for us and then to understand that because He was raised from the dead we are raised with Him. That is Romans 5-8 in a nutshell. That is why we are not condemned because He has paid the price for us. But according to John’s testimony he is exempt from that. He has taken this and run with it to the point that he has become God of all churches and God of all people who come to shepherds conferences and without even any repentance or brokenness. “Oh, I don”t ever remember a time I didn’t love Christ.” This is a sign of an unregenerated dictator using God’s word as an imposter. Remember, Satan appears as an angel of light.
I know a lot of people still at Grace. The problem is and I fell into this until the Holy Spirit changed by life, is you get trapped into his confidence in scripture and the color code of his beautiful words. It is like you are lured in and then hooked with no way out. The church that I went to in Washington state helped me prepare for John when I came back. I was driven to study the word because of the imprisonment I was in. I studied John’s gospel and that is when I allowed the Spirit to be my teacher just like Jesus told the disciples in John 14-16. While at Grace you are locked up into his teaching and his web. Now I can know the fullness of truth and let the Spirit set me free to worship Him in Spirit and Truth.
Since I know John, I have attempted to write him on several occasion. I really did not expect to get an answer, but I did so I want to share it with you. It sort of fits in with what you said that JM has set some kind of franchise with the God of this universe. Only it is not with our Father, because God doesn’t treat people like JM does. JM is more the god of this world (2 Corinthians 4-4). Anyway I tried to confront him on issues of scripture and on his judgemental attitude and this is what he said:
“I just want to express my sadness that you have the attitude that you do towards me and towards the church. Where all of this comes from I’m not certain, but I am certain that I can’t do anything to remedy it nor will I defend myself or the church. We’re not on trial, and you’re not the judge.” He tells me not to waste my time writing anymore. Here are some problems. He never self-examines any wrongness he has done. When people criticize him, he says “We are not on trial.” He doesn’t know how much he is on trial before the Lord. He is so exempt and so arrogant that he cannot see his own faults. That is why he never remembers a time of true repentance and yet he will tell everyone else they need to repent. As I said, I know of five families whose marriages broke up because he acted as a judge and he tells me I can judge him? He should go on the internet and look at all the people who criticize doctrinal issues about John. What he would is say he is suffering as a good servant for the Lord. Another problem I see is he puts all the blame on those who try to give him constructive criticism by saying, “Get before the Lord and ask Him to fill you with His joy.
I have to go before God every day of my life. I am so filled with joy. I have expressed to him what God is doing in my life and how joyful I am and yet he tells me to get before the Lord? He is give the wrong person his advice. He should look in a mirror and give it to himself. If he could see all the notes I take in my Bible study time, he would have a different attitude. John is so defensive of himself and the church that in my opinion there is no hope for him to change. That is sad for me because I know him and I have been involved in the church for so long. As I said, the church did not start out this way. It is John who has done everything to corrupt this church. Christ is everything to me. I desire to know Him as Paul did. Grace would say that is impossible because you have to deal with your sin. I say, “non-sense”. Christ did it for me. God wants us to know Him. He wants to fellowship with us. He wants us to partake of his holiness and his life. That is why we have the Bible. That is why we have the Spirit of God to teach us and guide us in all truth. But for John, you said it. There is no Holy Spirit, no love, unless you abide by his rules and regulations and you believe in his doctrines. People I know still go there. I can’t communicate with them because of GCC’s hold on their lives and their beliefs.
Let me say, I have really never been hurt emotionally at Grace. I left because God was teaching me truth and helping me discern the error of JM and those on staff. I saw what happens when a a common ordinary man who has compassion gets on staff and becomes a monster instead of a man of God, and get JM will say he is godly just to protect his ego. Unfortunately, people like you have gotten hurt or the person who went to the college. What Grace would say is, That person is in sin or unsaved. The problem is they don’t even know that salvation in Christ really is, because they look at salvation through doctrine rather than through a personal experience of true brokenness. Yet they continue to counsel and people continue to go there because they are trapped. I have written a book, note specially about Grace. It is not published yet, but it will be soon, Lord willing, It is called, “Intimacy In God.” It is Biblically based and directs us to Christ and not the church. To me, the church draws you to itself in many cases, not to Christ. Grace is the epitome of that.
I could go all day on this because I have 20 years of experience on things that have happened there.
…However, I will not let my experiences at this church take away the joy I have in Christ. What I want to do is tell others to stay away from this place [Grace Community Church] and do not go to these schools and do not listen to Grace to You. We need to let everyone know and find others who have any tithes to this place. The one thing I am reminded of is JM has to go before the Lord. Jesus said that in John 5 when the tombs are raised. I believe that is when we are out of this body and we face God. JM has affected so many judgment that he will face double judgment (James 3).
Posted by: Mysteryofthegospel
Date: January 22, 2013 08:23AM
Dear GTW and Mark:
Your comments are so right on and appreciate both of you and your concern about MacArthurizm:
I have to go through both of your comments so we can work together regarding, JM, Calvinism, Neothetic Counseling and the whole of how they have hurt so many people. First let me say this. In each of these they take the word of God and the work of the Holy Spirit and twist everything to fit their doctrines and their dictorial attitude. And I agree having been a member of Grace for so many years seen how the scriptures have completely been taken out of context.
GTW, you are right about doctrine. But I think it is more than doctrine. It is attitude, it is a lack of trust in the Holy Spirit, it is a lack of compassion on people’s lives, people’s hurts and people’s individuality. There was a time in my life even at Grace that I went through conflicts in my life. I was afraid to go to any counselor there because I was afraid they would throw, SIN, SIN, SIN. So I would just go to the mountains and spend an hour or two talking to the Lord. I really felt at peace, but the next time I attended the church, it started all over again. When my wife and I moved to Washington state, we got the same thing. It got so bad that decided I was just going to let the Word of God teach me. Having been to Bible school, I learned principles how to study the Bible, how to keep context, how to relate one first to another and how to ask questions, not just about lverse relationships but about how to take scriptures personally and like I like to call it, take ownership of the Word in your inner being. I began with the gospel of John because I wanted to know Christ intimately in my life. If I was going to beable to deal with all the stress and frustration of the church, I needed to let the Spirit teach me. I was really reward. First, I understand that I had to put myself as a disciple of Jesus as the disciples. They had a mind that could learn, so I had a mind that could learn as long as I kept scripture in the same context that Jesus was teach them. Let me share with both of you a few verses and these are just a few.
In John 3:17 it says For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but the world through Him might be saved. What that means is even as much as we have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Christ came to redeem us from the curse of the law, not to make us guilty of the law. Remember Romans 8:1, There is now no comdemnation to those who are in Christ. God I do not believe looks at us through sin, but through the righteousness of Christ. That is why He paid the price for sin. I do not believe that if you are in Christ you deal with sin. My mind was so focused on sin because that is what Calvinism, Reformed Theology and JM says that you have no mind to focus on Christ. I decided I needed to focus on being saved, acknowledging my sinful by mourning and being broken that I have suppressed the truth of the Spirit in my inner man, and then focus on who I am in Christ. I am loved by Him, I am a partaker of His divine nature, I am owned by the Spirit to let Him live out His life in me, I am hidden with Christ in God, I am buried with HIm in baptism that I may be raised with Him in righteousness. That helped me look not at sin but who I was in Him.
Shortly after this, I left this church. It wasn’t easy, because they started tell me how much they loved me. They even bought a new car for my life and I. I said “no thank you” They called me ungrateful and not willing to submit to the authority of elders. That was OK with me, because to me, I was going to focus on Christ and not allow them to put that Calvinistic guilt trip on me. I got so made that I told them to shut up and get out. I never had been that bold in my lifel. But it was God’s word helping me see who I was in him so I could discern their attempt to bait me and hook me back to them. That helped me when I went back to Grace. When we finally left JM attempted to lure me with “I love you” Hogwash. He loves himself, he loves what he is in the pulpit so he can dominate. I wrote him a letter to tell him that his ministry was so full of the earrth and not of the Spirit. He wrote back and called me hostile and argumentive. I guess I was both according to his philosophy and his rules. But between me and the Lord, it sure felt good because after 20 years I finally stood up to this man. But I had to have confidence with the scripture and the Spirit. I could not allow these situations to let my mind deal with sin which I did not have to because there is not condemnation. Let me ask you guys a question. If there is sin in a person born of the Spirit, then how can the Spirit be in that person. Sin an righteousness are opposites. So if we are in Christ and His righteousness sin is not and issue with us. Righh? That is why Christ was made sin for us.
Calvin believed in Total Depravity. I do not think that is true…But who wants to listen to Reformed Theology that will make a depressed person feel guilty? Christ died for the ungod. I was ungodly once, but I am no more depravited because of Christ in me the hope of glory. I would much rather live in the Spirit, than have to deal with Calvinism or JM or neuthetic counseling.
Now, I think we all have a right to be angry. Why? Because the word of truth has been suppressed by men who have a form of godliness but deny the power because like you said GTW, there is no Holy Spirit and if there is no Holy Spirit, they have commited the only sin that is not forgiveable, blasphemy of the Spirit. They are under greater condemnation than they tell us we are under. I think we need to like your friends know how much they are loved by Christ and help them see the grace of God in the midst of their hurt.
Mark, I can’t believe that they would do that to your friend with bi-polar and yet that is what Reformed Theology does. It makes you the guilty party because they want to control with earrthly wisdom of the Bible to make you think they are so holy and righteousness. And in the case of JM it is doubled. In the twenty years I was at grace I never heard him talk about a sin he said committed or any brokenness in his life and yet he will condemn others, even national figures that they are unsaved and they need repentance right in the middle of 4000 people. How can national figures help a person in the congregation in their spiritual life? To me that comes from a nationally known Bible figure that is unregenerated.
Let me tell you both that I just wrote this man a letter to respect to a couple of lthings he told me. First he didn’t understand where I was coming from, referring to my arguments on what was going on at Grace. I am him my testimony on how God was working in my life. Then he told me a had to stop venting, in others being frustrated. Let me ask you, would you be frustrated if you went to a chuch for 20 years thinking you were getting truth and helping so many kids in AWANA to point them to Christ, then finding out that the guy is a jerk and probably not even of the Spirit. That is heartbreaking for me especially when I know him an I have worked with his children in the past. Let me give couple of things I wrote in this letter: He almost demanded that I get before the Lord and get right with God. I told him I am in the word every day, which I am. I go before the Lord and search my heart out before Him and ask Him to teach me truths that will help me know Him better. In his letter to me he said, “I don’t know where you are coming from.” I told him that I embrace truth, I embrace Christ, I embrace what I am as a living member of the church in my soul, I embrace all that I am in the Spirit of Truth. That brings me inexpressible joy that the mind that focuses on doctrines of this world cannot not know and therefore you cannot understand me or wherte I am going. In other place I told him that that I didn’t think that he was teaching of the Spirit in fact I doubted that he even had the Spirit in him.
Reformed Theology teaches doctrine even as wrong as it is, but Reformed Theology leaves out a personal relationship with God and they leave out the Holy Spirit completely.
Now, about the question regarding the mansion. I haven’t been to the new house, but I was at the old house. It was quite large. The thing is, when I was at that house his ministry was still small and he was much more person oriented. He loves baseball, football and basketball. In fact he had a tryout with the Washinngton Redskins. I remember going to a retreat and he was the guest speaker. He spent the whole afternoon with me getting to know me. That met a lot to me. But that has all changed. He and I are only two months apart in age. I have seen this man change from a reasonably speaking fair human being to a dictator worse than the pope. When the Master;s College came into play, that changed the whole structure of the church. The church would send him around the world. NOw I understand there is even an academy in John’s honor in one countryl. It is spreading so fast and your right Mark, it is time to do something about it. People are getting tripped into this. It isn’t just Grace but so many others you come to the shepherd’s conference learn then take MacArthurism to their church. I saw on the internet by one who says it is like a one-world church. That is scary for me since I know so many people who still go there but have no idea what is going on because the staff feelings they have to ‘PROTECT THEIR FLOCK” I can tell you this about John’s finances. He makes mega bucks. Every time a book is sold he get royalties. Every time Grace to You is broadcasted he gets royalties. The guy is loaded. Do you think he is going to give all of that up and his reputation by repenting of sin he doesn’t think he has? No way. That tells me he has no conscious mind toward the Lord Jesus Christ. Christ who was rich went into poverty for us. Paul says when he was a Pharisee of Pharisee, and found blameless, he gave up everyrthing to know Christ and be found in Him. We considered it as rubbish. But MacArthur wouln’t do this. He has an empire. People idolize him. They want to be a part of what he is doing. Boy, they blinded. Again I haven’t to his current residence but I can tell you that it is in a high-rent district…
Next, anything that I can do to help expose this most dangerous theology church and man I will be happy to help out.
…I am excited about what I am in Christ, I am excited about us sharing this with each other, and I am excited to find people like me who want to expose this cult in the name of the truth of the pure gospel and not the gospel according to MacArthur.
Posted by: Mysteryofthegospel
Date: January 22, 2013 11:19PM
I was a member of GCC for twenty years…I can tell you that Mahaney was a member of the UN and is very dangerous in the efforts against the true gospel of Christ. I think we need to be very careful and accurate in our efforts to fight against this most dangerous and Satan driven cult. I know MacArthur personally
Posted by: Mysteryofthegospel
Date: January 24, 2013 05:33AM
I have a friend of mine who I had in AWANA when he was a third grader. He loves me and I want to let him know that is going on at Grace because his sister is still there. I have to be gentle with him and help him through this so I can show him how wrong GCC is. He told me about his family members all of which I know and then another family. Both the parents of both families are divorced. It doesn’t matter of John teaches against divorce, when the Bible is taught wrong, people are going to do what they feel is right in their own eyes. One of the boys I had in AWANA got married then had a divorce because the wife used drugs. His mother who I know very well is in a mental home because she had a nervous breakdown. His sister works there and charges family members $200 a session to see their mother. INSANE. That is the result of teaching at GCC. Peoples lives are being turned upside down because JM uses hard theology of the reformist on people.
Posted by: Mysteryofthegospel
Date: January 26, 2013 08:31PM
…This is a dangerous cult and like Immel I was steeped in it and God took Me out. I must say, I threw all of MacArthur’s tapes and books out. If I am going to document him I can get it on the internet because his lies are all over the place and you can get so much info how he twists the scriptures to puff himself up and tear everybody else down.
We have to remember one thing. These people that promote Calvinsism and even the Armenianism which I don’t go along with either have to face Christ when they die in this body. I believe they are all going to plead like the rich man in Luke 16. They will have to live in that doctrine in hell for the rest of their lives because it is not just the doctrine, it is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit. Because I believe the Holy Spirit is in us to help us know Christ, not the doctrines of the devil such as Calvinism is.
Posted by: Mysteryofthegospel
Date: January 27, 2013 08:42PM
…Then when they find such men as Mahoney an Mohler and others to back up their thinking, then it adds to their belief system. This is what has happened to John MacArthur. It is a sad commentary in my mind how God’s truth is turned into a lie and passed down to so many people to listen to this every week.

10.  Testimony of a Christian who spent many years in a Macarthur-network church
Posted by: Lass o’ the Glen
Date: March 13, 2013 11:34AM
…Innocent believers find their way into JM’s teachings through their genuine desire to love God and His Church… Nouthetic counseling is an aberrant counseling method…but its roots lay deep within the hubris of JM’s patriarchal fundamentalist authoritarianism, which IMO should be the main focus of criticism.
JM’s network operates as if God grants a special measure of grace and authority to pastors JM has trained. This goes against what the Bible clearly teaches about the Holy Spirit and the priesthood of all believers. TMS reinforces this spiritual elitism. When a TMS pastor is puffed up with scriptural knowledge and the belief that God has uniquely anointed him with authority, it won’t be long before he thinks he has the right to dictate to and sit in judgment of his spiritually inferior fellow believers. TMS pastors impress people with their knowledge and cause believers to doubt their Holy Spirit guided understanding of the Scriptures. I would even go so far as to say that these pastors impose themselves between believers and the Spirit. They routinely assert that theirs is the only valid interpretation, and anyone who doesn’t hold to their interpretation is hellbound. They insist we can’t be trusted with interpreting the Bible for ourselves because our hearts are wicked and easily deceived. This implies that they believe that their own hearts are not.
This teaching causes great fear and more than a little cognitive dissonance in anyone who can still hear the Spirit and desires to walk with God. This dissonance leads to despair and self-condemnation, and the believer is crushed under the spiritual and emotional burden placed upon him. He has two choices: remain in the JM network and slap a *happy*shiny*face* over his self-doubt and despair, or make a run for the border. Making a run for it is often easier said than done because all the believer’s familial and social connections are usually tied into the church, so many sit and suffer in silence.
The other side of the coin are those believers who for whatever reason find affirmation and personal satisfaction in their affiliation with JM. Whether they too are operating from spiritual pride or merely practicing celebrity pastor worship, I’m not certain. I do know that the people I personally know who attend GCC are some of the most anxious, pessimistic and joyless people I’ve ever met. I feel sorry for them. Which is why I’m here.
Posted by: Lass o’ the Glen
Date: March 25, 2013 11:12PM
…I’ve been in a JM network church for a very long time. I lived through the shift from what you experienced at TMC in the 1990’s to where JM’s doctrines stand today.  JM has blended Calvinist soteriology with premill./dispensational eschatology and patched it together with Lordship Salvation. What you get with this is a lot of burdened, fearful, spiritually elitist people who have no peace, no freedom and no assurance of the love and grace of God.
People in these churches are so overwhelmed with guilt over their sins (little things like overeating and poor housekeeping) that they themselves ask to be publicly disciplined for them. They view normal stumblings, doubts or emotional lows as evidence that they were never saved in the first place, so you will see people in these churches get rebaptized whenever they come out of a low point in their faith. I’m convinced that their need to maintain a spiritual high is the primary reason they chase after celebrity pastors like rock stars, gobbling up their books and hopping from one RBD conference to another.
JM network church leaders always insist that what they teach is orthodox, nondenominational and Bible-centered. When confronted with the fact that their teaching is neo-Calvinistic, they’ll deny it and say it’s merely genuine Christian teaching. Since they do not recognize any other doctrine as being genuinely Christian, they do not recognize their doctrine as being neo-Calvinistic. To them their doctrine is truth and all others are error. You can’t convince them otherwise.
Posted by: Lass o’ the Glen
Date: June 07, 2013 02:17AM
…If people would only stop and compare JM’s teachings against the WHOLE COUNSEL OF GOD they’d see that JM’s teachings do not line up with it. GCC/TMS/TMC seem humanistic in their elevating the doctrines and disciplines of men above the salvic work of Christ on the cross and the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. It’s beginning to look as though JM and his institutions deny the Trinity in their beliefs and practices.